It's amazing what we're seeing with Donald Trump back in the White House, but it's not surprising. This is what "drain the swamp" looks like and the criminality is far worse than what most of us could have ever imagined. Thousands of criminals (government employees) have been sacked, with more soon to follow. Consider the scope of this. Thousands of six-figure-earning, Deep State criminals, who have done nothing but bleed the country dry and make your life miserable, mocking you the entire time, are now out of a job and can't afford their house payments. (I suppose they can file for unemployment. Or learn how to code.) Those firings have led to an exodus in Washington D.C. and nearby Arlington, Virginia with over 14,825 new housing listings. It's like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Meanwhile, Google searches for "criminal defence lawyer" are three times higher in Washington, D.C. than anywhere else in the country. Other Google search terms that have exploded in Washington are "wipe hard drive" and "offshore bank."