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After blasting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as “mentally ill,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene went on to compare being required to wear a mask to Jewish people being forced to wear identifying markers and being “taken to gas chambers..”
Riot police have been deployed in Berlin to forcefully disperse hundreds of protesters. Demonstrators have taken to the streets of the German capital denouncing the Covid-19 lockdown measures
Worldwide opposition to “Smart Cities” continues to increase due to concerns about significant cybersecurity, economic, privacy, safety, health and environmental risks. In 2020, Toronto cancelled its “Smart City” plans due to public outcry
New Mexico’s Archbishop ordered in new “liturgical restriction” guidelines that only vaccinated people can sing in church choirs and only priests or laity who have been vaccinated can distribute Holy Communion on the tongue.
State of Oregon has ordered “businesses, workplaces and houses of worship” to make sure anyone who comes indoors without wearing a mask has been vaccinated. Maskless people who wish to enter will have to show a “proof of vaccination” card or a photo of such a card..
Anyone who gets vaccinated at select state-run vaccination sites in New York next week will receive a lottery scratch ticket with prizes potentially worth millions, as Gov. Andrew Cuomo tries to boost slowing vaccination rates. The governor said there’s a one in nine chance of winning a scratch ticket prize in New York, which is joining other states, including Ohio, with similar lottery incentives.
Goal of eating healthy is to avoid foods that are contaminated, and also get the most nutrients possible.This is why you should only buy organic food or locally (or self-grown) food you can be sure is not loaded with contaminants.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn : transportation of migrants is taking place in "the dead of night without the knowledge or permission of the communities involved."The White House is transporting migrants to airport in Chattanooga where they are bused to cities in the Southeast. Iimmigration crisis spilling over into many U.S. states.
NYC PBS show where a drag queen named “Little Miss Hot Mess” teaches “drag queens in training,” also known as children, how to shake their butts..The program, “Let’s Learn,” collaboration between PBS and The New York City Department of Education for children ages 3-8.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will demand that companies report any and all cryptocurrency transfers over $10,000 Cryptocurrency poses a significant detection problem by facilitating illegal activity broadly including tax evasion", said in a statement..
Engineers at Caltech created tiny structures inspired by the shape of cactus spines to harvest drinkable water from the air day and night. The new system combines two water-harvesting technologies.. The material is a micro-architected hydrogel membrane able to produce water through solar steam-water generation and fog collection..
European countries are training dogs to sniff out covid in people;.will use dogs in airports or wherever to detect the virus. Finland, Dubai and Switzerland training dogs to sniff out infections.
The people of Chile voted in a historic election to select the members of a body tasked with drafting a new Constitution to replace the one written in 1980 under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet..
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga:.Pelosi is “running an unethical, oppressive work environment” badgering its members about getting jabbed, but also tyrannizing and fining members who refuse to wear a face mask.“Forcing mask compliance and demanding vaccine records in order for me to represent the people of #GA14 is tyrannical,”
Researchers arrived at this finding after measuring the amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride that were emitted by 190 nations.
The world’s top digital asset, bitcoin, is clawing back some the losses it sustained amid a massive cryptocurrency market selloff.. Bitcoin rose above $42,000 per token, a 25% day-over-day growth.
If Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates lived in the US today, he would be “canceled,” GOP state representative Anthony Sabatini tweeted. Socrates was one of the founders of Western philosophy.. He was tried for being disrespectful to established gods and corrupting the minds of young people. In 399 BC, Socrates was executed by ingestion of a poisonous hemlock brewage..
Stun grenades, rocks and petrol bombs have reportedly been exchanged by Israeli authorities and Palestinians at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, where thousands gathered to celebrate the latest truce between Israel and Hamas..
An Italian dock workers’ union set off a global chain reaction last Friday when they refused to load a shipment of weapons onto a vessel bound for Israel. The next day , The Histadrut, Israel’s largest trade union, ordered dock workers to decline service to all Italy-bound ships..
Federal Trade Commission and officials from six states sued Frontier Communications, alleging the telecom provider misrepresented Internet speeds and charged many customers for higher speeds than it actually provided or was capable of providing..
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