« Matrix Hacker – The Hollywood Celebrity Breeding Program (Continued) | After creating “covid famine” in 2020, UN says it will somehow end world hunger by 2030 » |
Link: https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=292356
This memoir/essay is about the root causes of the black diaspora from San Francisco initiated by Mayor Dianne Feinstein’s crew and her “hit woman” Kamala Harris, the city prosecutor then of “Indian origin”. Over two decades during the gay invasion of SF, a narrow-focus campaign waged an urban cleansing program to arrest and imprison black youth for the purpose of bankrupting their low-income families... Before cheerleading and volunteering for candidate Kamala Harris, black journalists and sorority members need to become aware of her murky background as a relentless prosecutor and persecutor of low-income African American and Asian families forced out of their homes in San Francisco to make way for the influx of decadent white gays – all just to line the pockets of the Democrat cronies of Dianne Feinstein from appreciative Jewish-dominated real estate insiders.