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Michael Collins
The intelligence assessment sent to Congress by President Obama supports the president's request that Congress authorize military action against Syria. The assessment consists of a series of assertions about evidence available without any display of that evidence. The materials are "classified," according to the document. That means we won't see the evidence. It also means that Congress can't investigate or debate the quality and reliability of the evidence in public since that would reveal classified information.
Since the chemical incident on August 21, the White House has argued with increasing confidence that the Syrian government was responsible for initiating the attack.
By Elizabeth Young
911 is without a doubt the most written about, analyzed and discussed conspiracy in the history of mankind. Yes, even the official story:
Nineteen fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, crashed airplanes into important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States because they “hate our freedoms,”
is a conspiracy between Osama Bin Laden (who isn’t even wanted by the FBI [1q]) and the Arab terrorists who the U.S. government claims hijacked planes and crashed them in to important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States.
“Conspiracy” is a REAL word for a REAL act that has existed in human societies in all cultures throughout human history. If conspiracies did not exist, we would not have a word for it. The problem that we face today is that the US Government has arrogated to itself a singular role as a political pontificate that believes that it and its agents in the Justice Department, alone, constitute the only “person” (corporate person) on this Earth who is allowed to use the word “conspiracy” as it employs the charge of “conspiracy” every week in trials to put both guilty and innocent people in jail while deriding and discrediting all others who employ the word as “conspiracy theorists.” (Paris Flammonde) [2q]
There are inside, outside and even an outside inside stories (conspiracy theories) about what really happened on 911.
Test your knowledge of the September 11, 2001 stories and see if you can spot the Terrorist Job (the story), The Inside Job/Global Domination (the story behind the story), The Exotic Weapon story (another story behind the story) or The Metaphysical story (the story behind the story behind the story behind the story!).
Mary Shaw
I first opened the checking and savings accounts, along with a safe deposit box, in the early 1980s, at Fidelity Bank. Then, through a series of mergers and buy-outs, it became First Fidelity, then First Union, and then Wachovia.
It was a good bank, with conveniently located branches and ATMs, friendly staff, and a reasonable fee structure. For three decades, it was my primary bank - where my paychecks were automatically deposited and from which most of my bills were automatically paid. It was all smooth and easy.
But then Wells Fargo bought Wachovia.
First, the rates went up. Now I had to maintain $1,500 in my checking account - rather than $1,000 - in order to avoid a monthly service charge. And my checking and savings accounts no longer entitled me to a 50% discount on my safe deposit box rental.
by Stephen Lendman
Once wasn't enough for Kerry. He came. He saw. He lied. He did twice. Friday was his second Colin Powell moment. It's prelude to lawless aggression.
Lies assure more lies. They used to launch wars. All wars are based on lies. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Truth is the ally of peace. It's the enemy of war.
On August 30, The headlined "Kerry Becomes Chief Advocate for US Attack," saying:
He "laid out the case. (He) mad(e) a closing argument to a skeptical jury."
Twenty-four times he lied saying "we know." He "left no doubt that the United States (will) respond with military power."
by Stephen Lendman
Russia emphatically opposes war on Syria. Throughout months of conflict, it's gone all out to prevent further escalation.
With China, it vetoed three Security Council resolutions to do so. Putin and Obama represent opposing doctrines.
Putin supports peace and stability. He believes nation-state sovereignty is inviolable. He affirms UN Charter and other fundamental rule of law principles.
Obama thrives on violence. He supports America's divine right of intervention. He's waging multiple direct and proxy wars. He's doing so lawlessly. He spurns international, constitutional and US statute laws.
He does so unaccountably. He does it to advance America's imperium. He's heading for war on Syria. He's doing so despite strong public sentiment opposition.
by Stephen Lendman
Media scoundrels march in lockstep. When America goes to war or plans one, they're supportive right or wrong.
Throughout months of conflict, they pilloried Assad. They did so unjustifiably. They turned truth on its head. They blame him for insurgent crimes. They do it repeatedly.
On August 30, Wall Street Journal editors headlined "The Chemical Evidence," saying:
"Kerry echoes Bush in making the case on WMD(s) in Syria. If (he) talked like this in 2004, he would have been president." Clear evidence showed another stolen election. Gore won in 2000. Kerry won convincingly. They knew it. They stayed silent. Bush lost both times. He got eight years in office.
By Stephen Lendman
When US enemies don't exist, they're invented. When rule of law principles are clear and unequivocal, they're twisted to fit US policy.
On August 30, White House Special Assistant to the President/Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest said:
"When the president reaches a determination about the appropriate response and a legal justification is required to substantiate or to back up that decision, we'll produce one on our own."
In other words, reasons given will fit policy. They'll be created out of whole cloth. They'll violate core legal principles, standards and norms.
It doesn't matter. What Obama says goes. He wants war on Syria. He'll get it. Who'll argue with bombs away? Who'll confront cruise missile diplomacy? Who'll hold him accountable? Who challenged past war criminal presidents? They do what they want. They do it with impunity.
by Stephen Lendman
Obama's America is an out-of-control rogue state. It's nuclear armed and dangerous. It maintains large stockpiles of hugely toxic chemical and biological weapons.
They're used freely in all US wars. Washington threatens world peace. It risks global war. It's no land of the free and home of the brave. It's not beautiful.
It's no democracy. It's run by cutthroat criminals. They're gangsters. They're thugs. They're hoodlums. They're barbarians.
They're corrupt. They're morally depraved. They're ethically challenged. They want everything for themselves. They want unlimited wealth, power and privilege.
They're waging war on humanity for global dominance. They're benefitting at the expense of its survival. They need to be stopped at all costs. The alternative is potential annihilation.
by Stephen Lendman
A Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC) position paper offered straight talk on what's ongoing. It did so responsibly.
PHROC's a 12 Palestinian human rights organization coalition. It's polar opposite US/Israeli policy.
It supports peaceful conflict resolution. It wants it based in international legal standards. They include:
by chycho
Everything is politics, from what we eat to what we drink, from what society deems acceptable behavior to what it considers a criminal offence, from who we interact with to how we interact with them. Politics decides if we are free or if we live as slaves in bondage.
Politics determines what our children are taught in school, how we treat the ecosystem, what theories scientists investigate, how art is perceived (video), what version of history we recall, and how the future will remember us.
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