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Austin police attempted to serve a warrant to man whose grass was too long. It resulted in a standoff, shots fired, a house fire, and that man’s death.
Biden regime reportedly planning to pay illegal alien families who were separated at the border in 2018 around $450,000 per person for the alleged "trauma" they experienced.. U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services considering payments close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift.
"AT&T Corporation racial reeducation program promotes idea 'American racism is a uniquely white trait' and boosts left-wing causes such as 'reparations,' 'defund police,' and 'trans activism.., Managers at AT&T are assessed annually on diversity issues, with mandatory participation in programs such as discussion groups, book clubs, mentorship programs, and race reeducation exercises. White employees, are expected to confess complicity in "white privilege" and "systemic racism," or be penalized in performance reviews..
A white male hospital executive won a $10 million settlement in a discrimination case after he was replaced by two women, one of whom is black, as part of the company’s ‘diversity’ program. in the name of ‘diversity and inclusion.
China tells Evergrande billionaire to pay off his company’s debt with his own money. However, it’ll be difficult to pay off $300 billion in debt with $7.8 billion in worth..Local governments across China monitoring Evergrande’s bank accounts to ensure company cash is used to complete unfinished housing projects and not diverted to pay creditors,
Woman tried to get on an intercity bus without documents confirming she had been vaccinated.. ignored repeated demands of the station workers and law enforcement officers to leave the bus, thereby delaying the departure of public transport Without Russian police who would drag unvaccinated Russian grandmas from intercity buses?
Elena Ermolaeva’s mask had become unusable, there was nowhere to take a new one,she still took the thing for fitting and went to the fitting room – hoping that after this fitting, her mother, who was in the mask, would be able to pay at the checkout.. Call of the store employee, the soldiers of the Russian Guard arrived in bulletproof vests, in helmets and carried out a forceful detention of the girl: they knocked the girl to the floor, handcuffed her, the girl was diagnosed with a concussion..National Guard, accuses the girl of having bitten him during arrest.. For an attack on a law enforcement officer during detention, the girl faces up to 5 years.
A group of Russian trade associations have urged the government not to shutter shops as part of a new plan to drive down the sharp spike in coronavirus cases across the country, arguing instead that jabs should become mandatory. Association of Retail Companies (AKORT) and the Association of Internet Trading Companies (AKIT) published a letter sent to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, making the case for compulsory and universal vaccination.”
Soaring fuel pricesdriving some Europeans to neighboring countries to fill up their cars.. Despite the cost of the trip, an increasing number of Germans are crossing the border in pursuit of cheaper gas.. The price of gasoline in Germany hit nearly €2 ($2.30) per liter, meaning filling up currently costs around €20 ($23.20) more than in neighboring Poland, Austria, or the Czech Republic.“Driving across the border to refuel is worthwhile if the price differences are high and the distances are very short,
Dozen vehicles were left burnt out on Tuesday night in France' as police and firefighters came under fire from incendiaries and other projectiles, after a 16-year-old was arrested on suspicion of selling drugs. the clashes concluded around 3:30am.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hopes to sign legislation that would offer bonus to relocating officers resisting vax mandates. : If you don’t want to get vaccinated and have to leave your job because of it, his state has a place for you,. actively working” to attract cops from out of state who’ve been resisting vaccine mandates, and he’s working on legislation that would offer a $5,000 bonus to any law enforcement officers who relocate to the Sunshine State,
An FDA vaccine advisory panel on Tuesday voted unanimously 17-0 in favor shooting up kids aged 5-11 with Pfizer's experimental mRNA injection with panelist Dr Eric Rubin stating, "we're never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.."The same FDA panel approved the rollout of boosters earlier this month based off "gut feeling" rather than data..
CNN Medical Analyst Dr Leana Wen :."Covid-19 vaccines do not protect you 100%," "No vaccine does, just likely virtually no medical treatment is 100% effective. That doesn't mean the vaccine doesn't work, or that you shouldn't take it." FDA admitted data is extremely lacking for all booster shots but their vaccine-advisory panel voted unanimously to approve them based on "a gut feeling."
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has openly confirmed the purpose of newly unveiled vax passport scheme is to create "two different classes of people" and strip purebloods of their rights,.
Leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky in a recent interview endorsed segregating the unvaccinated from society and denying them food in a neo-Bolshevik Holodomor 2.0 strategy to starve them into submission. Measures have to be taken to safeguard the community from them.: How can we get food to them? Well, that's actually their problem.",
Biden State Department on Thursday admitted that at least 363 Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan today after private groups have rescued hundreds of Americans left in Afghanistan since the US fled at the end of August.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said the US may change its definition of “fully vaccinated” as booster shots become available for everybody.“We have not yet changed the definition of ‘fully vaccinated.’ We will continue to look at this. We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’.
An Afghan man arrested and charged with a felony for reportedly raping a young woman in Montana.. The foreign national had been evacuated from Afghanistan during Biden’s withdrawal and had been relocated to the state by the US State Department. .The Afghan national, Zabihullah Mohmand, was NOT fully vetted by the federal government before DHS released him into the general population
750 GE employees walked out in protest of the Biden Vaccine Mandates Wednesday in Ohio. .20 percent of GE contract employees are reportedly vaccinated.. More protests scheduled for next week.
Israel has approved a budget of some 5 billion shekels ($1.5 billion) to be used to prepare the military for a potential strike against Iran’s nuclear program., It includes funds for various types of aircraft, intelligence-gathering drones and unique armaments needed for such an attack, which would have to target heavily fortified underground sites,
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