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Link: https://palexander.substack.com/p/suicide-surge-due-to-devastaing-harms
What we lost was lives, freedoms, liberties across over 3 years. Governments maximally abusing us with power they took fraudulently. For a fake fraud ‘IFR’ (infection fatality rate) of 0.05% so called ‘pandemic’. 0-19 years, IFR 0.0003%, near zero. We cannot find one healthy child in the US, Sweden, Germany etc. that was exposed to COVID and died from COVID. Not one. Across 3 years of COVID. What was their aim? The dark malevolent ‘unseen’ hand? I like you, we are trying to bulletproof the reasoning and objectives but one thing is for sure, they mocked the world up good, they destroyed the fabric of society, the social ‘norms’, the social mores or social morays if you will, the ‘predictable rituals of living, the lockdowns and masks severed the human-to-human connection and destroyed hundreds if not thousands of years of civilization, of civil discourse and harmony. Those who did this, for whatever reasons we learn of fully in the end, it has damaged us badly, children, middle aged, adult, elderly. Socially, emotionally, psychologically, maturationally.