First off, my apologies for the 4 or 5 links in the first half of this post. They are critical to the contents and the context. As you know, I try to put the links at GAB each day instead... so that The Reader has an uninterrupted experience, BUT... not everyone goes to the links, and... by the time they do... the references might be lost. Ah well... bear with me on the occasions when this happens because there isn’t anything you can do about it anyway except walk off in a huff. (grin) No... there are other options... heh heh. Hopefully, they will occur to you. Let us begin with a question since it does connect with other curiosities that I will directly mention... immediately following my question; what happened to that Fort Knox visit that was in the news all day... every day... for several days, and then dropped from view like it had never been there in the first place?