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E-commerce giant Amazon will reportedly pay $61.7 million to settle allegations by the FTC that the company failed to pay Flex delivery drivers the full amount of tips given to them by customers. An FTC official commented: “Rather than passing along 100% of customers’ tips to drivers, as it had promised to do, Amazon used the money itself.
Facebook has unpublished the WikiLeaks Shop page that sells merchandise to support controversial activist Julian Assange, WikiLeaks announced. Communist community standards were violated
"Over the past few months, I’ve met constant resistance to my product vision, my strong belief in free speech and my view of how the Parler site should be managed. For example, I advocated for more product stability and what I believe is a more effective approach to content moderation," Matze wrote
Just when you thought the future couldn’t get much more dystopian, scientists have issued more stark warnings that COVID-19 is reducing fertility in men, and could contribute to depopulation of the planet. Scientists say that there is increasing evidence in patients of testicular damage and lower sperm counts and mobility, with initial studies revealing the presence of the virus in semen samples.
Cue the federal mask cops. Americans are now required to wear masks in planes, trains, buses, subways, taxis, car services, boats, and transportation hubs, per a new order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that took effect today. Masks must be of a style approved by the federal government and must fit properly. Failure to comply will result in being prohibited from traveling, booted from the transit in question, and potential criminal penalties.
Video of masks fails
The de-platforming of President of the United States from its digital communications infrastructure marked a dark inflection point in our nation’s history. Indeed, the rulers of the corrupt Globalist American Empire (GAE) have consolidated power to such a degree that they have little need left for even the pretense that the United States is a free country. That America’s corrupt ruling class are not even bothering to pretend like America is a free society anymore not only has dramatic consequences domestically, it has equally important implications globally. Accordingly, foreign governments have taken notice of the American ruling class’ dramatic arrogation of power in the wake of the events of January 6th.
No $2,000 stimulus payments will be provided by the Biden administration. Joe Biden is officially breaking his promise to provide all Americans with a $2,000 direct stimulus check. Instead, Biden and Democrats in Congress plan to ram through a bill for a $1,400 stimulus check, claiming that the $600 provided by Republicans under the Trump administration was a “down payment” for the total of $2,000.
Yesterday, Redstate’s Nick Arama wrote on Joe Biden re-opening a facility to house the children of illegal immigrants and other unaccompanied minors that make it across the border. This was in stark contrast to previous pronouncements that he was going to shutter them and release everyone.
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) has been denounced as a “rogue agency” after new allegations of assaults on asylum seekers emerged, and deportations of African and Caribbean migrants continued in defiance of the Biden administration’s orders.
Democrats are trying to sneak through an amnesty proposal for illegal aliens into the coronavirus relief package, according to Breitbart News. Around 100 House Democrats are urging Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to include amnesty for certain subgroups of illegals in the aid package.
Freedom loving Americans have become the pariahs who must be terminated for the good of the Marxist utopian society. Socialism makes you a slave to the government and that’s what has happened to our brainwashed public. Covid-19 was used for many reasons against America by both China and Democratic Socialists, but the continued efforts by both parties to control the citizenry showed their true totalitarian natures. Lockdowns, masks and vaccines are far more dangerous to our health than Coronavirus and interestingly enough, we’ve had no seasonal flu this year.
In one of the most predictable political developments of 2021, President Joe Biden and his allies in the Democratic Party are no longer appalled at the thought of a president making sweeping policy changes via executive order.
A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’
Citizens in various parts of India, particularly in New Delhi, are protesting against new agricultural laws that were passed in November. The new legislature leaves farmers open to exploitation from large corporations while simultaneously threatens to destroy their livelihoods.
While National Guard troops were being kicked out of the Capitol on Thursday, Joe Biden was ordering US military troops into northeastern Syria from Iraq with the controlled media in America refusing to even report on it.
Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning that anger "fueled by false narratives," especially claims about the 2020 presidential election, as well as othergrievances could lead some inside the country to launch attacks in the coming weeks.
The DOJ' Immigrant and Employee Rights Section received a complaint of employment discrimination from a non-U.S. citizen claiming that the company discriminated against him based on his citizenship status failed to hire him because he is not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.
Those that do not embrace the propaganda that big tech and the corporate media are pushing are being systematically “deplatformed”, “canceled” and pushed to the fringes of society. New York Times is now for the Biden administration to appoint a “reality czar” that will be given authority to deal with “misinformation” and “extremism”.
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is leading an effort together with "The Squad" and a handful of other Democrats to demand the "attack" on the US Capitol not be used as an excuse to strip Americans of their civil liberties and expand national security powers.
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