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The woman went to Sims Elementary School off Springdale Road in East Austin to pick up her grandchildren. She pulled into the school's driveway, where Furrs was directing traffic, Furrs began to show the woman where to wait, and as she did, he began yelling at her. The woman thought he was asking for identification, so she reached for her license. Furrs then dragged her out of her truck. Lorena Sanchez, who was walking with her daughter saw Furrs yank her from her truck so forcibly that Sanchez was able to see the woman's feet. She saw Furrs beat the woman with his baton and drag her on the hot pavement, while the woman was yelling in Spanish that she did not know what she did wrong. Furrs called the woman an ethnic epithet and told her she needed to speak English because she was in America. Another witness said Furrs was yelling slurs at the woman while throwing her around like a rag doll. Sanchez said a few people were trying to take video and photos of the incident, but the constable and other responding officers ordered them not to. Jon Saucedo, a teacher, said he saw the woman on her knees and bleeding from her lip. His statement also said one of her breasts was exposed and that she was crying. Witnesses said the woman begged Furrs to cover her up, and he responded by saying, "I don't care. I like it." Gwendolyn Doyle, a manager at the constables office, said that Furrs was still employed there.