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Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the big snow storm that hit Texas and much of the south is nothing short of weather warfare. Look at the snow that won’t burn in video after video.
A district judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Miss USA over their rule requiring that contestants be biological women. U.S. District Judge Michael W. Mosman tossed the lawsuit brought against the pageant company by trans activist Anita Noelle Green..
Federal investigators identified a darkweb opioid dealer by linking Bitcoin transactions to the dealer’s home I.P. address. Daren James Reid, 35, of Fort Lauderdale, used darkweb markets to distribute oxycodone,
Safety fears, conspiracy theories and mistrust of Government blamed for hesitancy among ethnic groups. Almost a quarter of frontline NHS staff in London, including some doctors and nurses, have failed to accept the Covid jab
NASA recently unveiled a rather mesmerizing experiment, the Super Soaker mission, in which they fired a small rocket into the upper atmosphere which the agency then detonated to create artificial, glowing clouds… for science.
Twitter is rapidly changing from an independent platform into a tool of Western countries to impose a dictatorship over the internet. That's according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, following a recent ban of Russian accounts.
Local approval of the Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine would be enough for the Czech Republic to begin using it, PM Andrej Babis has said, signaling that the country would not wait for a green light from EU health regulators.
Boston Public Schools have shut down their advanced programs and are focusing on an “antiracist curriculum” because officials were “disturbed” that there were too many white and Asian students in the classes.
Twitter is planning to roll-out a new feature that would allow users to auto-block or mute certain accounts that the platform deems is abusive.The new “safety mode” will further the company’s efforts in censoring in a way that is far from transparent under the guise of “protecting users from offensive content.”
Merkel ; it will certainly be good to have such a certificate but that will not mean that only those who have such a passport will be able to travel; about that, no political decisions have been made yet.”
Filipinos under the age of 15 (a third of the population) are “required to remain in their residences at all times” as part of the government’s efforts to curb the spread of covid-19.
The regional government of Galicia in northwestern Spain has announced that the Covid-19 vaccine will be compulsory for all its 2.7 million inhabitants, and that fines for those who don’t follow the rules will go from €1,000 to €60,000.
The masks were produced in Asia by Luxembourg firm Avrox and now an investigation is underway following complaints from rival Belgian mass manufacturers about the possible contamination of the Avrox masks with toxic nanoparticles of silver and with titanium dioxide, used to dye the masks white.
Blackburn remarked that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg once admitted Facebook acts more “like a government than a company.”
Scientists at Oxford University have suggested that people may need to have a coronavirus vaccination not once, not twice, but EVERY time they want to travel out of their home country.
The mainstream media have inaccurately reported that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s new COVID-19 vaccine trials found no potential risk of Bell's palsy, a condition that causes the faces of patients to be paralyzed and droop on one side.
“We believe that the third dose will raise the antibody response 10- to 20-fold,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said during an NBC interview.
Public schools in Boston, Massachusetts are suspending new enrollment in an advanced study program citing concerns over “inequities” that supposedly emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic and the need to be more “anti-racist..”
As Ivor Cummins demonstrates in the video below, available data reveal lockdowns have been completely ineffective at lowering positive test rates, while extracting a huge cost in terms of human suffering and societal health.
Former Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert is dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound Thursday afternoon, just hours after he was charged in Michigan with 20 counts of human trafficking, sexual assault, lying to a peace officer and racketeering.
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