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Link: https://slaynews.com/news/biden-disinformation-chief-nina-jankowicz-sues-fox-news-defamation/
Jankowicz previously served as the head of Biden’s now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board. | Jankowicz has now filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News in response to the negative reporting she received as she pushed to censor the American people. The suit accuses the network of engaging in a “malicious campaign of destruction.” ● After getting fired from her federal government role when her “Ministry of Truth” was shut down, Jankowicz had hinted that she was considering a lawsuit. Jankowicz’s lawsuit, filed in Delaware state court, claims that Fox News mentioned her over 300 times throughout 2022 in broadcast and online publications. She says the network’s hosts and commentators “spread lies” about her.