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Biden said the operation couldn't have been done in a 'more orderly manner' amid intense criticism from Democrats,,Republicans and fellow world leaders about his handling of the U.S. drawdown.. Thousands of local allies at least 100 U.S. citizens are stuck and facing threats from the Taliban
Cash reserves running low, aid organizations cutting off funding, skilled workers fleeing by the thousands, the country's economy on the brink of near-total collapse .Prices for basic goods have soared due to shortages, food could run dangerously low.. A third of the population survives on less than $2 per day,, .hospitals already overloaded
Ivermectin is normally used to treat people and livestock for parasitic worms, but in recent weeks anti-vaxxers have pushed the drug as a potential COVID-19 treatment. It has been embraced by doctors in Latin America and in the US, nearly 88,000 prescriptions for it written in a single week.
The Taliban staged a military parade celebrating its victory. Massive column of assorted military vehicles, carrying hundreds of Taliban fighters, rode through Kandahar Black Hawk helicopter appeared carrying the group’s flag, flew above the column at extremely low altitude
Italy extended the coverage of its Covid Green Pass , requiring any individual travelling via train, plane, ferry, or inter-regional coach to have received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine before travelling. Italy’s foreign minister, Luigi Di Maio, , condemning a “climate of hatred” against the country’s Covid vaccination campaign, citing threats made by individuals on social media.
More businesses left California this year than in all of 2020 .Reasons include “high tax rates, punitive regulations, high labor costs, high utility, energy costs, and declining quality of life. Top destination states, include Texas, Tennessee, Arizona.
While the treasonous distraction bubbles to the surface from the incompetent Harris/Biden Administration doing the geopolitical bidding of the Great Reset by destroying the United State’s power on the World Stage, Joe Biden attempts to sell the lie as the minions of one party rule gut America from within.
Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd murdered unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt on January 6th. But the left continues to seethe in brownshirt-level defense of murdering anyone that disagrees with their brainwashing.
A Gold Star Mother who’s been deeply critical of the administration’s role in the bungled Afghanistan pullout that led to her son’s death was censored on social media following a post lambasting Biden.
Top globalist billionaire intends to keep his minion in power to continue implementing his far-left agenda to transform America.
Canadian government ordered 293 million doses of covid vaccine for a population of 38 million, enough to vaccinate every person SEVEN TIMES. Additional 60 million doses for next two years and 60 million boosters for 2024. Continuing to build internment camps, to round up and blame unvaccinated for crimes perpetuated by government and pharmaceutical companies
Six people reportedly killed by US drone strike that targeted "multiple suicide bombers" on their way to Kabul's airport in an explosive-laden car.. Two Pakistani soldiers killed by militant fire from across the border with Afghanistan, The army added it killed three attackers in retaliation, first of its kind since the Taliban* took control of Afghanistan.
Black fungus, white fungus, yellow fungus, strange diseases that lead to the loss of jaw bones, eyes, high fever, dehydration, a sudden drop in platelet count, dengue symptoms and other complications. These infections mostly in people who recently recovered from COVID-19. .
The covid bioweapon was created in a lab. The vaccine was developed to intentionally achieve depopulation..Great reset” of the financial system planned by wealthy bankers. Floods, droughts and crop failures mostly the result of weather weapons. Average human has almost no spare cash, very little spare food,, fuel, gold, silver or even a means of basic self-defense.Could theoretically achieve 80% or 90% extermination rates
California is trying to fast-track a bill that requires Covid vaccines for people 12 and over to enter indoor spaces and businesses. The bill demands that ALL employers in private industry require their employees to be fully vaccinated, including independent contractors.
David Benatar An “anti-natalist, believes life is so bad, humans should stop having children for reasons of compassion. .Only way to prevent all the suffering is not to bring children into existence” he writes, in 2006 book called “Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence.” In Benatar’s view, reproducing is cruel and irresponsible because life itself is “permeated by badness.”
The United States officially has ended its military presence in Afghanistan with the final U.S. military flight out of Kabul, concluding 20 years of American involvement after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The notes order their victims to attend a Taliban-convened court. Failure to do so will result in the death penalty. .Construction company owener helped UK military build roads in Helmand applied for sanctuary in Britain but was rejected. said yesterday: ‘The letter was official and stamped by the Taliban. It is a clear message that they want to kill me. If I attend the court, I will be punished with my life. If I don’t, they will kill me – that is why I am in hiding, trying to find a way to escape.
Researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel found the immunity acquired through recovery from a COVID-19 infection, or natural immunity, is superior to that provided by the two-dose Pfizer vaccine Unvaccinated. who recovered from COVID-19 far less likely than never-infected, vaccinated individuals to be hospitalized with serious COVID-19..
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla warned a vaccine-resistant (COVID-19) strain could “likely” emerge. He made the warning during an Aug. 24 Fox News appearance, but nevertheless assured that Pfizer scientists are working on vaccines to address it
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