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A group of active French military personnel has published a new open letter to the country's president Emmanuel Macron, warning him of a "civil war" brewing in the country after all the "concessions" he's made to Islamism.
Scientists in the Chinese military discussed weaponizing SARS coronaviruses in a document obtained by the United States Government where they discussed their ideas about using biological weapons to win a third world war.
President of the American Federation of Teachers Teacher Union Randi Weingarten defended indoctrinating children with Critical Race Theory. “Critical race theory is the leftist, racist doctrine that forms the intellectual underpinnings of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other radical organizations currently engaged in unrest on America’s streets.”
Walt Disney Co. reportedly joined corporate America’s rush toward critical race theory, teaching staff that America is rooted in “systemic racism” , white employees must show special deference to black colleagues. Staffers told to "learn what to say and what not to say" to black co-workers. White employeescomplete a "white privilege checklist," taught to squash any suggestion that accusations against them might be false..
The women were first removed from campus, prevented from taking classes remotely; barred from their final exams, making them unable to complete the academic year and forcing them to redo the semester.Suspension meant that $16,000 for the semester had been wasted.,
More subtle than meteorological weather, space weather usually acts on technological systems, and has potential impacts that range from communication disruption to power grid failures.
U.K. government’s own vaccine adverse event system has collected more than 2,200 reports of reproductive disorders after coronavirus injections, including excessive or absent menstrual bleeding, delayed menstruation, vaginal haemorrhaging, miscarriages, and stillbirths.
Several members on Facebook’s Oversight Board, which decided this week to permanently ban former president Donald Trump, have connections to radical, globalist billionaire George Soros and have openly advocated for leftist agendas.
Tennessee gave final approval to Senate Bill 1380 (SB1380) that bans “no-knock” warrants in the state. Highlighting the bipartisan support behind the bill, it passed the Senate and the House without a single ‘nay,..’unprecedented support from both parties..
Spraying food with chemicals prevents plants from forming building blocks needed to properly nourish humans; destroyed ability of our immune systems to protect us; rise in a number of chronic diseases, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, thyroid disease and Crohn’s disease....
Yellowstone volcano was struck by more than 40 earthquakes in April, amid widespread concern the US super volcano is going to blow one day without warning..
Illegal aliens are set to receive millions of dollars in legal for illegals facing deportation under a new program approved by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors,
A woman from Mali has safely given birth to five girls and four boys in Morocco, the African country’s government has announced. The nonuplets and their mother may have set a new world record..
Two Asian women in their 60s were brutally attacked in Baltimore on Tuesday — the third vicious crime against female Asians in as many days across the country..
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is banking on COVID-19 being a major profit-driver for years; lines up vaccine delivery contracts for as far away as 2024. Corporate leaders have previously spoken of plans to dramatically increase the price of a jab once governments stop being the primary buyer..
Washington Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee’s “Road to Recovery” plan includes mandating houses of worship and sports events require vaccine passport sections to raise capacity limits.The plan, allows religious groups and sports stadiums to increase their attendance capacity if they feature “vaccinated sections” where attendees show proof of vaccination.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now states that airborne virus can be inhaled even when one is more than six feet away from an infected individual a change from the agency’s previous position that most infections were acquired through “close contact, not airborne transmission.”
During April 2021, 23 interracial conflicts resulted in the death of white people. All offenders appear to be black or a person of color. According to information provided by FBI, there were a total of 3,315 white victims of homicides in 2018,most recent year available.. 514 of the offenders were black, . There were 2,925 black homicide victims,. 234 of the offenders were white..
One of the world’s most prominent medical doctors with expertise in treating COVID-19 says the government’s strategy, in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations World Health Organization, resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths; thousands more deaths caused by a mass-injection program..
No one in Cyprus will be allowed to go anywhere without being tested every 3 days and proving they are negative for covid or unless they are vaccinated. They have got a fleet of new riot trucks ready.
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