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by Stephen Lendman
Rogue leaders overstep. They never quit. Tyranny in America is hardwired. Bush authorized it for eight years. Obama exceeds his worst policies. He masquerades as people friendly.
He does so fraudulently. American freedom is vanishing. It's doing so in plain sight. Obama usurped diktat power. His word alone is policy. It replaced rule of law principles. Tyrants operate that way.
by Stephen Lendman
At this writing, efforts to secure their release continue. Reports suggest freeing them on Saturday likely.
UN officials hoped to do so Friday. Unsafe conditions and darkness delayed things. So does dealing with rogue killers.
They're not rebels. They're Western-recruited hired guns. They're heavily armed, trained, funded and directed. They're proxy US assassins.
by Stephen Lendman
AIPAC operates lawlessly. It's an unregistered foreign agent. It prioritizes militancy, war, occupation harshness, apartheid, racist hate, and Israel uber alles.
It's a dagger in the heart of rule of law principles and democratic value. It menaces world peace. Its annual conferences display the worst of its agenda.
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
If a new age of disharmony is dawning on the changing world, even then the antagonist six super powers and Iran met in Kazakhstan, Central Asia to discuss conflicting perceptions, hypothesis and realities of a nuclear Iran posing threats to the industrialized West. Many well placed Western strategists have worked hard to transform some of the illusionary perceptions into workable acts of stage performance as was the case with the Israeli PM Netanyahu recently speaking at the UNO General Assembly. Facts are denied access in the mainstream Western news media and fictions become front-page headlines for public consumption and fear mongering. It is the same strategy used by George Bush and his accompanying psychopaths shortly after the September 2001 attacks on America. Bush- a single minded authoritarian absolute president wanted to demonstrate sense of power and security to the frightened America masses and to exploit the occasion to dominate the poor and destitute people with American military might and so he did bombed many nations and disturbed Muslim graveyards across the globe. What did America achieve out of this stigma of War? Nothing except massive and continued deaths and destructions of the mankind. What are they up to again in warmongering against Iran? America is the lead nation and its political leadership and Israel under Netanyahu the instigator to imagine the perception of Iranian nuclear threat in a distant and perhaps unknown future. Throughout the 2012, the war hysteria was envisaged and accelerated by human psyche and news media perpetuated the coming age of darkness and siege by the industrial-military complex flourishing out of Washington. Dr. Lasha Darkmoon, an academic in classic studies, author of many political viewpoints on America and Europe and a poet (“Armageddon Approaches” Occidental Observer 2/21/2012) provides the cautious insight:
by Walter Brasch
I received a letter from a friend this past week. It was a letter he should never have had to write, yet did so out of desperation. He is 80 years old, living off occasional writings and Social Security. He has Medicare, but no dental insurance, and that’s the problem. He needs dental work. A lot of dental work. $10,000 worth of dental work.
Many dental insurance plans for individuals are so expensive, and give relatively few benefits, that many dentists suggest the premiums just aren’t worth it.
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers
The death of Hugo Chávez is a great loss to the people of Venezuela who have been lifted out of poverty and have created a deep participatory democracy. Chavez was a leader who, in unity with the people, was able to free Venezuela from the grips of US Empire, brought dignity to the poor and working class, and was central to a Latin American revolt against US domination.
Chávez grew up a campesino, a peasant, raised in poverty. His parents were teachers, his grandmother an Indian whom he credits with teaching him solidarity with the people. During his military service, he learned about Simon Bolivar, who freed Latin America from Spanish Empire. This gradually led to the modern Bolivarian Revolution he led with the people. The Chávez transformation was built on many years of a mass political movement that continued after his election, indeed saved him when a 2002 coup briefly removed him from office. The reality is Venezuela’s 21st Century democracy is bigger than Chávez, this will become more evident now that he is gone.
by Stephen Lendman
Israel's Supreme Court ruled twice on her. Most recently it did so in mid-February. It went both ways. More on that below.
In July 2010, Knesset members stripped her of key parliamentary rights and privileges. They did so lawlessly and maliciously. They targeted her for doing the right thing.
She participated in the May 2010 Freedom Flotilla. She was aboard the Mavi Marmara. It was bringing vital aid to Gaza. Israeli commandos attacked it. They murdered nine activists on board in cold blood.
by Stephen Lendman
Venezuelans mourn. Chavismo lives! Bolivarianism is institutionalized.
Venezuelans expect no less. They want no part of their ugly past. They'll put their bodies on the line to prevent it. They did before. They'll do it again.
Bolivarianism is policy. It's vital to preserve. It's polar opposite neoliberal harshness. America and Venezuela are constitutional worlds apart. More on that below.
On March 5, word came at 4:45PM. Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced it. "We have just received the most tragic and awful information," he said. Hugo Chavez Frias died. "It's a moment of deep pain."
by Stephen Lendman
Throughout his tenure, he ignored the best, brightest, most honorable and well qualified. He chose cabinet and other top picks he should have spurned.
He did again. He addressed reporters in the White House East Room. He "announc(ed nominations for) three outstanding individuals to help us tackle some of our most important challenges."
by Stephen Lendman
On March 3, AIPAC's 2013 conference began. It "Celebrat(es) 65 Years of Friendship." It's nothing to be admired.
It supports war, occupation, exploitation and dominance. It deplores peace, equity and justice.
It's contemptuous of fundamental human rights. It believes Jews are God's chosen people. It thinks Arabs are subhumans. It favors eliminating them altogether. War is its instrument of choice.
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