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Most confirmed cases are now among the vaccinated population. 22,318 cases among the vaccinated population, almost 2,000 more than the unvaccinated population. Statistically, Covid-19 injections do not reduce the risk of hospitalization when exposed to Covid-19 but rather increase it. 20% of alleged Covid-19 deaths during August, the fully vaccinated 75% of them.
General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, denied that calling his Chinese counterpart to warn him about “rogue” President Donald Trump was wrong, saying it went through proper Defense Department channels. reportedly to promise an advance warning, If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.
Free Press, spearheaded a call to the federal regulators for “reparative actions” against “structural racism” in US media, has disavowed a comment submitted in its petition that discussed shooting Republicans as a solution. Said it “doesn’t condone this individual’s statement or violence.
one billion people in China are now double jabbed against the coronavirus, with over 2.16 billion shots having been administered state-wide,. over 70% of its population. Beijing was responsible for more than a third of all doses administered worldwide.
Google has been accused of Firing a software engineer who warned that Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) could hurt marginalized groups Listening to customers through its products. Collecting students’ biometric data with the company’s educational tool. Genocide complicity in China. Now the company is accused of knowingly underpaying thousands of temporary workers in dozens of countries and delayed correcting the pay rates for more than two years as it attempted to cover up the problem.”
About half of all Covid-19 patients in hospital and in intensive care are fully vaccinated against the disease, Of 55 patients in ICU, 26 were fully vaccinated, two were partly vaccinated, and 26 had received no vaccinations. Ireland inflate the numbers of "unvaccinated" deaths by not counting people as "fully vaccinated" if they get double jabbed and die with covid within two weeks
Global food prices up 33% from a year earlier, vegetable oil, grains and meat on the rise, Extreme weather, soaring freight and fertilizer costs, shipping bottlenecks and labor shortages compound the problem. Dwindling foreign currency reserves hampering ability of some nations to import food..
From The Washington Post, "Florida landlord says tenants must get the covid vaccine: 'You don't want to get vaccinated? You have to move'":
House Democrats proposing $3 trillion ($3,000,000,000,000) in tax increases including tax increases on small businesses and working families. Largest tax increase since 1968 compared to the size of the economy and largest tax increase ever in nominal dollars. This tax increase will be passed along to working families in the form of higher prices, fewer jobs, and lower wages. Will give the U.S. a combined state-federal rate of 30.9 percent, higher than China, which has a 25 percent corporate tax rate, and Europe which has average rate of 21.7 percent.
Incentive payments to Russian doctors involved in vaccination of the population against coronavirus, amount to 200 rubles for each vaccinated patient,They have an incentive to offer vaccinations as well as “vaccinations”. The bonuses mean doctors have an incentive to promote the vaccines, doctors have an incentive to record vaccinations whether these actually took place or not
Last night on CNN 351,000 “Yes” votes disappeared in an instant during live coverage of the Newsom Recall Election in California. This happened during the 2020 presidential election. ALWAYS only affects Trump supporters and Republicans.
Number of illegal border crossers that were encountered on the southern border has officially topped 200,000 for the second straight month. We have now had a whopping total of 1,322,657 over the first 8 months of the year.
Active caseload, high of 3,10,783 in reduced by over 99 per cent..Uttar Pradesh is the leading state in India to use Ivermectin, one of the five lowest COVID cases of all states in India despite a low vaccination rate of 5.8% fully vaccinated compared to USA that has 54% fully vaccinated.
The Taliban thanked the international community for pledging more than $1 billion in emergency aid to Afghanistan, called on the US to donate more .TalibanAmir Khan Mutaqi, the foreign minister in Afghanistan’s new Taliban-run Cabinet, asked Washington to show appreciation for the militant group allowing the US to complete its massive evacuation effort. United Nations said $1.2 billion in humanitarian assistance promised to Afghanistan, $64 million coming from the US.
Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash said the current wave of coronavirus infections is surpassing anything seen in previous outbreaks. Average of 8,000 new infections each day, with occasional peaks over 10,000, he said, “That is a record that did not exist in the previous waves,” including the massive third wave at the end of last year.
The biggest public health threat are “fully vaccinated” people, whom the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now warns are super-spreaders polluting society with coronavirus (Covid-19) “variants.”“Mass vaccination promotes natural selection of increasingly vaccine immunity -escaping variants in the vaccinated. Best way to handle the plandemic is to encourage people to boost their immune systems with vitamins, minerals, a clean diet with healthy organic foods, regular exercise, rest, hydration and minimal stress.
Follow the “Quick Sip Rule” when drinking. Lower your mask, take a sip, and then promptly cover your mouth and nose. A straw can make this more efficient. Do not linger with your mask down. If you wish to slowly savor a hot beverage, do it away from others. Unvaccinated persons must “maintain distance from others when dining indoors,
Biden administration rationing doses of monoclonal antibodies used by states for treating Covid patients.Southern states with Republican leadership adopted the Regeneron or GlaxoSmithKline treatments to fight Covid, Federal government and mainstream media promoting the purchase of 1.7 million doses of the treatment as “staving off shortages” due to “dwindling supplies.”The administration is really manufacturing a shortage that will only be hurting states with GOP governors.
Taliban militants found several old Soviet-made ballistic missiles in the Panjshir Valley while securing the region and defeating local resistance forces. However, the missiles appear to be in an inoperable condition .Militants found the missile cache lying on the bank of the Panjshir River, footage that has surfaced online shows. Video shot by the militants shows around 10 Luna-M (NATO reporting name FROG-7) short-range and 10 R-17 Elbrus medium-range ballistic missiles.,
The GOP recall effort in California went down in flames this week with Governor Gavin Newsom easily surviving 64-36 but at least Larry Elder raised over $18 millio.n Elder was the choice of 47% who supported the recall whereas ConInc's initial favorite, Caitlyn Jenner, got only 1%.
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