« Joe Biden Pardons Son Hunter, Despite Claiming He Wouldn’t | Henry Kissinger issued FINAL WARNING that “superhuman” entities would control the world, not We the People » |
Link: https://stateofthenation.info/?p=6240#more-6240
There was nary a ‘peaceful protest’ much less a full-scale riot by the highly organized and well-funded bolsheviks paid by the communist-run Democrat Party in the aftermath of Trump’s victory. Why not?! That’s a very important question, incidentally, the answer to which uncovers the extremely stealthy plot to prevent Trump from occupying the Oval Office on Inauguration Day. However, before we unpack that long-planned treasonous conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected POTUS, it’s of paramount importance to understand the Democrats’ long game—to keep from being forever cancelled. In light of the multiple (at least five) criminal conspiratorial plots, carried out by the Democrat Party in collusion with their Deep State cohorts, U.S. Intelligence Community agents as well as countless MSM operatives throughout the CIA’s Mockingbird Media against President Trump, the DEMs know that their days are numbered.