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ESRA: Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment to the US Constitution

April 30th, 2011

from: Network of Spiritual Progressives

The intent of the framers of this Amendment is to:

  1. Protect the planet and its inhabitants from environmentally destructive economic arrangements and behavior, and to increase environmental responsibility on the part of all corporations and government bodies.
  2. Increase U.S. citizens’ democratic control over American economic and political institutions and ensure that all people, regardless of income, have the same electoral clout and power to shape policies and programs.
  3. Promote the well-being of citizens of the United States by recognizing that our well-being depends on the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants, which in turn requires an end to poverty, wars, and violence, and the rise of a new global ethic of genuine caring and mutual interdependence.

Invite friends over to your home to watch the video with you and discuss the Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment, ESRA, which you can find out more about by clicking here.

And if you really like it, ask your Congressperson to endorse House Res. 156 which endorses the Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment, ESRA. get your City Council to endorse it, state legislators, local pollitical party, civic organizaitons, etc.

Let us know, please, if you'd like to be involved in building this campaign! You are probably as fed up as we are with the way corporations and the super-rich seem to have control over most elections and hence are getting a free pass to continue to exploit and hurt the planet, prevent meaningful reform, and undermine the needed care for the most vulnerable people in our society. The change we need will only come when we can reduce their power--and this is the way to do it.

Want to be involved in this campaign? (e.g. meet with elected representatives, write emails and letters to them or to community organizations seeking their endorsement, approach media people, organize house meetings, outreach on the web, other ideas...etc. Send to miriam@tikkun.org


web: www.spiritualprogressives.org
email: info@spiritualprogressives.org

Copyright © 2010 Network of Spiritual Progressives®.

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