A leading expert has raised the alarm about the globalist green agenda to warn the public about how the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” targets will actually impact society. | “Net Zero” is a list of targets that governments must comply with, as set out by the WEF and its fellow unelected globalist organization the United Nations. The UN’s “Agenda 2030” indicates that nations must dramatically lower “carbon emissions” by the year 2030. ● By 2050, the world (except China) must completely eliminate all sources of “carbon emissions” to comply with the UN’s “Agenda 2050.” The UN and WEF insist that the general public must give up their freedom, live in cashless societies with mandatory digital IDs, stop traveling, surrender all property and possessions to the government, eat insect-based “foods” instead of meat, and end capitalism all so the supposedly noble globalists can allegedly “save the planet” from the so-called “climate crisis” for the “common good.”
■ WEF’s Plan for Humanity: No Freedom, No Privacy, No Property (Slay News)
■ WEF Demands ‘Collective Action’ to ‘Fight Disinformation’ (Slay News)