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Tom Baker
I’m sick of the pro-Zionist and anti-Palestinian bias of western media, not least the blob
Judith EVANS
Il faut voir la vérité
Kevin Price
I've just seen Ben Brown's interview with Tzipi Hotovely; the questions were concise and pressing. Films like this are necessary for posterity; I don't think Palestinians are going … Read More
Yusuf Agjee
I do not belive in censorship.
Valerie Lawrence
I am opposed to genocide
Lumko Mtimde
Truth must be told. Isreal / Western brutality must be exposed.
Melleny Houpapa
People of the world want & need to see this documentary. Let them make their own minds up on it. Something that is withdrawn & hidden is suspicious & wrong. Let the Documentary air please.
Anne Bryce
The BBC continue to be biased and complicit in their reporting. This documentary offers an insight into the awfulness of the Israeli assault and has the right to be aired.
Eileen Warren
There is nothing misleading in this documentary
L Sharman
show whats really going on