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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary has a warning for France: You better have a good case against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. “The accusations are very serious indeed, and they require an equally serious basis of evidence,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said at his press briefing Tuesday according to news agency Interfax. “Otherwise, this is a direct attempt to restrict freedom of communication and, one could even say, to directly intimidate the head of a large company.
oday, we see numerous churches with all variety of pastors -- some wildly animated and fast-talking -- claiming that since the Zionists claim their Old Testament God gave them the monopoly right to murder human beings and take their land, therefore Christ must have also endorsed such a practice in New Testament times. This bizarre reasoning is enough, they say, to justify Christians today applauding the mass genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, where quite a few Christians, Catholics, Mormons and Jews still struggle to survive, by the way (they're not all Muslims).
Russia and various trade partners are working to strengthen alternative currencies and payments systems, reducing global reliance on the US dollar and Western-based financial networks. Russia and various trade partners are working to strengthen alternative currencies and payments systems, reducing global reliance on the US dollar and Western-based financial networks.
Ukraine attacking Russia using long-range weapons provided by the US “might be interpreted by Russia as a direct attack by the US, by NATO, on Russian territory,” former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter tells Sputnik. Such an attack, Ritter explains, might be regarded as a prelude to a “larger military incursion” meant to accomplish the US’ ultimate goal, “the strategic defeat of Russia.”
Pressure is mounting in the East as the People’s Republic of China continues aggressively to engage with surrounding nations. Attempts by the U.S. to calm the situation have been met with several stern warnings of war. Pressure is mounting in the East as the People’s Republic of China continues aggressively to engage with surrounding nations. Attempts by the U.S. to calm the situation have been met with several stern warnings of war.
Anger is a pyromaniac. Under its influence, we tend to provoke a reaction from our adversary, which serves as fuel to fan the flames, thus increasing the legitimacy of the angry inferno. The method is convenient for practicing accusatory inversion and making the one reacting to aggression the instigator of hell. Today, Washington is angry. The object of this anger is China’s spectacular rise to power, which is increasingly shaking the foundations and legitimacy of US domination of the world. This American anger desperately needs pretexts to both justify and intensify hostilities against Beijing. The United States is therefore seeking to provoke a violent reaction from its main geopolitical rival: China.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Washington is about to lift its ban on Ukrainian strikes deep inside Russia with US weapons. Putin warned that it was the last red line and that his retaliation wouldn’t only be in Europe. By the way, our borders are still open. Last week, Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said that US “policy does allow for Ukraine to conduct counter fires to defend itself from Russian attacks coming over that border region,” including the Kursk Region, where an incursion by Kiev’s forces has been ongoing since early August.
I definitely don’t agree with everything Jeffrey Sachs says here, but he is worth listening to. Sachs liked the horrendous nuclear deal with Iran that Iran refused to abide by. However, his fear of nuclear war is worthy of note. Read with a healthy dose of skepticism. Jeffrey Sachs said he believes that Russia is winning the war with Ukraine because if they weren’t, we’d be in a nuclear war now. He said we are “extraordinarily close to nuclear war,” and some military authorities have called for nuclear war in history.
Last week, President Joe Biden was reported to have approved a secret nuclear strategy that refocuses it on countering Chinese and Russian nuclear forces, Responsible Starecraft reported. According to the article, the new nuclear guidelines "reorient America's deterrence strategy" toward "the need to simultaneously deter Russia, China, and North Korea," transforming it into a preemptive strike concept. As RS writes, Biden's approval of this strategy is nothing more than a tacit recognition of two decades of the strategy that has already been implemented in the US technical program that was not just a “minor upgrade” to weapons components, but a dramatic step toward the ability to fight and win nuclear wars with both China and Russia.
Dashcam footage has captured the moment a suspected cluster munition hit a passenger vehicle. The deadly Ukrainian shelling of the Russian city of Belgorod on Friday was recorded in multiple videos, with one disturbing dashcam clip showing the exact moment a projectile struck a civilian car, ripping it apart. Belgorod and its suburbs were hit by missile strikes using cluster munitions on Friday evening, killing at least five people and injuring over three dozen, according to officials. The devastating attack was captured on a dashboard camera as a passing car came under direct fire. The driver was killed instantly, while the passenger reportedly managed to survive with severe burns.
Engaging positively with such countries as Russia and North Korea is a “smart” thing to do, the former US president says. Engaging with Russia and North Korea, and “getting along” with them, would be a “good thing,” former US President Donald Trump has argued. Speaking at an election rally in Pennsylvania on Friday, the Republican nominee touted his diplomatic efforts to fix Washington’s ties with Pyongyang, referring to his 2019 meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas.
The LFI party argues that democracy should be protected from “the president’s authoritarian leanings”. France’s left-wing La France Insoumise (LFI) party has circulated a motion and is gathering co-signatures to remove President Emmanuel Macron from office after he refused to appoint the coalition’s candidate as prime minister.
Election Day is just a few short months away, which means the time has once again come for government authorities and the media to start their fearmongering campaign about the latest "election virus" to hit the streets: West Nile Virus.
An oncologist, cancer researcher and author recently shared a study that chemotherapy-resistant turbo cancers caused by Pfizer and Moderna Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines can be overcome by ivermectin, a controversial anti-parasitic drug known to ease symptoms of viruses such as coronavirus. Health authorities have been debunking this information and have not authorized or approved its use in humans for this purpose.
At a campaign rally on Thursday in Georgia, Democratic nominee for President Kamala Harris said that she and current US President Joe Biden are “working around the clock” to secure a hostage deal and ceasefire in Gaza. That same day, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the US was “rushing” arms shipments to Israel.
On Monday, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was detained in France immediately upon landing in the country. He was eventually charged with a litany of crimes, including “importing a cryptology tool.” It is only the latest attack in a war against privacy that goes back more than three decades.
Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted, especially when they hit the gas pumps, as prices have risen 50 percent since Vice President Kamala Harris has been in the White House. It should be noted that, even then, Democrats continued to take zero ownership of rising prices, pointing to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and “COVID-related supply issues,” simultaneously blaming oil and gas companies and market manipulation. “No. I don’t think the public is blaming Democrats. I think they’re blaming oil companies,” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said of rising gas prices
We have been discussing Democratic leaders and activists who have been calling for revolutionary change and a rejection of the foundation of the American constitutional system. The latest is Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson, who spoke at the National Democratic Convention. In an earlier speech, Robinson rejected what she referred to as Founders’ “little piece of paper” and called for reimagining our constitutional system. The voices calling for radical change have been growing for years, including among law professors and legal commentators. Viewers now get a steady diet of figures like MSNBC commentator Elie Mystal who called the U.S. Constitution “trash” and argued that we should simply just dump it. In a New York Times column, “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale called for the Constitution to be “radically altered” to “reclaim America from constitutionalism.” Georgetown University Law School Professor Rosa Brooks went on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” to lash out at Americans becoming “slaves” to the U.S. Constitution and that the Constitution itself is now the problem for the country.
“Former President Donald Trump railed against Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg in his upcoming book, accusing the tech tycoon of undermining him in the last election and warning of possible jail time.
Trump, 78, recounted meeting with Zuckerberg, 40, and seethed over the 2020 election…— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) August 28, 2024
Elon Musk’s Starlink has announced that Brazil’s top judge has ordered the company’s financial accounts in the country to be blocked, amid an ongoing feud over the social media platform X. Starlink, Musk’s satellite internet operator, said on Thursday it had received an order from Brazil’s Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes that “freezes Starlink’s finances and prevents Starlink from conducting financial transactions” in the country.