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Alex Jones breaks down the globalist plan backed by the UN to collapse first-world borders to collapse societies ahead of The Great Reset takeover.
FDA advisory panel declined to endorse authorization Pfizer-BioNTech Covid booster shot. Voted 16-2 to reject extra doses of experimental vaccine, citing risk of heart inflammation –Dr. Joseph Fraiman, MD : Vaccine hesitant I’ve met in the ER more aware of vaccine studies and COVID risks than the doctors. Many of my nurses refuse the COVID vaccine despite seeing more COVID deaths than most people have.” Cases in Israel at all-time high and cases in Uttar Pradesh, India where they administer Ivermectin, are nearly non-existent today.
Cellphone video shows three women in a wild melee with a hostess in front of New York restaurant after they were asked to provide their proof of vaccination to be able to eat. Restaurant owners now face massive fines if they are caught feeding the unvaccinated..
A new antibody drug, Ronapreve, will become available for coronavirus parents across Britain next week, UK government said. The drug was used to treat US President Donald Trump, who hailed it as a "cure" for Covid-19. The drug, jointly developed by Roche and Regeneron, will be initially used among those with a weak antibody response to the virus
Swiss citizens installing their own tables, chairs, and blankets in the streets in front of bars and restaurants which require vaccine passport for entry.similar to protest by the French last month Citizens set up outdoor dining and events in protest of le pass sanitaire, or the “health pass.”
U.S. border, Immigration and Customs Enforcement planning to ramp up deportation flights to Haiti over the next week,in response to the surge of Haitians according to internal documents obtained by NBC News Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, criticized the Biden administration for its decision to stop Haitian deportation flights, saying it was drawing more people to Del Rio..“If you’re from Haiti, Biden and Kamala Harris said we have open borders, come to Del Rio and they will let you in,” Cruz told Fox News
Viral Video showing a mother in Texas tearing into a local school board over sexually explicit content in schools she calls “depraved” then raged over pedophilia being made available to fourth-graders. “Who normalizes sex acts between fourth graders?” she ferociously railed at the board. “I’ll tell you who: pedophiles.”What sort of educational environment do you think the sexually graphic book selections create for my children, or for any child for that matter?”
1. WTC 7’s collapse is unresolved 2. WTC 1&2 withstood the jet impact, as they were designed to 3. “Pancake Theory” Not Supported by the evidence 4. Load-bearing structures were nowhere near their limits 5. Buildings collapsed “essentially in free-fall” 6. Trusses passed fire endurance tests 7. Fires burnt for a “short duration” 8. fires were not hot enough to melt steel 9. Most of the WTC steel evidence was destroyed 10. Unexplained unusually bright flames and glowing liquid present 11. Steel shows evidence of very high temperatures and sulfidation 12. NIST tweaked their computer models until they obtained the results they wanted 13. No explanation for the total collapse of the buildings 14. NIST never looked for explosive residue
Politicians want Amtrak subsidies, sports stadium subsidies, green energy subsidies, fossil fuel subsidies. Biden says will “put more money in your pocket.” House Speaker Pelosi claims will “protect the planet. .Gave Swedish furniture maker IKEA $9.5 million tax break. if IKEA agreed to create 175 new jobs. .Local furniture sellers. ask. where is our financial incentive? Tax breaks are complex, big companies with plenty of tax accountants get them. Two years later, IKEA hasn’t created jobs they promised, local furniture stores closed.
Chinese government may be cracking down on Hong Kong, threatening Taiwan, starting global pandemics, suppressing human rights, and committing genocide, but it’s more important we maintain a dialogue with them for fighting climate long as it is willing to make false promises about climate action. ,Pelosi announced genocide is not a US foreign policy concern..
Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot, announced new approach to curbing gang war..:An ordinance that “allows the city to file lawsuits and go after gang members’ and leaders’ assets. ”Fines high as $10,000 for each offense,, give courts ability to seize ‘any property used to facilitate street gang- activity.. Questions whether law will be effective, Similar law, Illinois Street Gang Prevention Act, used in Chicago suburbs for years with few results.. American Civil Liberties Union concerned communities of color will be targeted and deprived of resources,
Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) shut down six ports of entry from Mexico into the United States to curb a surge in illegal migrants crossing over the border. after drone footage showed the number of migrants waiting for processing in Del Rio, Texas, doubled overnight from 4,200 to 8,000 people..
Former Pennsylvania state senator veteran said he placed 15 billboards in the area,with an image of President Joe Biden dressed in military uniform and the slogan “Making the Taliban Great Again.”
House Democrats voted unanimously to reject vaccine mandates for illegal aliens during the House Judiciary Committee hearing.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced staff, visitors, and children ages 2 and older must wear face coverings at child care facilities. irregardless of their vaccination status. Hochul became first female governor of New York after Andrew Cuomo stepped down following calls for his resignation after investigators concluded he sexually harassed multiple women.
“I took my vaccine to show I’m one of the group,” said Kyle Howard, who had Pfizer vaccine,. Government needs to protect me from the virus.”The government needs to round up all those deranged, unvaccinated lunatics and take them far away from us,” said Benjamin Reed, who had Moderna vaccine. “They have the COVID and could give it to us. I spend all my waking hours worrying about us elite vaccinated people being tainted by COVID . Unvaccinated must be isolated from vaccinated society to protect the vaccinated and the science-blessed vaccine from the virus.
Medical staffers can legally vaccinate school kids aged 12-15 without the consent of their parents, if the child agrees to the procedure, British government told schools in new coronavirus guidelines. Legally, the parent cannot “overrule the decision. ‘School Age Immunisation Service’ (SAIS) teams will go school-to-school to provide on-site vaccinations.
Fresh from an on-air feud with rapper Nicki Minaj, MSNBC host Joy Reid has drawn scorn and ridicule for accusing Republicans of trying to spread Covid-19 into schools, offices, and stores, insisted Republicans who oppose the liberal consensus on the coronavirus are “weirdos” “on the side of Covid,” and want to “threaten our safety.
Insisting it was his "job," a man sporting a surgical mask took it upon himself to publicly shame an unvaccinated woman as she shopped at Target, calling on others to join in. It's a state regulation,also a rule of the store" the man insisted, producing no evidence he had authority to enforce either you're a bad American you're a bad person for doing this he stated ,"Once considered harassment now seen as acceptable behavior because it was directed against the unvaccinated underclass.
Breakthrough cases occur when people contract the disease 14 days or more after receiving final dose..Moderna says the data provide evidence for giving booster doses to fully vaccinated people. Researchers say a 36 percent reduced protection for those who received first dose 13 months ago
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