"Why hasn't a better connection been made to the relationship of former Nazis and the beginnings of the CIA? And let us not forget the close ties between the CIA and the Nazis, as well as the close ties of the Bush family with both!"


U.S. World Crime and Our Media 

Posted June 11, 2004 thepeoplesvoice.org

By: Ted Lang

Ask those who have seriously examined the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and you are definitely going to get several responses that include accusations against the CIA. In fact, the last account I remember reading offered that the CIA partnered with organized crime to pull off yet another government perpetrated assassination. And that's not really hard to swallow, especially when one recognizes that Kennedy patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy used organized crime and its control of labor unions and the corrupt Cook County, Illinois Democratic machine of the Daleys to get his son John elected president.

In order to make, what for most people is the gigantic and impossible intellectual leap that allows for at least the possibility for such government plotting and crime, at least one carefully documented secret criminal plot must be exposed. But most important for the acceptance of such intrigue, is not only the source of such information, but its reliability as well. This is where a "free and independent" press comes in. This is where free, independent and reliable, as well as unbiased, journalistic reporting and analysis are so vital. And when journalistic reliability is non-existent, or if it is completely debased or corrupted, then government crime and wrongdoing will flourish.

The American press is seemingly unaccountable to anyone. Exposure of bias, now readily understood and recognized as commonplace in virtually all the media, had two primary drivers: first, the whining of Rush Limbaugh as concerns the liberalness of the "mainstream media," and secondly, the Internet. And what has been also exposed, albeit relegated to a position secondary in nature to the charges of liberal bias, is the actual control our government and its "officials" and politicians have over the media.

The Limbaughs of the world look at our compromised press only from the standpoint of partisan politics, and not the more serious and glaring problem: government/politician control. And as with any group of criminals who succeed in getting away with crimes that are increasingly vile, and increasingly damaging to society, their continuing success breeds both arrogance and boldness.

Hours after the crash of American Airlines 587, two live, at-the-scene televised eyewitness accounts were deliberately garbled in violation of existent federal laws by what obviously must have been FBI operatives using electronic jamming devices. The FBI cover-up of the missile shoot-down of TWA 800 is generally known by almost everyone, but a serious follow-up by the mainstream press is still outstanding.

The foregoing represents the obvious explanation as to why two notable American politicians not only escaped criminal prosecution, but actually rode the crest of popularity culminating in their election to public office. More and more information is coming out as regards former U.S. Senator from Connecticut, Prescott Bush, the current president's grandfather, and former New York Governor, W. Averell Harriman.

On their website, Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin offer a downloadable cyber book: George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm. It is a book that intends to send out a dire warning about the intentions as well as the international connections of the Bush family. Rather than expound upon its purpose, here are quotes from its introductory chapter, entitled "American Caligula"

As this book goes to press in the autumn of 1991, public awareness of the long-term depression of the American economy is rapidly growing. If Bush were re-elected, he would view himself as beyond the reach of the voters and the popular will; with the federal deficit rising beyond a billion dollars a day, a second Bush administration would dictate such crushing austerity as to bring the country to the brink of civil war. Some harbingers of what might be coming are described in the last chapter of this book. Our goal has been to assemble as much of the truth about Bush as possible within the time constraints imposed by the 1992 election. Time and resources have not permitted us meticulous attention to certain matters of detail; we can say, nevertheless, that both our commitment to the truth and our final product are better than anything anyone else has been able to muster, including news organizations and intelligence agencies with capabilities that far surpass our own.

How can we hope to fight the mightily Bush power cartel with a biography, a mere book? We have no illusions of easy success, but we were encouraged in our work by the hope that a biography might stimulate opposition to Bush and his policies. It will certainly, if only by virtue of its novelty, pose a new set of problems to those seeking to get Bush re-elected. For although Bush is now what journalists call a world leader, no accurate account on his actual career exists in the public domain.

The volume which we submit herewith to the court of world public opinion is, to the best of our knowledge, the first and only book- length, unauthorized biography of George Bush. It is the first approximation of the truth about his life. This is the first biography worthy of the name, a fact that says a great deal about the sinister power and obsessive secrecy of this personage. None of the other self-announced biographies (including Bush's campaign autobiography) can be taken seriously; each of these books is a pastiche of lies, distortions and banalities that run the gamut from campaign panegyric to the Goebbels Big Lie to fake but edifying stories for credulous children. Almost without exception, the available Bush literature is worthless. I draw your attention to several points made in this introduction: ".news organizations and intelligence agencies . no accurate account of his actual career . the sinister power and obsessive secrecy of this personage ..." 

Of course, it must be understood that the authors are targeting Bush I, or 41, and not our current president, his son. Tarpley and Chaitkin acknowledge their roughshod research, offering it as constrained by the timing of the Bush 41 re-election effort. But there are valuable benchmarks that are established, and which achieve uncanny corroboration in other published efforts, especially with regard to Chapter Two, entitled, "The Hitler Project"

Although I have used other references, as have other Internet articles on the subject, "The Hitler Project" goes into a lot greater detail as regards the involvement of "American" politicians Senator Prescott Bush and Governor Averell Harriman. Tarpley and Chaitkin document the heavy involvement that Bush and Harriman had in combining the banking and manufacturing interests that made Adolf Hitler and the Nazis possible. And Hitler's concept of a "New Order" and the Bush family's concept of a "New World Order" are totally compatible.

Why haven't these facts come out before? Why hasn't a better connection been made to the relationship of former Nazis and the beginnings of the CIA? And let us not forget the close ties between the CIA and the Nazis, as well as the close ties of the Bush family with both!

The powerful implications exhibited by the current Bush administration, an obvious and much more sinister continuation of the first Bush administration, poses a real serious threat to not only our individual freedoms, but to the national sovereignty and freedom of all peoples the world over. If national sovereignty cannot guarantee the individual freedom of its citizens, especially here and now in the United States, then what could be in store for the entire human race when the Bushes, the Kerrys, and the rest of the Skull and Bones Illuminati create and enforce their New World Order?


© THEODORE E. LANG 6/10/04 All rights reserved. Ted Lang is a political analyst and a freelance writer.