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Link: https://www.theinteldrop.org/2024/12/10/a-coup-plotted-by-biden-in-romania/
President Biden (or whoever plans and acts for him) after having exerted political and economic pressure on the elections in Romania has openly blackmailed Romania to take unfavorable countermeasures in terms of visas and economics in case the vote was not the one he liked. https://www.state.gov/statement-on-romanias-presidential-elections With the pretext that the favored candidate so called far right, the one in favor of peace with Russia, would have been helped by Putin. Apart from the fact that these accusations are denied by an authoritative and in-depth analysis by Arnaud Bertrand: https://twitter.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1865246209339986002 I personaly believe that Biden managed to pull off a Coup piloted from abroad by the Romanian counterpart of what in the US is the Supreme Court: the Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR). Let me point out that this dramatic decision is unprecedented.