« Washington responsible for attack on Kremlin – Moscow | Bombshell report reveals emails showing Hunter Biden helping his business associates gain access to then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2011 » |
Death seems to follow Victoria Nuland wherever she goes. Whether it’s in the Ukraine or in Sudan, people die. | Victoria Nuland was known as the midwife of Maidan – the Obama-Biden point person reportedly running the overthrow of the Ukrainian Presidency in 2013-14. Ukraine 2014 Coup d’état - After violent events associated with the Maidan revolution protests, Ukraine’s parliament ousted President Viktor Yanukovich in February 2014 and replaced him with Petro Poroshenko. Disposed Yanukovich was an existential threat because his amicable relations with Russia impeded Ukraine from becoming a European member and NATO from expanding to Russia’s border. Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, the midwife of Maidan, threatened sanctions against Ukraine’s government if President Viktor Yanukovych remained in office. (Over 100 people were killed in the protests.) The Obama-Biden Administration helped create instability in Ukraine, leading to a Mafia-like climate where potential Russian aggression leads to Ukraine demanding protection. Protection money is easily extorted, benefiting Hunter Biden and indirectly Joe Biden.