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A night-time curfew in the Netherlands since last month will be extended until March 3 to limit spread of Covid-19, including variant, the Dutch justice minister said on Monday The measures sparked big protests across the country, Dutch police arresting 500 people across five nights of demonstrations after the nationwide 9pm curfew came in on January 23. Justice Minister Ferd Grapperhaus: it’s turning out worse than we feared with the number of infections, hospitalizations and such..
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on Sunday claimed she did not encourage people to commit violence when she said three years ago that people were going to “absolutely harass” members of the Trump administration added that she had “no sympathy” for people working for then-President Donald Trump. Trump said Waters “just called for harm to supporters.”
“Bosses can legally demand that employees get vaccinated against Covid-19 to protect themselves and other people at work under existing health and safety laws, ministers have said.
Food wars are coming. Food deprivation will be used, in the near future, to bring America to her knees and force compliance from a population that largely rejects the communist takeover of our government that has just taken place.
In March, the Supreme Court will hear the case of Caniglia v. Strom, which asks the question of whether the “community caretaking” exception to the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement extends to the home.
The largest cryptocurrency, bitcoin, surged to a record high of over $44,000 on Monday following the news that Tesla has invested $1.5 billion in the digital asset and expects to start accepting it as payment.
According to Reuters, officials in Texas are releasing illegal immigrant families from Central America because several Mexican provinces are refusing to take them back. The refusals have led to crowded Border Patrol facilities — and the release of immigrants to shelters.
Kremlin: it is a real possibility as the number of people immune to Covid-19 across the world rises further. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS on Monday that sufficient numbers of people will have caught the virus or been immunized against it to form a protective shield across society later this year
More than a dozen elderly care home residents in north-western Germany have been infected with the UK coronavirus strain around a week after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.,
Customers are calling for a boycott of Bank of America, after a report that the bank handed over the account information of hundreds of innocent people in connection with the Jan. 6 deadly riots at the Capitol. The riots in the capitol were deadly but the hundreds of BLM and antifa riots, over a thousand dead Americans, over a hundred cities burned, hundreds of businesses burned, those were not 'deadly', those were 'peaceful but fiery protests'. When Antifa and BLM riot, burn, loot, and kill, it's always peaceful and the police don't touch them, but when patriotic Americans march with the American flag, those are dangerous terrorists and should be arrested, beaten, gassed, or better yet call in a drone strike on the terrorist Christians American patriots.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of international trade and global payments, the U.S. made aggressive use of sanctions and tariffs. With some merit, Washington has argued that these actions level the playing field for global trade or punish bad global actors. But a series of equal and opposite reactions are occurring as nations move to remove the role of the U.S. dollar at the center of global trade and finance.
The official Twitter account of Gateway Pundit, run by its founder, Jim Hoft, has been suspended from Twitter. It is unclear whether the suspension is permanent, or what may have provoked Twitter to take such an action against one of the country’s leading conservative news publications. In a single party communist state truth is terrorism and must be banned and silenced and ultimately punished. One day those who expose truths against the state will be executed, not just removed from twitter.
Critically, the court has overturned the state's ban on indoor worship, which had irritated religious communities across the US, though, thanks to the votes of Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, two of the three conservative justices appointed by President Trump, the court left in place restrictions on singing and chanting, as well as limiting the number of worshippers in attendance, a ruling that would have disturbed other state rules.
Mask up on planes, or the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will slap travelers with hundreds of dollars in fines. Repeated offenders could see penalties north of $1,500, according to a TSA press release. "Based on substantial aggravating or mitigating factors, TSA may seek a sanction amount that falls outside these ranges.- (legal lingo meaning more than $1,500.) TSA has provided transportation system operators specific guidance on how to report violations so that TSA may issue penalties to those who refuse to wear a face mask," the agency also said. But what about eating, drinking, and vomiting? Time to short airline stock.
Though he’s a Democrat who has openly criticized Donald Trump, political pundit Van Jones was accused on ‘The View’ of losing the “trust” of black people for daring to work with the Trump Administration on criminal justice reform. Yes working with Trump and freeing thousand of nonviolent black Americans stuck in a brutal prison system created by the Democrat god Biden, truly was treasonous. Those black people were better off rotting in prison rather than taking help from a known KKK bigot like Trump, and that Van Jones is a traitor to the liberal cause and should be tared and feathered and run out on a rail.
The Biden administration on Friday announced that it would no longer designate Yemen’s Iran-supported Houthi movement as a terror group, despite the fact the group’s slogan calls for the death of Americans and Jews. This is what the liberals, democrats, and communists want.
In September Tucker Carlson discussed the ‘color revolution’ and Norm Eisen, ironically Obama’s Ethics Czar, was reportedly behind the resistance and the efforts to remove President Trump from office. Like other Democrat lies, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) didn’t make health care more affordable and Norm Eisen was not someone who cared about ethics.
It’s not easy to keep an entire population at the brink of hysteria, but the supposed figures of authority in this pandemic are doing a pretty good job, with flip-flops that almost seem designed to keep us confused and scared.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has insisted people should continue to adhere to stringent public health measures even after getting vaccinated, said the Chinese coronavirus will remain a threat, which is why officials need to ultimately get the “entire world vaccinated.” Speaking to NPR’s Fresh Air, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director emphasized that getting the majority of the population vaccinated remains a key objective in the battle against the virus. At the same time, officials must “double down on the public health measures of uniform wearing of masks, physical distancing, avoiding congregate settings — particularly indoors.”
Republican insider charged with distributing and receiving child pornography. Police say he invited a fellow pedophile to DC to rape an infant.
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