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Here’s Why Trump Just Claimed Credit For “Killing” Nord Stream II

November 1st, 2024
Categories: News


Adnrew Korybko | He wanted to dispel whatever doubts some undecided voters might still have about his ties to Russia by reminding them that he imposed sanctions against that megaproject, which debunked the Democrats’ Russiagate claims and were even hypocritically waived by Biden for a nine-month period. | Trump boasted during his live interview with Tucker Carlson at a charity event in Arizona on Thursday night that he was responsible for “killing” Nord Stream II. In his words, “The Democrats] love to say that I was a friend of Russia, I worked for Russia, I was a Russian spy. The biggest job Russia ever had [was] Nord Stream 2. This is the biggest pipeline in the world, [it] goes from Russia to Germany and all over Europe. I killed it. Nobody would kill it but me. I stopped it.” He has a point that’ll now be elaborated on.  For starters, he clearly wasn’t referring to September 2022’s terrorist attack since he wasn’t in office then and therefore couldn’t have had anything to do with it. Rather, what he wanted to convey is that the Democrats’ false claims of him being a Russian puppet are debunked by the fact that he sanctioned Nord Stream II, which was done in an attempt to poach the European energy market from Russia. In an unexpected turn of events, Biden waived those sanctions in May 2021, one month before meeting Putin.

The Third Atomic Bomb: Self-replicating RNA vaccines

November 1st, 2024
Categories: News


Dr. Robert Malone recently returned to the USA from Japan. While he was there, a large crowd were protesting the roll-out of the new self-replicating RNA vaccines which the Japanese are referring to as “the third atomic bomb.” At the end of September, Dr. Robert Malone was speaking at a rally in Washington D.C. when he referred to the self-replicating RNA vaccines, or replicon vaccines, that are being rolled out in Japan. Related: Self-replicating vaccines due to be rolled out next month in Japan could result in a worldwide disaster and Japan: Replicon “vaccines” could turn people into mobile “vaccine” factories. What started as ‘Defeat The Mandates’, a historic idea to bring together the world’s leading covid-19 dissidents in the early days of the vaccine mandates, and ‘Rage Against The War Machine’ in the wake of the Ukrainian conflict, has now become ‘Rescue the Republic: Join The Resistance’.

Biden regime spent $1B pushing LIES about COVID jabs, boosters and masks, Congress finds

November 1st, 2024
Categories: News


The U.S. House of Representatives has issued its report on COVID propaganda from the federal department of Health and Human Services (HHS) throughout the "pandemic," and the findings are damning. When all the dust settled, the regime of Joe Biden spent nearly $1 billion – all that money came from U.S. taxpayers, by the way – to propagandize the country into wearing masks and getting jabbed and "boosted" with all of the latest experimental drugs from Operation Warp Speed.

Dems Panicked That Secretive Government Censorship Agency Will Be Terminated If Trump Wins

November 1st, 2024
Categories: News


With its censorship capacity limited and reputational cancellation attempts no longer working the way they once did, the regime has largely resorted to a combination of lawfare (and potentially assassination) to go after Trump and his supporters in the 2024 cycle, a deeply troubling phenomenon about which we’ve written extensively. With Elon’s takeover of X, the public exposure of the Twitter Files, and the looming extinction of key censorship think tanks such as the Stanford Internet Observatory, the Censorship Industrial complex has taken a number of severe blows in the past couple years.

Harris, Trump Basically Tied in Race for Pennsylvania’s Electoral Votes - Poll

October 31st, 2024
Categories: News


Former US President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris are basically tied in the race for Pennsylvania's electoral votes, according to a poll released by Monmouth University Wednesday. | According to the poll, 42% of registered voters in Pennsylvania said they had already voted or planned to vote for Harris, while the same number backed Trump. Voter motivation has increased significantly, with 81% of respondents saying they are extremely motivated to vote this year, up from 75% a month ago. Among that group, Trump and Harris are tied at 48% support. Last month's figures were 50% for Harris and 46% for Trump.

Trump rides in garbage truck (VIDEOS) (
Harris campaign manipulating social media – researcher (


October 31st, 2024
Categories: News


Election fraud appears to already be taking place in multiple states across the country. Today, numbers came out from Michigan. | This just-in from Attorney Matthew S. DePerno, whose Social Media Account describes him as "Constitutional attorney serving the state of Michigan. "Tough as Hell" and "feared by the legislatures.": "After reviewing the Qualified Voter File (QVF) of votes actually cast as of yesterday, Oct 29, 2024, the database identifies 114,545 Michigan voters who have cast 279,113 ballots from multiple addresses across the state. This results in 164,568 excess ballots as of 10/29/2024. Below is the Ballots cast by one Voter ID:

Trump is going to win BIG, and then the real fireworks begin… America won’t survive as we know it for even ONE YEAR

October 29th, 2024
Categories: News


Mike Adams | Based on recent events, here's my best analysis of what happens next (subject to change as new intel emerges, of course): | First off, Trump wins big on Election Day. I'm estimating between 325 - 350 electoral votes. The cheating Dems, of course, know this is going to happen, which is why corrupt officials in swing states have been pre-announcing that they'll need up to 12 days to "count" additional ballots. They aren't just counting them, they're fabricating them. They need 12 days to cheat.  Friday's Fifth Circuit decision that declared all mail-in ballots must arrive by Election Day puts a damper on the Dems' cheating plan. Even though the Fifth Circuit technically doesn't have legal jurisdiction over all 50 states, its decision is a court precedent that can be cited by GOP attorneys in other states and expanded by other local or district courts. It's also likely this decision will be expedited to the US Supreme Court within the next 2-3 weeks, and there, it also seems like the Supreme Court will concur with the Fifth Circuit's decision. This would render the Dems' swing state cheating effort null and void, for the most part. Yes, they will still cheat in other ways, but without the post-election "mail-in ballot" cheating mechanism, the Trump margin of victory becomes too big to rig.

‘World’s most accurate economist’ predicts US election outcome (

‘Major massacre’: Scores killed as Israel attacks hospital, homes in Gaza

October 29th, 2024
Categories: News


Israeli forces have stormed the last operational hospital in the besieged north Gaza after bombing it and killing children inside, according to doctors and media reports. | Medical sources announced that at least 63 Palestinians were killed in the early morning Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. “A large number of the martyrs are women and children,” they said. The attack on the Kamal Adwan hospital, located in Beit Lahia northwest of Jabalia, was launched around 2 a.m. local time Friday, shortly after a WHO delegation left the hospital.  It began with airstrikes targeting the hospital and its courtyards, including the medical oxygen generator, said Dr. Munir al-Bursh, the director general of the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza. The bombing led to the death of children inside the hospital and wounded medical staff. Israeli troops then raided the hospital around two hours later, calling on all patients, including people in intensive care, to gather in the courtyard.

Paul Craig Roberts, Satan’s Chosen People:

 Israel gets away with mass murder of civilians and genocide of a people and a country. For decades Israel has used the Holocaust narrative to portray Jews as victims, not as victimizers. Israel’s theft of Palestine and murder of the inhabitants is presented as “self-defense.” Those who challenge Israel’s right to steal a country and to murder its inhabitants are ruined by Israel’s propaganda agents in the Western World, the media of which never dares utter one critical word against Israel.

 The World’s governments do not break diplomatic relations with the Zionist state. The Russian government continues to permit Israel to attack Russia’s allies in Syria and Iran. This acceptance of unspeakable Israeli evil, with Palestinian children having to undergo amputations without anesthetics, with adults having to eat grass, where it can be found, in order to have anything in their stomachs, where the scant water supply is polluted and every adult and child are sick, where Israel and the United States are intentionally starving Palestinians to death.

 And the American Christian Zionists support this. They also are in Satan’s grasp and serve as his agents. Nothing is being done about evil. No government will stand up to it. The Muslims themselves will do nothing to stop the murder of their own kind.

 The moral conscience of the world has been stamped out, giving free rein to Evil. So nothing is done to stop a genocide. It is not just the Americans who are guilty by supplying Israel the weapons and money. It is the entire world which does nothing in the face of Satanic Evil. The refusal of the World to confront Evil will unleash Evil on every country. None will escape the consequences.

Bezos explains why WaPo dropped presidential endorsements

October 29th, 2024
Categories: News


Backing specific candidates reinforces a sense of bias in the media, the newspaper owner has claimed | The Washington Post has abandoned its decades-long tradition of endorsing a US presidential candidate to earn back the trust of the American public, the newspaper’s owner, Jeff Bezos, has said. The billionaire explained his reasoning in an op-ed published by the Post on Monday after facing a backlash from current and former staff.  The newspaper had endorsed candidates since 1976, but announced the suspension of the practice on Friday, prompting several editors to resign. The Post’s editorial board endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. According to CNN, the newspaper’s staffers had drafted an endorsement of Democratic candidate Kamala Harris ahead of the election next month, but it was ultimately not approved by the management.  Bezos began his op-ed by citing a recent Gallup poll, which found that nearly 70% of Americans have little or no trust in the media. “Our profession is now the least trusted of all. Something we are doing is clearly not working,” the entrepreneur wrote, adding that “most people believe the media is biased.”

Another US outlet backs away from election endorsement (
US media avoid supporting election candidates due to alleged Russian ties — MFA (Maria Zakharova/TASS)

The surveillance state has arrived…and it’s being implemented by our cities and towns

October 29th, 2024
Categories: News


Cities across the United States are installing hidden surviellance cameras that track everyone, everywhere, and nobody, not even Donald Trump, is talking about this. What are the Top 10 most surveilled cities in the U.S.? We’ve got the list! | Multitudes of cities of all sizes across the U.S. are jumping on the technocracy bandwagon and setting up hidden surveillance cameras on every corner. They’re on light poles, bridges and overpasses, stoplights, buildings, you name it. Some are equipped with speakers so they can also listen in on what’s being said. They claim it’s for our “safety.”

Impending Bedlam: The Pentagon Has Already Begun Preparing To Suppress Mass Unrest On The Streets During And After The November 5 Elections

October 29th, 2024
Categories: News


With so many stories out there about how election results may be delayed, or rather, WILL be delayed, such as Arizona saying it will take at least two weeks to get the results, and Pennsylvania saying “several days”, and many localities blaming very poor service by the United Sates Post Office for their expected delays. “‘For the love of God, vote early,’ one election official says.” Some states count votes quickly while others take weeks and therein lies the problem; there should be a mandated time when ALL results are announced, and that should be the next day after voting as things used to be before we implemented all of these efficiency plans that have done exactly the opposite of the announced goal of those plans. Funny how machine counting has delayed so many return numbers while at the same time doing exactly what they were designed for; to enable massive voter fraud while claiming the opposite just like early voting, mail in ballots, no voter ID required, and other recent implementations of massive voter fraud enhancements.

Military to Use ‘lethal Force’ Against Americans

October 16th, 2024
Categories: News


Leo Hohmann | The timing of Federal Directive 5240.01 is interesting in light of the upcoming election and the government's narrative about right wing extremists being the 'biggest threat' to US national security. | A video clip has resurfaced from May of 2019 in which Kamala Harris advocates weaponizing the DOJ against speech the government doesn’t like, and the platforms that allow it.  In the meantime, one month before a tense presidential election, the U.S. Department of Defense has authorized U.S. military “defense intelligence components” to use “lethal force” against American citizens if requested by state or local law enforcement in an emergency situation. More on this in a minute, but first let’s get to the May 2019 video showing Kamala Harris unleashing her inner dictator. Speaking at the annual NAACP ‘Fight for Freedom Fund’ dinner in Detroit, Harris threatened: “We will put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division, and direct Law Enforcement to counter this extremism.

Here’s how much each NY state resident will have to fork over in taxes to cover migrant crisis bill

October 15th, 2024
Categories: News


Here’s how much each NY state resident will have to fork over in taxes to cover migrant crisis bill | Each of New York's 10.7 million taxpayers would have to fork over $215 on average to foot the bill for the state's ongoing migrant crisis, according to a new analysis. Put another way, it would take the entire tax bill paid by 328,471 New Yorkers together to cover the $2.3 billion tab to house and care for the staggering number of asylum seekers in the state. The analysis was conducted by the campaign of Gina Arena, the Republican candidate in the 40th state Senate district in the lower Hudson Valley, based on the average $7,000 state income tax bill for New Yorkers in 2022.

U.S. Embassy in Beirut: "Leave Lebanon NOW!"

October 15th, 2024
Categories: News


U.S. Embassy in Beirut issues URGENT and IMMEDIATE Warning: "Leave Lebanon NOW!" | The US Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon has issued an URGENT and IMMEDIATE warning to Americans saying "Leave Lebanon NOW." The Embassy points out that the US government has reserved "thousands" of seats on planes out of Beirut, many of which are going unused, and that Americans are URGED to leave Lebanon immediately. Israel is said to be planning a “Large-Scale Response” against Hezbollah for yesterday’s Drone Attack on the Golani Brigade’s Training Base near Binyamina, which resulted in the Death of Four Soldiers.

Israel Burns Gazan People Alive

October 15th, 2024
Categories: News


'Israel' burns Palestinians alive in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital (Al Mayadeen)

Smotrich’s ‘Greater Israel’ fantasy rooted in Theodor Herzl’s Zionism

October 15th, 2024
Categories: News


Alireza Akbari | Israeli regime minister Bezalel Smotrich in a TV show earlier this week brazenly expounded the plan to expand the occupying entity "as far as Damascus," sparking massive backlash. | Known for his racist and fascist demagoguery, Smotrich made the remarks in a recently released documentary titled 'In Israel: Ministers of Chaos', in which he claimed that the expansionist agenda, rooted in the Zionist vision of a "Greater Israel" beyond the Jordan River, would unfold "little by little."

💬 "Absolutely, but slowly," Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu's close aide and confidante said when asked about extending the regime's "borders" from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. "Our great sages used to say that the future of Jerusalem was to extend as far as Damascus."

His comments came amid Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza and Lebanon. While the aggression against Lebanon has killed over 2,000 and displaced at least a million others, the onslaught on Gaza has so far claimed more than 42,000 lives and displaced over 1.5 million Palestinians in the enclave. [...] Greater Israel is an expansionist and irredentist concept and a plan to expand the Zionist entity into the territories of West Asia and North Africa.

‘Idea of greater Israel fuelling Netanyahu’s ideology’: top UN official (10/13/24)

Is the US government using weather modification technology to strengthen hurricanes?

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News


With ultra-violent hurricanes like Milton and Helene threatening devastation in key swing states just weeks before the presidential election, some people are questioning: Have these storms been manipulated by the government? The devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene across the American South has prompted many uncomfortable questions, including: is the government running an “October Surprise” to help Kamala Harris win the presidency? That people wonder about such things is because they can’t help but notice Helene’s intensity, which is reportedly stronger than Hurricane Katrina, the storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005.

Diddy affair exposes America’s need for ‘real journalism’ – Zakharova to RT

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News


The US should fix its domestic mess instead of blaming everything on Russia, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman believes. The “enormous scandal” around US rapper Sean Combs, also known as P Diddy, has exposed America’s need for “real journalism” and for efforts to fix its domestic affairs rather than global ones, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has told RT in an exclusive interview. Combs, the 54-year-old three-time Grammy award winner and prominent hip-hop producer behind the landmark label Bad Boy Records, has been charged with racketeering and sex trafficking, and is facing over 100 additional sexual misconduct allegations, including against minors, dating back to the early 1990s. “We’re not just talking about indecent behavior or minor infractions like illegal weapons possession or drug use. We’re not even talking about hypocrisy – like generally being an affront to the ideals they pretended to promote. No, they’re implicated in a system that has been built over decades, coercing people into illegal activities through violence,” Zakharova said.

CIA officer jailed for sexually abusing dozens of women

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News


Brian Jeffrey Raymond photographed his victims and kept detailed notes on the abuse he committed, a Washington DC court heard. A former CIA officer has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting more than two dozen women while working for the agency in South America. Law enforcement found hundreds of images of the disgraced spy groping and abusing his unconscious victims on his computer. Brian Jeffrey Raymond was handed his sentence by a Washington DC court on Wednesday, nearly a year after he pleaded guilty to one count each of sexual abuse, abusive sexual contact, coercion and enticement, and transportation of obscene material. As part of a plea deal with federal prosecutors, Raymond admitted to raping an additional four women, sexually abusing six, and taking obscene photographs of 28 female victims.

Russian victory will liberate Europe – top French historian

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News


European “submission” to the US will be be prolonged for a century if Moscow loses in Ukraine, according to Emmanuel Todd. A Ukrainian defeat would represent a victory for all of Europe, French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd has claimed, in an interview with the Italian news outlet Corriere di Bologna published on Tuesday. According to Todd, who has stressed that he is not an explicit supporter of Moscow, if Russia were to lose in the Ukraine conflict, this would allow “European submission to the Americans to be prolonged for a century.” The leading intellectual has argued that Europe has effectively delegated the representation of the West to the US and has been paying the consequences ever since. He claims in the interview that nothing can be done to change this fact at the moment due to the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but suggests that its outcome will “decide the fate of Europe.”

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