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Link: https://www.rt.com/politics/426625-russian-lawmakers-bill-sancions/
Russian MPs have drafted a bill which means any action or inaction that helps to implement anti-Russian sanctions from foreign states should carry criminal responsibility with punishments of up to four years in prison.
The joint document has been prepared by representatives of all four parliamentary caucuses headed by Upper House Speaker Valentina Matviyenko and Lower House Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.
The bill states that any move which fulfills the decision of a foreign state, a bloc of foreign states or an international organization to impose restrictive measures on Russia or its citizens should be punished if it leads to the restriction or cancellation of business deals between Russian citizens or companies. The proposed punishment ranges from a fine of up to 600,000 rubles (about US$9,680) to four years of penal labor or the same time behind bars.