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Seattle is poised to fire 403 officers, about 40 percent of the 1,000-person force, for failing to take the COVID-19 jab by Oct. 18 deadline. Seattle Police Department already lost more than 300 officers since Black Lives Matters riots and the “defund the police” movement in 2020.
Mystery that so many governments in so many different placescould have adopted the same or very similar preposterous policies, no matter the threat level of the virus, and without firm evidence that interventions had any hope of being effective..The silliest policies replicated themselves like a virus in country after country.. Australia,even created an Orwell slogan and a jingle to go with it. “Staying Apart Keeps Us Together.,”All these countries and states implemented this compulsory clown show at the same time, whether cases were everywhere or nowhere.
Flu deaths could be the worst for 50 years because of lockdowns and social distancing, health chiefs have warned, as the NHS launches the biggest ever flu vaccination drive..Warns this winter could be far worse than normal for flu, precisely because of physical distancing measures implemented over the last 18 months, the same measures that did not affect a different respiratory virus in any way
Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchel a female officer with Victoria Police, who served for 16 years, resigned in protest against the use of police to enforce Covid-19 rules, saying in an interview that a "great majority" of her colleagues shared her sentiments. The law enforcers were "scaring people in the community," and she herself felt uneasy when encountering officers in the street while off-duty and wearing civilian clothes, she confessed.
Despite the fact that about 88 percent of its population is now “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Vermont is seeing a massive surge in new hospitalizations for the disease..Number of hospitalization cases in Vermont is almost at record levels. If the jabs really worked as claimed, Vermont would be the healthiest state in the nation right now.
Sheriff Alex Villanueva took to Facebook Live to formally announce his intentions to not enforce the Los Angeles County vaccine mandate for his agency, said some reluctant troopers are willing to be fired or laid off instead of vaccinated..
Breastfed Babies are suffering adverse reactions to the COVID shots their mothers are taking. The shots have not authorized for infants, although such an authorization is expected any day now.. 94 cases of breastfeeding babies that sustained injuries after their mothers took Covid injections. Symptoms in those infants included anaphylaxis shock, blood clots, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea and hives.. Many nursing mothers had their breast milk dry up after taking a Covid shot.
Israel Health Minister admits that vaccine mandates are about social control, contradicting his statements to the High Court. admitted on the hot mic vaccine mandates only exist to shame the “unvaccinated” for causing a pandemic, even though evidence shows that the vaccinated make up the bulk of hospitalizations, as vaccine failure and adverse events take hold of the population..
Covid-19 vaccinebeen linked to 108468 cardiac disorders including 9368 cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), 25518 cases of tachycardia (when the heart rate increases to over 100 bpm) and 6112 reports of pericarditis (inflammation of the protective sac around the heart listing reactions ranging from cardiac disorders to congenital and genetic disorders. In total, 2,201,857 adverse reactions have been reported to the database.
Town of Oakville will require anyone 12 years of age or older to provide proof of identification and proof of full COVID-19 vaccination (or medical exemption) prior to entering or accessing” … “any new appointments for marriage licences and ceremonies.”
California Governor Newsom signed a bill – AB 101- into law that makes it mandatory for high school students to pass “ethnic studies” indoctrination courses as a part of their graduation requirements. The new law makes California the first state in the US to make learning marxist CRT ideology compulsory for teenage students to graduate..
A 16-year-old high school girl arrested her entire school locked down, over her refusal to wear a face mask. Her arrest caused outrage.. Already served two consecutive suspensions for refusing to wear a face mask in class – per school board requirements. Attempted to enter the building unmasked. Given a $500 citation by a police officer, handcuffed and arrested
A supposedly “carbon neutral” Drax biomass power plant is the UK’s leading source of CO2 emissions, and belches out more harmful carbon and particulate matter than some of Europe’s dirtiest coal plants, according to a new report. and received £832 million ($1.13 billion) in direct government subsidies last year, on top of an estimated £258 million ($351 million) in carbon tax breaks.
18-year-old student arrested earlier this week for shooting three people at a high school near Dallas stirred online outrage by enjoying a welcome-home party after posting bail less than one day in jail. Timothy George Simpkins restricted to home confinement and drug and alcohol testing under terms of his $75,000 bail. Simpkins faces three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Union representing pilots at Southwest Airlines suing to stop vaccine requirement from being forced until a lawsuit is resolved.. They allege are violations of US labor laws. The union represents 9,000 pilots at the airline, and a strike could easily disrupt American air travel. The airline insisting vaccination mandate isn’t an issue subject to labor-management negotiation, and anybody who refuses the jab without an exemption will be fired.
August this year, misconfigured power apps from Microsoft led more than a thousand web apps to mistakenly expose 38 million records on the open internet, including data from a number of COVID-19 contact tracing platforms, vaccination sign-ups, job application portals, and employee databases. Many people’s phone numbers and COVID-19 vaccination status were visible due to the leak. The report further confirms that despite the heavy use of these technologies, there was limited impact or effectiveness in curbing the spread of the virus.
Biden claimed Thursday he mandated covid shots for nearly everyone through executive fiat because vaccinated people are "protected" from covid and "cannot spread it.." CDC director Rochelle Walensky admitted two months ago that the "vaccines" can't "prevent transmission" of covid..
NYU Langone and other Hospitals in New York and Long Island are Forcing that if the Parent is not VAXXED they will not release Babies From NICU to Parents or after birth as per CDC Guidelines. You Need to Show VAX-Passport to see your own New Born Baby.
Sweden and Norway downgraded COVID to just the flu, as it lacks any kill ratio that has even risen above 0.5%. Even the CDC is admitting that 20,000 have died from the vaccines. Firing people for not getting the vaccine is clearly political. Nurses and doctors worked with COVID patients for a year without vaccines, but now they are fired unless they get a vaccine, even if they previously had COVID and recovered
New York Times indicates gun dealers in Afghanistan are selling U.S. pistols, rifles, and other weapons in their stores. The items being sold also include equipment like “binoculars and night-vision goggles. The weapons and equipment were “originally provided to the Afghan security forces under a U.S. training and assistance program that cost American taxpayers more than $83 billion through two decades of war.
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