


41,909 bodies counted, 10,000 missing, death count higher than 51,909

David Swanson, World BEYOND War

We generally accept that if you do a census and only count the people who answer their doors you miss some people, and that you can calculate an estimate that reliably gets closer to reality than the list of people who answer their doors. Of course it will get closer, the more information you can gather. But those insisting that people who do not answer their doors be treated as not existing are widely understood, not as principled fact checkers, but as having ulterior reasons for desiring undercounts.


The fact is not really disputed that in every war there are people who die without being identified at a morgue. They may die from direct war violence or from starvation or disease resulting from a war’s destruction of hospitals. They may be blown into little pieces, be buried under buildings, drown in the sea, or die hours after being born. There’s no certain way to know the exact proportion between identified and unidentified deaths in a given war. But even in a dense, relatively educated place and even with the growth of social media, a zone in which hospitals, media outlets, power plants, and — in fact — every type of building, have been reduced to rubble is unlikely to set the record for the lowest percentage of unidentified deaths — much less eliminate them altogether.


In fact, the same government in Gaza that provides the figure always cited in Western media for Palestinian deaths in Gaza (direct deaths from violence) — currently 41,909 — also says, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, that it estimates there are another 10,000 buried under rubble. In other words, the 41,909 are reported as bodies that have been counted, and a large majority of them identified with names (an independent study suggests the reliability of the identified names), but another 10,000 or so bodies are missing and have not been found. The 10,000 may be a very rough estimate, also known as a wild guess. But it’s very likely closer to the truth than is zero. Reporting an estimate of 51,909 would almost certainly be closer to the truth than reporting 41,909. And the very same source you’re citing for 41,909 would tell you that.

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Kamala Harris represents a militant, in-your-face feminism...

Cathy Smith

Kamala Harris is an intensely divisive figure in contemporary politics—an incandescent icon for some, an ongoing disappointment for many others. As the first-ever woman Vice President, she embodies a pivotal feminist moment. But this political achievement does raise some disturbing questions on what empowerment is and for whom.

Wrapped up in Harris's political persona is a profound commitment to security and law enforcement at the expense of those self-same communities that she is supposed to represent. This was taken to its logical conclusion in her tenure as Attorney General for California, where she tended towards tough-on-crime policies that evidently hit low-income and minority communities the hardest. Critics charge that her policies moved closer towards more punitive measures and away from justice itself but underline how feminist tropes of empowerment can be intertwined with state power and surveillance.

These intersections of feminism and state security raise profound ethical issues. A certain stream of feminist thought has allied itself with state interests, which often argue for policies of safety and security at the expense of individual freedoms. Such alliances more often than not further reinforce structures of domination. For example, in the context of the War on Drugs, some feminist leaders supported what was seen as "protectionist" policies that answered calls for increased surveillance and incarceration, which by and large disproportionately attacked already-marginalized communities (Crenshaw, 1991).

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South-East Europe culturally and historically is an integral part of the
European civilization, influenced throughout the centuries by East
Mediterranean, Central, West, and East European cultural features.

by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović 


A geopolitical issue of South-East Europe became of very importance for scholars, policymakers, and researchers with the question of the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire as one of the most crucial features of the beginning of the 20th century in European history. A graduate collapse of the one-time great empire was accelerated and followed by competition and struggle by both, the European Great Powers and the Balkan national states, upon the territorial inheritance of it. While the European Great Powers had the aim to obtain new spheres of political-economic influence in South-East Europe, followed by the task to establish a new balance of power in the continent, a total collapse of the Ottoman state was seen by small Balkan nations as the unique historical opportunity to enlarge the territories of their national-states by the unification of all ethnolinguistic compatriots from the Ottoman Empire with the motherland. The creation of a single national state, composed of all ethnographic and historic “national” lands, was in the eyes of the leading Balkan politicians as a final stage of national awakening, revival, and liberation of their nations which started at the turn of the 19th century on the ideological basis of the German romanticist nationalism expressed in a formula: “One Language-One Nation-One State”.¹

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Paul Craig Roberts

Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Democrat Law School Deans Say Free Speech Threatens Their Agendas. Democrats are no longer the party of John F. Kennedy. They and their media whores are the party of Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda.

Fearful of the Public, Western Leaders Turn to Censorship
Ian DeMartino

On Saturday, former US First Lady Hillary Clinton called for increased federal regulation of the internet and repealing Section 230. “If the platforms… don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control,” she said, raising the question of who “we” represents in that statement.

The recent purge of YouTube accounts, including those from Mark Sleboda, Rachel Blevins, Glenn Diesen, DD Geopolitics, Fiorella Isabel, Larry Johnson, and Eva K. Bartlett, it is clear that the Western leaders are scared of their populations finding out the truth about their policies and actions.

“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people,” Former US President John F. Kennedy.

“That’s what they’re afraid of,” Sleboda, an expert in geopolitical relations and a frequent guest on Sputnik Radio, told The Final Countdown. “They don’t trust you to hear an alternate view from the official US government narrative and come to what they consider the right political conclusions.”

Many Americans were taught that freedom was proof-positive that Western-style democracies were superior to other systems.


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by Chris Spencer

"In a landscape where many are silenced, the growing discontent of white men reveals an urgent cultural injury—a plea for recognition that, if ignored, could set off a destructive wave of division."

The one thing that most white men in America have in common, despite their different ages and socio-economic backgrounds, is anger and frustration born from the non-existence of a strong men's rights movement. “White Nationalists” (this identity is stuffed down our throats by Leftist Theorists) have watched, often for years, as articulate or stunt-prone minorities take over politics and culture, and what little voices they have (30% of America's population are Caucasian Males) become demeaned and marginalized. Terms like "skinhead" or "bigot" not only derail their experiences but also contribute to growing resentment and feelings of disenfranchisement. 50-years of de-masculinizing America have turned her into a hollowed out shell of her former self; the last 30-years, the greatest technological achievements are digital facial recognition, license plate readers, cell phone surveillance and satellite tracking of everyone. Workplace promotions based on sexism and reverse skin-color racism rather than merit have turned America into an open sewer.

Many Caucasian males in America detest the 0.25-0.35 grabbing the media attention with flag-burning stunts – while the seething, hideous rage in 30% of America continues to be taunted with titles like "White Nationalists," aka Hebrew Media-speak for implying we are Hitler-Mussolini-fans. This media cheating and abuse is the new newspeak.

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  Military to Use ‘lethal Force’ Against Americans

Leo Hohmann | The timing of Federal Directive 5240.01 is interesting in light of the upcoming election and the government's narrative about right wing extremists being the 'biggest threat' to US national security. | A video clip has resurfaced from May of 2019 in which Kamala Harris advocates weaponizing the DOJ against speech the government doesn’t like, and the platforms that allow it.  In the meantime, one month before a tense presidential election, the U.S. Department of Defense has authorized U.S. military “defense intelligence components” to use “lethal force” against American citizens if requested by state or local law enforcement in an emergency situation. More on this in a minute, but first let’s get to the May 2019 video showing Kamala Harris unleashing her inner dictator. Speaking at the annual NAACP ‘Fight for Freedom Fund’ dinner in Detroit, Harris threatened: “We will put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division, and direct Law Enforcement to counter this extremism.


  Here’s how much each NY state resident will have to fork over in taxes to cover migrant crisis bill

Here’s how much each NY state resident will have to fork over in taxes to cover migrant crisis bill | Each of New York's 10.7 million taxpayers would have to fork over $215 on average to foot the bill for the state's ongoing migrant crisis, according to a new analysis. Put another way, it would take the entire tax bill paid by 328,471 New Yorkers together to cover the $2.3 billion tab to house and care for the staggering number of asylum seekers in the state. The analysis was conducted by the campaign of Gina Arena, the Republican candidate in the 40th state Senate district in the lower Hudson Valley, based on the average $7,000 state income tax bill for New Yorkers in 2022.

  U.S. Embassy in Beirut: "Leave Lebanon NOW!"

U.S. Embassy in Beirut issues URGENT and IMMEDIATE Warning: "Leave Lebanon NOW!" | The US Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon has issued an URGENT and IMMEDIATE warning to Americans saying "Leave Lebanon NOW." The Embassy points out that the US government has reserved "thousands" of seats on planes out of Beirut, many of which are going unused, and that Americans are URGED to leave Lebanon immediately. Israel is said to be planning a “Large-Scale Response” against Hezbollah for yesterday’s Drone Attack on the Golani Brigade’s Training Base near Binyamina, which resulted in the Death of Four Soldiers.

  Israel Burns Gazan People Alive

'Israel' burns Palestinians alive in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital (Al Mayadeen)

  Smotrich’s ‘Greater Israel’ fantasy rooted in Theodor Herzl’s Zionism

Alireza Akbari | Israeli regime minister Bezalel Smotrich in a TV show earlier this week brazenly expounded the plan to expand the occupying entity "as far as Damascus," sparking massive backlash. | Known for his racist and fascist demagoguery, Smotrich made the remarks in a recently released documentary titled 'In Israel: Ministers of Chaos', in which he claimed that the expansionist agenda, rooted in the Zionist vision of a "Greater Israel" beyond the Jordan River, would unfold "little by little."

💬 "Absolutely, but slowly," Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu's close aide and confidante said when asked about extending the regime's "borders" from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. "Our great sages used to say that the future of Jerusalem was to extend as far as Damascus."

His comments came amid Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza and Lebanon. While the aggression against Lebanon has killed over 2,000 and displaced at least a million others, the onslaught on Gaza has so far claimed more than 42,000 lives and displaced over 1.5 million Palestinians in the enclave. [...] Greater Israel is an expansionist and irredentist concept and a plan to expand the Zionist entity into the territories of West Asia and North Africa.

‘Idea of greater Israel fuelling Netanyahu’s ideology’: top UN official (10/13/24)


  Is the US government using weather modification technology to strengthen hurricanes?

With ultra-violent hurricanes like Milton and Helene threatening devastation in key swing states just weeks before the presidential election, some people are questioning: Have these storms been manipulated by the government? The devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene across the American South has prompted many uncomfortable questions, including: is the government running an “October Surprise” to help Kamala Harris win the presidency? That people wonder about such things is because they can’t help but notice Helene’s intensity, which is reportedly stronger than Hurricane Katrina, the storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005.

  Diddy affair exposes America’s need for ‘real journalism’ – Zakharova to RT

The US should fix its domestic mess instead of blaming everything on Russia, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman believes. The “enormous scandal” around US rapper Sean Combs, also known as P Diddy, has exposed America’s need for “real journalism” and for efforts to fix its domestic affairs rather than global ones, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has told RT in an exclusive interview. Combs, the 54-year-old three-time Grammy award winner and prominent hip-hop producer behind the landmark label Bad Boy Records, has been charged with racketeering and sex trafficking, and is facing over 100 additional sexual misconduct allegations, including against minors, dating back to the early 1990s. “We’re not just talking about indecent behavior or minor infractions like illegal weapons possession or drug use. We’re not even talking about hypocrisy – like generally being an affront to the ideals they pretended to promote. No, they’re implicated in a system that has been built over decades, coercing people into illegal activities through violence,” Zakharova said.

  CIA officer jailed for sexually abusing dozens of women

Brian Jeffrey Raymond photographed his victims and kept detailed notes on the abuse he committed, a Washington DC court heard. A former CIA officer has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting more than two dozen women while working for the agency in South America. Law enforcement found hundreds of images of the disgraced spy groping and abusing his unconscious victims on his computer. Brian Jeffrey Raymond was handed his sentence by a Washington DC court on Wednesday, nearly a year after he pleaded guilty to one count each of sexual abuse, abusive sexual contact, coercion and enticement, and transportation of obscene material. As part of a plea deal with federal prosecutors, Raymond admitted to raping an additional four women, sexually abusing six, and taking obscene photographs of 28 female victims.

  Russian victory will liberate Europe – top French historian

European “submission” to the US will be be prolonged for a century if Moscow loses in Ukraine, according to Emmanuel Todd. A Ukrainian defeat would represent a victory for all of Europe, French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd has claimed, in an interview with the Italian news outlet Corriere di Bologna published on Tuesday. According to Todd, who has stressed that he is not an explicit supporter of Moscow, if Russia were to lose in the Ukraine conflict, this would allow “European submission to the Americans to be prolonged for a century.” The leading intellectual has argued that Europe has effectively delegated the representation of the West to the US and has been paying the consequences ever since. He claims in the interview that nothing can be done to change this fact at the moment due to the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but suggests that its outcome will “decide the fate of Europe.”

  Don’t Forget About How NATO’s Northeastern Flank Can Stir Up A Lot Of Trouble For Russia

Estonia wouldn’t talk about blockading the Gulf of Finland without prior encouragement from the US. Most of the discourse surrounding the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine naturally focuses on events inside that country. This nowadays includes the improvised “war of attrition” that’s being waged by both sides within it, false flag attack scenarios against its nuclear power plants, and what would have to happen for Russia or Belarus to use nukes in this conflict. What most commentators have forgotten about though is how NATO’s northeastern flank can stir up a lot of trouble for Russia if the order is given.

  NEW STUDY - Women vaccinated against COVID-19 during pregnancy had higher rates of miscarriage, abnormal placentas, decreased amniotic fluid, and abnormal birth weights

This study reveals that the CDC's continued COVID-19 injection push for pregnant women is deeply concerning and should be halted immediately. This cross-sectional study included 438 women who gave birth or were pregnant. Most participants were aged 25 - 35 years old (58.8%), and 61.3% were university graduates. The Pfizer vaccine was the most used, followed by AstraZeneca and Moderna. Pregnant women who did not receive any doses during pregnancy showed higher frequencies of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 compared to pregnant women not vaccinated during pregnancy.

  In this report we describe the case of a healthy, young, athletic woman who developed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia /lymphoblastic lymphoma after the 2nd dose of #Pfizer #mRNA COVID-19 genetic vaccine

Case study documented how the second dose of Pfizer Covid vaccination quickly induced Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a cancer of the lymphoid line of blood cells characterized by the development of large numbers of immature lymphocytes – a blood-based cancer) in a healthy, young, athletic woman. Only 4 months had passed from the ill-fated second injection to the diagnosis of cancer.

  U.S. to send $567M in military aid to Taiwan, ignoring China’s “red lines” related to the island nation

The US began providing Taiwan with US-funded military aid last year by Dave DeCamp September 22, 2024 at 7:29 pm ET CategoriesNewsTagsChina, Taiwan The Biden administration is preparing to provide Taiwan with $567 in military aid as the US continues to ignore China’s red lines related to the island, Defense News reported on Friday. The weapons package is in the final stages and will be provided through the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), which allows the US to ship weapons to other countries directly from US military stockpiles. The military aid will be the largest PDA package that the US has provided Taiwan. Since Washington severed diplomatic relations with Taipei in 1979 as part of a normalization deal with Beijing, the US has always sold weapons to Taiwan but never financed the purchases or provided the arms free of charge until last year.
America Last: After Spending $640 Million On Migrants And Billions Abroad, FEMA Suddenly 'Broke'

  Perverted Leftists want to “pre-bunk” children from “conspiracy theories” while they brainwash them into gender-bender surgery and cancer-inducing hormone drugs

There is nothing more insidious than adults who prey on children and try to influence them to think and act in perverted ways that often lead to sexual abuse, torture and death. There are many hidden agendas that are integral to the whole “misinformation” and “disinformation” campaigns the U.S. government, Big Tech and Big Pharma are running in full force now, but the brainwashing, perverting and trafficking of children and teens is at the top of the Communist-Democrat-Liberal heap, and it’s getting worse by the day. The cover story, of course, is that Conservatives are spreading “conspiracy theories” about everything, from white supremacy to corrupt medicine, and from war mongering to open borders. Now, you can’t even ask questions about Leftist ideologies or you are considered to be spreading misinformation and disinformation. There’s no questioning the gender-bender movement, deadly mRNA vaccines or the money laundering communists in Washington DC or you’re considered a “domestic terrorist” and a “threat to democracy.” This requires careful consideration.




"The democrat party is a demonic death cult."




‘Right to Rape’: US Officials Meet Counterparts at Infamous Israeli Torture Camp (Sputnik)


Radical leftists are now calling for me to be ARRESTED because I told @JackPosobiec that I originally entered Western North Carolina illegally. You know what? Do it. Arrest me. I’ll NEVER apologize for saving the lives of the forgotten. Bring it on.

The democrat communists want to destroy America and the American people. They don't want the republican stronghold of Ashville North Carolina voting. They want them starving and dying. The democrat communists don't want to give the American people any FEMA money. They Want all the money going to their precious illegal immigrant voters.

I'm asking for just one dollar. thepeoplesvoice.org takes over 45,000 hits each day. If only a few of you would give just one dollar we could repair the site. Please, won't you give just one dollar? Editor thepeoplesvoice.org


The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture's War on the American Family

Learn from one of our leading conservative voices how we can return to the biblical values our nation was founded upon, especially the vital importance of the family, in order to secure a prosperous future for generations to come. Does America no longer feel like home? Widespread divorce rates, the erosion of traditional marriage, the popular rise of radical ideologies, attacks on faith, and government interference are only a few of the factors contributing to the struggles of families in our culture. And because of the importance of healthy families to every part of our national life, the breakdown of the family threatens to rob us of the country we love. But it doesn't have to be this way. Like many of us, Dr. Ben Carson fears we are losing the country we love. In this provocative and ultimately hopeful book, he gives us the facts, inspiration, and theory-to-action answers we need to restore a key foundation of America: the family.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

Originally published in 2007, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, by John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen M. Walt of Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, provoked both howls of outrage and cheers of gratitude for challenging what had been a taboo issue in America: the impact of the Israel lobby on U.S. foreign policy. A work of major importance, it remains as relevant today as it was in the immediate aftermath of the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006. Mearsheimer and Walt describe in clear and bold terms the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the United States provides to Israel and argues that this support cannot be fully explained on either strategic or moral grounds. This exceptional relationship is due largely to the political influence of a loose coalition of individuals and organizations that actively work to shape U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction. They provocatively contend that the lobby has a far-reaching impact on America's posture throughout the Middle East―in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

INVADED: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System

In the final year of the Trump Presidency, the border was within reach of being secure as the daily arrests had dwindled to the lowest numbers in Border Patrol history. Nations south of our border that once violated our nation’s sovereignty and blatantly disrespected our nation, now adhered to our strong President who forced those nations to heel and show our great nation respect On January 20, 2021, everything changed. President Biden has intentionally destroyed the American immigration system through the manipulation of DHS policies and laws. Never in American history has our nation been invaded by millions of foreigners all with the encouragement and direct assistance of the United States government. The once proud United States Border Patrol has been forced to participate in the unlawful smuggling of millions of illegal aliens to their final destinations across America. Morale within DHS, specifically the Border Patrol and ICE, does not exist.
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Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age

What does it mean to face the beast? Ms. Wolf poses the question: "Does it mean facing the fact that evil on an unimaginable scale is having its way with our world? Or does it mean facing the ugliness, the hatred that manifested so hideously from inside the selves of so many of us?" All of us who lived in a lockdown or mandate state for three years will "always live with a shadow of fear." During the COVID hysteria, some people became the basest humans, denouncing others who had the temerity to exercise their personal freedoms. Some hospitals even threatened to deny medical care to those unvaccinated. Naomi Wolf had the gall to give voice to studies showing the Pfizer vaccine was affecting women's menstrual cycles, among other more dangerous adverse side effects. In return, she was vilified by the medical community, denounced by most of the liberal media, and had her life threatened.
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The Democrat Party Hates America

Insightful and hard-hitting as ever, Levin proves that since its establishment, the Democrat Party has set out to rewrite history and destroy the foundation of freedom in America. More than a political party, it is the entity through which Marxism has installed its philosophy and its new revolution. As in a Thomas Paine pamphlet or a clarion call from Paul Revere, Levin alerts his fellow Americans to the destruction this country is facing, and rallies them to defeat the threat in front of us—more looming than ever. He writes, “Every legal, legitimate, and appropriate tool and method must be employed in the short- and long- run to defeat the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party must be resoundingly conquered in the next election and several elections thereafter, or it will become extremely difficult to undo the damage it is unleashing at breakneck pace.”
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For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind

Today’s Democrat Party is controlled by an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by woke ideology and racializing everything. They are a clear and present threat to the God-given freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. A combat veteran, 4-term member of Congress, and 2020 presidential candidate, Tulsi loves her country: “I answered the call to serve and swore an oath, dedicating my life to supporting and defending the Constitution, both in uniform and in public office. I have always been an independent-minded person but became a Democrat when I first ran for office because I saw a party that stood up for the little guy, free speech and civil liberties. That party is no more.”
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United States of Socialism: Who's Behind It. Why It's Evil. How to Stop It.

For those who witnessed the global collapse of socialism, its resurrection in the twenty-first century comes as a surprise, even a shock. How can socialism work now when it has never worked before? In this pathbreaking book, bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza argues that the socialism advanced today by the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar and Elizabeth Warren is very different from the socialism of Lenin, Mao and Castro. It is “identity socialism,” a marriage between classic socialism and identity politics. Today’s socialists claim to model themselves not on Mao’s Great Leap Forward or even Venezuelan socialism but rather on the “socialism that works” in Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden.
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Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order HARDCOVER...

Much more than a collection of essays by eminent writers, Against the Great Reset is intended to kick off the intellectual resistance to the sweeping restructuring of the western world by globalist elites. InJune 2020, prominent business and political leaders gathered for the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, under the rubric of “The Great Reset.” In the words of WEF founder Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset is a “unique window of opportunity” afforded by the worldwide COVID-19 panic to build “a new social contract” ushering in a utopian era of economic, social, and environmental justice. But beneath their lofty and inspiring words, what are their actual plans?
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In God We Trust: Not In Lying Liberal Lunatics:

After seven years of the Obama Administration, the US was broken. Americans wanted change and they got it with the Presidency of Donald J. Trump. But the corrupt and dishonest media, Democrat politicians (and some Republicans), and 'Deep State' actors in the government, didn't want Trump in power. These entities and individuals are killing the country and destroying the freedom and justice promised to all Americans. You will be shocked at the level of corruption in the US today. This book will open your eyes and inform you of the many corrupt actions taking place that are destroying the USA.
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Terminated The End of Man is Here Humanity on the Bank of Extinction

Incredible future events for mankind! This book is full of future events that the human race has no idea is coming upon the populations, and can't conceive of given the vast amount of "deception" that has permeated most of the entire human race. The most informative book, quite frightening but not surprising in this era. A must read for sure. Indispensable, enlightening and impactful. fluid and grounded writing.
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U.N Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy

U.N. Agenda 21 has been in the works for decades, spearheaded by environmentalists, foreign individuals, third world countries, and non-profit organizations around the world. In the name of protecting the environment, socialist global governance has been quietly implemented at all levels of government via government grants, public-private partnerships, and EPA regulations involving use of land and water, affecting every facet of our lives. Mandating population re-distribution in the name of biodiversity, re-educating our youth into sustainable everything, green jobs, green buildings, green cars, green energy, urban sprawl control, government bureaucrats from the United Nations and our own elected representatives are going to rezone us, resettle us, reduce our numbers, and tax us into the sustainable community described in the Wildlands Project Map.
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COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled

Drawing on statements of numerous scholars from around the world—virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, pathologists, microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, including Nobel Prize winners, as well as front-line ER physicians and family practice MDs—veteran journalist James Perloff asks hard questions about the global response to COVID-19. Amazon censors any criticism against the "official" COVID-19 narrative,and banned Political writer James Perloff's latest book, "Covid-19 and the Agendas to Come: Red-Pilled.", on August 20.
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The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President

From the phony Russia collusion narrative to the coordinated riots laying waste to US cities, it's the same ongoing operation orchestrated by the left and targeting not just President Trump but hundreds of millions of Americans who revere their country and what it stands for. For the first time, crusading investigative journalist Lee Smith reveals who was responsible and the never before known involvement of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and senior military officials who engineered a coup against a sitting president. Beginning in late 2015, political operatives, intelligence officials, and the press pushed a conspiracy theory about Trump-he was a Russian asset and spied on his campaign and his presidency in order to undo an election.
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The Death of Liberty: The Socialist Destruction of America’s Freedoms using the Income Tax

In 1776, the colonists declared Independence from England in large part due to the many onerous Acts thrust upon them by Parliament including the Stamp Act in 1765 the Tea Act in 1773. The combination of these burdensome Acts on the colonies coupled with “Intolerable Acts” that severely limited the colonists Liberties, America rebelled. America won her liberty finally in 1783, only to see American’s freedoms put in a permanent state of peril with the successful progressive class warfare argument that resulted in the 16th Amendment in 1913. Politicians and government bureaucrats discovered, they can manipulate the 71,000+ page tax code to reward their cronies and punish their enemies.
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I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture

From treating COVID patients in her local hospital to fighting for the rights of frontline doctors, Dr. Simone Gold tells her story. “The bumper-sticker directive to ‘follow the science’ was actually an evasion of responsibility. It let people off the hook for their bad decisions in a crisis. Was New York Governor Cuomo’s executive order sending COVID-hospitalized patients back to nursing homes to infect other vulnerable nursing home patients ‘following the science’? Of course not. These governors made specific decisions that cost thousands of the most vulnerable, most expendable, their lives. But they didn’t do it to their own relatives.” —From I Do Not Consent
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Killing Us Softly: The Global Depopulation Policy

Our progressive philosophy calls for more freedom and more prosperity for more people. Yet author Kevin Galalae says you can't always have more. Overpopulation is making us victims of our own triumphs over nature. Lacking a popular consensus to control population, the ruling elite have resorted to covert means. Their depopulation project has had considerable success, but at a terrible cost. "Strict secrecy and deception have been necessary to prevent the masses from discovering the bitter truth that for the past 68 years they have been the object of a silent and global offensive, a campaign of attrition that has turned the basic elements of life into weapons of mass infertility and selective death."
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