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Link: https://legitgov.org/god-trans-exhibit-catholic-church-divides-parishioners-enough-enough
One angry parishioner said 'the church should not be promoting this' | A progressive Catholic church in New York City has divided churchgoers with a new art display declaring, "God is trans[gender]." The exhibit entitled "God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey" was displayed next to the altar at the Church of Saint Paul the Apostle in Manhattan on Sunday. Three paintings depicted the "queer spiritual journey" as "sacrifice, identity and communion." One parishioner told the New York Post the church had gone too far in pursuing its liberal "agenda." "The church should not be promoting this," the unnamed person told the outlet. "I understand there are transgender people. I pray for all people but enough is enough. It seems like they are trying to force the agenda on others."
■ New York Catholic Church Hosts ‘God Is Trans’ Event (Slay News)