Public Option "Plan B" In the Works
You’ve probably heard the reports that some Democrats in the Senate or at least senators who caucus with the Democrats are threatening to filibuster the health care bill if it contains a public option. Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I, CT], for example, says he’ll join Republicans on a filibuster of a bill that includes a public option and isn’t willing to wiggle on his position. Other Democrats that are not supportive of the public option and have not ruled out filibustering include Sen. Ben Nelson [D, NE], Sen. Evan Bayh [D, IN], Sen. Blanche Lincoln [D, AR] and Sen. Mary Landrieu [D, LA].
The democrats in the House have already sold the American people out. They sided with the insurance companies and the corporate health care industry against the people. It really is quite despicable that these so called elected officials would continue to deny the people a just and humane health care system.
This is why Americans must stand up and make their voices heard NOW! Your chance for a fair society is being stolen from you. Use the link below to locate your Senator's telephone number in Washington. Call their office and tell them your name and address, tell them you vote, and tell them you are against the corporate health care plan that was passed in the House of Representatives. Tell them you want a plan that contains a government run public option that competes with the corporate health care monopoly and provides real health care for all Americans including the poor and unemployed.
The Bushites and the fascists haven't gone away just because Obama is in office, they are right there in the American peoples faces robbing them of trillions of dollars with the planed banking debacle, and the ten trillion dollar "never ending war" based on lies, and numerous tax 'giveaways' for corporations and the super rich.
Our government, our president and congress no longer serve the people, they have become corporate military industrial bank lackeys. In the past year Obama has given 25 trillion- $25,000,000,000,000. to the international Federal reserve banking thieves. Our so-called leaders are helping their true masters to loot America into collapse, economically bleeding and enslaving the people for generations to come. Bush removed the rules and regulations that once protected the American people, now it's a feeding frenzy for the rich and powerful, and now it's the insurance companies turn to take their pound of flesh from the American people.
The republicans bragged that they would defeat this health care bill and "break Obama" once and for all, but it's really the American people they are breaking.
If we the people do not stand up and make our voices heard this outrage will soon be passed into law. Enrollment for every working American will be mandatory and the IRS will oversee payments to the insurance companies. It means a seventy billion dollar annual increase in profits for wealthy insurance company stockholders, and grinding corporate slavery for the American people. When an individual is forced against their will to give their money to a privately owned entity, profiting wealthy stockholders and non-governmental concerns, this is slavery. The rich and powerful are using our corrupt government to force us into corporate slavery. Resist it my friends or America won’t be worth living in.
The American medical system is a government approved corporate HMO rip-off system that feeds on the people. The medical insurance companies, HMO’s profit more by denying people medical care then by providing it. In highly industrialized America, richest country on earth, some fifty thousand people die each year from treatable illnesses simply because they cannot afford to see a doctor. More than forty six million Americans are too poor to afford medical insurance, many of them working.
Isn't it time for the American people to get up off their knees and make the politicians and the bloodthirsty corporations give something back?
Contact your Senator and tell them to reject the corporate health care plan that passed in the House. Tell them you want a "government run public option" that lets all Americans go to a doctor and get proper medical care including the working poor and the unemployed, without forced corporate servitude.
Go to this link, and "Select State" from the pull down menu (not the map) and press the 'GO' button. Your State Senators names will appear at the top of the next page, then select a particular Senator by clicking directly on his name and then click the 'GO' button to access his/her office phone number and other contact information: