« HIGHLY CALCULATED FALSE FLAG TERRORISM OVER WASH, DC: Whodunit & Why? | Trump the ‘disrupter’ moves quickly to burn down the system; but will disruption turn into chaos? » |
Link: https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=303110
For years I have emphasized that white governments emphasize the rights of alien immigrant-invaders over the rights of ethnic citizens. This has gone so far as to violate the right to free speech if immigrant-invaders or their self-assigned protectors find the speech “offensive.” The media are not permitted to mention race and immigration status when reporting crimes. White governments, especially in England, Germany, and Scandinavia have actually turned the crime of rape into a privilege for immigrant-invaders, and there are instances where women who have reported their rape to police have been punished more severely for a “hate crime,” defined as speaking inappropriately of a darker-skinned immigrant invader, than her rapist. Indeed, as crime statistics from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark reveal, rapists, if they are immigrant-invaders, are rarely even arrested, much less punished.