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Denmark rose to the highest spot in the entire European Union in terms of taxes, ousting previous leader France. At the bottom of the tax-revenue Ireland and Romania. Denmark also had the highest share of direct taxes, with levies on goods and services 66.5 percent of revenues followedby Ireland and Malta. The nation finances most of its social security through general taxation.
China’s electric car market is the world’s largest, selling more than half of the world’s total in 2020 as the country rushes toward totally phasing out gas-only cars by 2035. China’s automotive exports more than doubled in the first half of 2021 despite a global shortage in semiconductors necessary for car computers. “A lack of automotive chips around the world benefited Chinese companies.,
Delta variant of COVID-19 has killed over 100 people in the UK — 50 of those were fully-vaccinated, all were in the over-50 age group which accounts for 99 per cent of deaths in the UK. 227 new patients admitted with the virus on Sunday....
A preliminary statistical analysis found hospitalization rates and absolute mortality due to the Delta variant are substantially higher among “vaccinated” compared to the unvaccinated.. Data that those who have been injected are responsible for the spread of Delta. And the more people that get vaccinated, the more Delta is spreading, medical establishment claim injections might lower a person’s risk of becoming seriously ill and requiring hospitalization after testing positive. The latest data, shows that this is false...
The flyer told students they could get abortions and birth control no matter their age and without asking for their parental;consent; someone could engage in sex as young as 11 so long as their partner was less than two years older than them..'The flyer is not part of curriculum and should not have been sent home with students,. 'Previously, Planned Parenthood taught within schools and supplied the flyer that was distributed to students.,'
This year’s harvest will help lower food prices in the country .Prices have risen due to a shortage of domestic produce and high dependence on imports;. expecting the new vegetable harvest to have an impact on prices, increasing production of fruit and vegetables is a high-priority, not producing enough fruit and vegetables to meet domestic consumption.,
Robin Hordon was holding signs he calls “temporary free speech presentations did not contain profanity or anything remotely offensive. One side of the 6-foot sign read “Protect Democracy Vote,” other side read “Save Earth..”Arrested, bail set at $50,000 had no criminal record charges were for non-violent offenses .Permanently banned” from the park, three counts of second-degree criminal trespass.As part of the lawsuit, Kitsap County Sheriff’s department forced to undergo “free speech training” and make policy changes. Paid Hordon a total of $400,000
Canada’s Liberal Party headed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau proposed new legislation to criminalize “hate speech” online, punishable by a $50,000 fine (roughly $40,000 U.S.D.), paid to the government,.. amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to define a new discriminatory practice of communicating hate speech online;, add a definition of “hatred” to section 319 of the Criminal Code based on Supreme Court of Canada decisions.
A "pro-vaccine and pro-science" mom signed her kids up for Pfizer's experimental mRNA covid vaccine trial in December; told Senator Ron Johnson at a public hearing o her 12-year-old daughter suffered "severe" reactions to the shot and had to be hospitalized for months..husband works in the medical field and I have a degree in electrical engineering...
Man arrested after he smashed his scooter through a car window on the Falmouth Bridge during protests last year resolved with a suspended sentence...Initially. charged with unlawful wounding, a felony t possibility of up to five years in prison. The felony was reduced to a misdemeanor...
Active duty members of the Navy in San Diego were reportedly forced to take part in a "Pride Hike" on Friday "in honor of Pride Month" carrying a "rainbow American flag;." no American flags -- only the new flag of the Globalist American Empire (GAE). All active duty and veterans recently offered free sex changes. .Biden-appointed Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services is a transgender "woman" "Rachel" Levine who is an advocate of sex changes for kids and drugging children with puberty blockers..
Robert L. Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television and America’s first Black billionaire, wants a check. He wants it from the government. And he wants it to come with an apology for slavery, Jim Crow, and hundreds of years of racism.. The 75-year-old media magnate owns several homes, heads an asset management firm, the first Black person to own a majority stake in an NBA team. He doubts that check will ever come.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern accused of “misleading the public” in radio interview defending a proposed hate speech law. Anyone who “intentionally stirs up, maintains or normalizes hatred against a protected group” by being “threatening, abusive or insulting, including by inciting violence” would break the law, could face up to three years’ imprisonment or fine of NZ$50,000 (US$35,182) . List of “protected groups” has yet to be drawn up, Justice Minister Kris Faafoi said “political opinion” would be protected.. Religion also will be included.,
Through encouraging people to change their linguistic behaviour, the project of re-engineering verbal communication ultimately aims to control how people think and behave.. Long list of words targeted.. Getting rid of the phrase ‘trigger warning’ because the word trigger has a connection with guns. teachers to refer to boys and girls as ‘learners. Language police intimidate with language wars
White British influencer Oli London has come out as trans-racial and now identifies as Korean having undergone surgery to make him look Asian. I’ve transitioned,” London said in another video, saying his name is now “Jimin.”“I identify as Korean after $ 180,000 in surgeies.
The pandemic virus industrial complex is an interlocking set of corporations and other institutions who feed off and support each other with goods and services in a self-reinforcing way. They function and interact with elements within the academic, military and commercial complexes,, leverages public money for private profit. Philanthropic organizations act as string-pullers, influencers and profit centers The Defense Department is a cash cow Academia provides public relations via legacy media controlled by philanthropic organizations and the drug industry.. Academic nonprofits act as money launderers.
Clover Health hit with numerous investor lawsuits that claim the company and its leadership failed to disclose that it was under investigation by the Department of Justice for allegedly offering illegal kickbacks to health care providers in exchange for patient referrals; accused Clover Health and its CEO Vivek Garipalli of "employ[ing] devices, schemes, and artifices to defraud" investors..
Half of new COVID-19 cases in Israel are vaccinated people.The Delta variant, not as easily beaten by vaccines as other variants, is driving Israel's surge.. Although Infections among vaccinated people alarmed Israelis, the infections appear to be milder than they are in unvaccinated people..
Consumers paying more for a growing range of household staples in ways that don't show up on receipts - thinner rolls, lighter bags, smaller cans - as companies look to offset rising labor and materials costs without scaring off customers. .Retail camouflage known as"shrinkflation," taking hold of such everyday items such as paper towels, potato chips..
Airline employees vaccinated at the rate of 96-99%(!); 17 pilots at the time of reporting died of ‘Covid. Mysterious deaths among pilots increasing.: Vaccinations are suspected..Pilots have an increased risk of blood clots. COVID-19 vaccine recipients have an increased risk of blood clots. .Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die Delta Airlines requires COVID-19 vaccine for all new employees, potentially putting Delta employees at risk of blood clots and death.
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