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Cover-up of Vaccine Data Begins; European Data Purged From Vaers System

November 20th, 2022
Categories: News


A cover-up of Vaccine-related injury data is now in full progress. | The Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS) has been a well-spring of information about the ugly reality of COVID-19 "Vaccines." This past week, the data in VAERS was "purged" of European information, at the request of "European Regulators." The deliberate removal of European information caused the following data changes:
The "Cancer Signal," was halved
The "Myocarditis, Dose 3 Response Signal" was lost, AND;
994 "Spontaneous Abortions/Still-Births" were dropped.

Doctor explains in 2 minutes why so many vaccinated young people die during sports

November 20th, 2022
Categories: News


There are many reports of young vaccinated people dropping dead during sports. This is not surprising, Dr Richard Urso told Bright Light News. VIDEO | During exercise, the so-called tight junctions relax, allowing lipid nanoparticles to pass through them and reach the cell wall of the heart. That's much more difficult if you don't move, says Urso.  The doctor added that the pericytes, which are part of the capillaries, are packed with ACE2 receptors. After injection, these produce a large amount of spike protein, which spreads through the gap junctions in the heart. This can cause myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle. 💬 “This is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Urso. “This is absolutely unprecedented.” He expects that more and more people will realize that these vaccines are very dangerous.  The doctor quoted the director of the American life insurance company OneAmerica who said at a press conference late last year that the death rate among 18 to 64-year-olds was up to 40 percent higher than normal. 💬 “We are currently experiencing the highest mortality rates in the history of this industry, not just at OneAmerica,” he said.  Edward Dowd, a former portfolio manager at BlackRock, also pointed out that some 61,000 American millennials (aged 25-44) would die after being vaccinated in the second half of 2021. The excess mortality in this group was 84 percent. According to Dowd, this is the highest excess mortality rate in history. (Via

House GOP pushes Hunter Biden probe despite thin majority

November 20th, 2022
Categories: News

Even with their threadbare House majority, Republicans doubled down this week on using their new power next year to investigate the Biden administration and, in particular, the president’s son.
Ground News // Articles

Heavy Snowfall Paralyzes Parts Of New York - In Photos

November 20th, 2022
Categories: News


As temperatures plunged, an early winter 'lake effect' snowstorm hit western New York state on Friday, causing at least three deaths. Travel and communication lines were disrupted as parts of the region were buried under several feet of snow, with heavy precipitation continuing through Saturday. The US National Weather Service has issued warnings of snowfall for Sunday as well.

How Religion Intersects With Americans’ Views on the Environment

November 20th, 2022
Categories: News


Elena Panina (Елена Панина | The further from God an American is , the more worried he/she is about climate. Conversely, the more religious Americans are, the less worried they are about global warming, a Pew Research Center poll shows. The study found that:

Political parties, not religion, are the driving force behind public opinion on climate in the US.
Religious Americans tend to identify with the Republican Party.
Republicans are far less likely than Democrats to believe that human activity - such as burning fossil fuels - somehow affects the earth's climate.
Religious Americans are more concerned about the social consequences of the environmental "agenda": loss of personal freedoms, job losses or higher energy prices.

As the survey suggests, environmental policies in the US and the collective West are at odds with the values of the religious person. Radical eco-activism even looks like neo-paganism in their eyes.  On the whole, believers, regardless of denomination, are not prepared to resign themselves to the "green agenda" and reject fashionable concepts like "individual carbon footprint". Especially if they lead to the infringement of freedoms, business closures and unemployment.  But this does not mean that believers are indifferent to the environment. Three quarters of those polled regard the earth as sacred and 80% believe that people have a duty to protect nature, including animals and plants. (

Edward Dowd: Over 2400 Americans Are DYING Each Day Following Vaccine Mandates

November 20th, 2022
Categories: News


Today we feature an interview with Ed Dowd, author of Unknown Causes: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022. Ed Dowd, along with his team of analysts, has assembled the most comprehensive and compelling data revealing excess mortality following the introduction of covid vaccines. | Across the population, Ed Dowd explains in the interview, excess mortality is running about 32%. Around 7,700 Americans routinely die each day, and 32% of that comes to 2,400+ deaths per day. That’s only counting America. Global deaths are, of course, far higher. Credible estimates of global deaths from covid-19 vaccines have been compiled by other analysts and experts, and they claim that at least 20 million people have already been killed worldwide from covid-19 vaccines, making the scale of this “vaccine holocaust” more than triple the size of the historical Holocaust atrocity.

Candace Owens Slams Zelensky as 'Fraud' After Missile Hits Poland

November 19th, 2022
Categories: News


Conservative pundit Candace Owens has denounced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a "fraud" following reports that a missile fired from his country killed two people in Poland. | In a series of tweets on Wednesday, Owens called the Ukrainian president a "dirtbag actor" and accused him of "trying to start World War 3" by attempting to pin blame for the missile strike on Russia. International concerns that the incident could force NATO to intervene in the Russia-Ukraine war emerged after initial reports suggested the missile that hit the Polish village of Przewodow on Tuesday might have come from the Russian military.

💬 Zelensky attempted to start World War 3 yesterday by intentionally misleading the public. He is a dirtbag actor who has been falsely trumpeted as heroic throughout western propagandist networks. Ukrainian, Russian & American citizens are all suffering the consequences of lies. — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) November 16, 2022

ADL trying to exploit movement for ‘socially conscious investment’

November 19th, 2022
Categories: News


Alison Weir | The ADL wants ‘socially conscious’ Jewish investors to keep investing in Israel, even though it’s not socially conscious to do so. ADL head says Jewish community should use its power, as with the cancellation of Kanye West, despite what some consider an unfair double standard. ADL may ultimately have an uphill battle as growing numbers of Jewish Americans consider Israel an apartheid regime.

BBC Television: "Segment of HIV" Used to Create COVID-19 Vaccines !

November 19th, 2022
Categories: News


As more and more people around the world got snookered into taking the COVID "Vaccine" we all got to see how more and more people started dying from strange ailments. Young people started dying from Myocarditis and Pericarditis. Middle aged people starting dropping dead from blood clots in the brain, in the lungs, or in their hearts. Other people started dropping dead from "unknown causes" to such a large extent, they made-up a phony name to describe it: "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" (SADS). Now, we finally have an idea as to why: Manufacturers of the COVID-19 "vaccine" used segments of the HIV virus in the COVID "vaccine." For a lot of the people who got the COVID vax, it now appears to many that they actually gave you a tiny version of...AIDS

Biden weaponized government against Americans – congressman

November 19th, 2022
Categories: News


Republican Rep. Chip Roy joined members of his party in demanding the president’s excesses be reined in | The US government under President Joe Biden has become an oppressive force against its own people, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) told an audience at the Claremont Institute Center for the American Way of Life on Wednesday. The congressman was speaking alongside other prominent party members on a panel titled ‘What Should the Next Republican Congress Do?’, the general consensus of which was that a Republican-controlled House must hold the executive branch to account. 💬 “I think it’s important to know the extent to which this administration … has weaponized the federal government against the American people,” Roy said, stressing that actions spoke louder than words. “It ain’t enough to have some hearings and call some people in and yell at them.” 

Spanish Royalty Expose Who Really Killed Princess Diana

November 18th, 2022
Categories: News


The unlawful killing of Princess Diana is back in the spotlight in London this week, with a Court of Appeal hearing threatening to expose the vast cover-up of the high-level murder of the Princess of Wales. | An ex-lover of the former King of Spain told the Appeals Court that she has literature regarding the murder of Princess Diana.  According to Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, who is taking legal action against former King Juan Carlos, intruders left a book about the “involvement of the British and US intelligence agencies” in the death of Princess Diana in her apartment after “an operation” was carried out by Spanish intelligence agents at her home in Switzerland.  The businesswoman also alleged that she received a “follow-up telephone call” from an “unknown person” who made an “allusion” to the manner in which Diana died, a barrister representing Juan Carlos said. Juan Carlos, who abdicated in 2014, has begun an appeal bid after losing a High Court fight with the 57-year-old.  Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn is taking legal action against Juan Carlos, seeking damages for personal injury. It also appears she has some very incriminating evidence regarding Princess Diana’s death and she isn’t afraid to use it.

Kiev has reportedly received mysterious “strategic materials”

November 18th, 2022
Categories: News


Kiev has reportedly received mysterious “strategic materials” | Citing three “senior European diplomatic officials,” Haaretz reported that Washington approached the Israeli government several weeks ago, "pressing it" to supply Ukraine with anti-aircraft batteries. While Israel refused, it agreed to fund the “strategic materials” instead. Several million dollars were transferred to “a NATO member state that is deeply involved in supplying military equipment to Ukraine,” the report explained. This state then purchased the materials and sent them to Ukraine. Haaretz’ sources demanded that the nature of these materials be kept a secret, while Tel Aviv asked all parties involved in the deal not to publicly reveal it, “in order not to anger [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”  The Haaretz report did not name the NATO member involved in the deal. However, it resembles an earlier gray-market deal involving Poland. Back in September, Hebrew news site Zman Yisrael reported that at least one Israeli defense contractor was shipping anti-drone systems to Poland, with Warsaw then sending them on to Ukraine. The Israeli government reportedly turned a blind eye to this arrangement, despite its official refusal to supply any offensive weapons to Kiev.  With a change in government set to bring Benjamin Netanyahu back into power in Israel, Haaretz’ sources said that it would be up to the veteran right-winger whether to repeat the “strategic materials” deal.

Scientists Discover 4,000 pound, 12-feet-long Turtle That Lived During Cretaceous Period

November 18th, 2022
Categories: News
Scientists Discover 4,000 pound, 12-feet-long Turtle That Lived During Cretaceous Period


The Cretaceous Period refers to the geological era from 145 to 66 million years ago. It was the last era of the dinosaurs and large reptiles and fish still roamed the planet. | Spanish Scientists have discovered a Cretaceous Period Turtle that was as large as a Mini-Cooper, according to a new paper published in Scientific Reports.  The 12-foot-long sea turtle lived 83 million years ago and was found near the northern coast of Spain. At that time, the area was a subtropical archipelago. Named Leviathanochelys aenigmatica, the creature was roughly 4,000 pounds and would tower over the largest known living turtle, the leatherback, which is about 7 feet long and can weigh up to 1,500 pounds.  However, the Leviathan-ochelys is not the largest prehistoric turtle ever found. That distinction goes to the Archelon turtle that lived some 70 million years ago, also during the Cretaceous Period, in an inland sea that once split the continent of North America. It was 15 feet long.  The fossil was found outside of the village of Coll de Nargó after a hiker spotted a piece of it sticking out of the ground in the Southern Pyrenees Mountains. So far, part of the shell (carapace) and most of its pelvic girdle have been discovered. Its skull, tail, and limbs remain a mystery to scientists. Officials believe Leviathanochelys was primarily built for the sea, but hypothesize that it, like modern sea turtles, likely went inland to lay eggs.

More “sudden heart attacks” …with a “climate change” twist

November 17th, 2022
Categories: News


Kit Knightly | Anyone following the news cycle since the Covid “vaccines” rolled out has seen a simply remarkable uptick in the number of things that can reportedly cause sudden strokes or heart attacks. Cold weather, hot weather, depression, various food, long covid AND short covid, new magical chemicals just found in the atmosphere, “post-pandemic stress disorder”, undiagnosed aortic stenosis and expensive electricity. That’s not even an exhaustive list, it just goes on and on and on.   It’s perfectly apparent what’s happening here. The Covid vaccines are either causing more heart attacks, or the people in charge are aware they might, and are prepping fall-back stories accordingly. [...] The new wrinkle here is working pollution and wildfires into the narrative, and associating heart attack risk with environmentalism and climate change. [...] This is classic narrative braiding, the practice of intertwining two separate propaganda narratives together so they reinforce each other.

The MH17 Trial Verdict: An Anti-Russia Scam

November 17th, 2022
Categories: News


Stephen Lendman | On July 14, 2014, Malaysia Airlines (MH17) was downed over Donetsk en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 283 passengers and 15 crew members aboard were killed. Russia had nothing to do with what happened. Nor did Donbass freedom fighters. No credible evidence suggested their involvement in what happened. The Obama/Biden regime orchestrated what was carried out by Ukrainian Nazis — an act of state-sponsored terrorism to falsely blame on Russia.  Conducting its own forensic analysis, Russia discovered that serial numbers on missile fragments responsible for downing MH17 showed the following: It was manufactured by Soviet Russia in 1986, shipped to Ukraine and owned by its authorities when still a USSR republic. So-called video footage allegedly showing the BUK-M1 missile transported from Russia to Ukraine ahead of the July 2014 incident was fake, Russian investigators explained. An audio recording of radio communications at the time of the incident showed Kiev’s involvement in what happened. Indisputable evidence absolving the Kremlin isn’t good enough when the US-dominated West wants it falsely blamed for what it had nothing to do with.  Trial results will be used for Russia-bashing propaganda purposes — in support of Ukrainian Nazis by the US/West. 

Vaccine CAUSES TURBO CANCER: T-cell leukemia may progress rapidly through mRNA booster shot

November 17th, 2022
Categories: News


Dr. Charles Hoffe, a physician in British Columbia for 28 years and now working at the Lytton Clinic, has done the unthinkable in reviewing the so-called "safety and efficacy" of the Fauci flu shots that the CDC calls "vaccines." He performed PET/CT scans of cancer patients who had received the Pfizer mRNA booster shot just eight days earlier and found rapid progression of T-cell leukemia/lymphoma, a dramatic increase in gastrointestinal lesions, and a turbo effect of proliferation of cells in the underarm lymph nodes near the armpits, writes SD Wells. This is called turbocancer , where spike proteins from mRNA jabs serve as carcinogens — literally food that feeds the cancer, causing it to multiply exponentially and invade the rest of the body.

Biden congratulates Republicans on winning the House

November 17th, 2022
Categories: News


President Joe Biden has congratulated the Republican Party on winning the majority in the US House of Representatives as a result of the midterm elections on November 8. | It became clear that the Republicans regained control of the House on Wednesday after AP declared Mike Garcia the winner in California’s 27th congressional district. This gave the Republican Party 218 seats, enough for a slim majority in the lower chamber of Congress.  The Republicans did not do as well as expected in the midterms, but they will still be able to complicate Biden’s legislative agenda for the next two years.  The Senate remains in the hands of the Democrats, giving them control over the president’s judicial and administration appointments. Also, any legislation pushed by the Republicans will require bipartisan support to clear the Senate or avoid a veto from Biden.

8 lessons from the 2022 midterm elections
Understanding the Underwhelming GOP Performance
Republicans win U.S. House majority, setting stage for divided government

Ukrainians admitted firing missile near Poland blast site - CNN

November 17th, 2022
Categories: News


Ukrainians admitted firing missile near Poland blast site | Kiev previously tried to blame Russia with officials seeking to goad NATO into retaliation | 16 Nov 2022 | Ukrainian military officials told their American and other Western counterparts that they attempted to intercept a Russian missile near the site of a fatal blast in Poland on Tuesday, CNN reported. While [the lying sociopaths in] Kiev initially blamed the explosion on Russia, Western leaders have since stated that it was likely caused by an errant Ukrainian air defense projectile.

Kremlin Praises 'Measured' US Response To Polish Missile Incident (Ground News//Articles)
US officials: Missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukrainian forces (11/16/22)

Top Zelensky advisor threatens war with Iran

November 16th, 2022
Categories: News


Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has called for attacks inside Iran as the country’s drones cause setbacks for the Ukrainian military. | On November 5, Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has advocated for military strikes on drone production sites located in Iran. President Zelensky echoed Podolyak’s belligerent rhetoric the following day, demanding Iran be “punished” for allegedly supplying drones to Russia. Kiev adopted its hostile posture towards Tehran after claiming Russia deployed Iranian-supplied drones to strike Ukrainian civilian infrastructure throughout much of October.

Hegemon USA Wants Russia to Pay Reparations to Ukrainian Nazis

November 16th, 2022
Categories: News


Stephen Lendman | On Monday at the UN General Assembly, the Biden regime strong-armed nearly 50 vassals to co-sponsor a resolution, one denying Russia’s UN Charter right of self-defense, wanting Moscow to pay reparations to Ukraine, ignoring the US-installed regime’s years of war crimes. | The empire of lies and forever wars on invented enemies finds new ways to redefine chutzpah. No nation in world history raped, destroyed or significantly harmed more invented enemies. None caused more harm to more people over a longer duration. None more flagrantly breached the rule of law in virtually every way imaginable. Yet the illegitimate Biden regime wants Russia to pay reparations to US-installed Ukrainian Nazis — the same ones involved is waging war on Donbass since spring 2014.  After years of trying to end Kiev’s aggression diplomatically, Vladimir Putin authorized Russia’s SMO. He acted responsibly because over 100,000 US-controlled Ukrainian troops were mobilized in preparation to invade Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea. Russia acted in self-defense, in accordance with the UN Charter’s Article 51 — in stark contrast to how US-dominated NATO regimes operate.

UN calls on Russia to pay Ukraine reparations (11/15/22)

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