Anyone wishing to get a permit to use one of America's 423 national parks will have their personal information sent to the White House : Name, organization, Social Security number, Tax Identification Number, date of birth, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, person’s position title. Proposed activity including park alpha code, permit number, date, location, number of participants, vehicles, type of use, equipment, support personnel for the activity, company, project name, type, fees, liability insurance information Payment information, amounts paid, credit card number, credit card expiration date, check number, money order number, bank or financial institution, account number, payment reference number, tracking ID number Information on special activities number of minors, livestock, aircraft type, special effects, special effect technician’s license and permit number, stunts, unusual or hazardous activities. Information on driver’s license including number, state, expiration date. Vehicle information including year, make, color, weight, plate number,insurance information.