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Supporters of President Donald Trump, including those who did not vote for him, had the best champion of ‘the little guy and gal’ in the Oval Office in our lifetimes. And that’s the main reason why the political and media establishment hate him so much: It’s us they really hate, and they were incensed that the American people would ‘dare’ to make him our president — a political outsider who was such a threat to their protected, elitist world they cheated just to beat him this election cycle.
New York hospitals are incentivized to push the vaccines on the elderly as fast as possible. If hospitals do not use all the vaccine seven days from receipt, they are to be fined $100,000. This is Cuomo’s direct order. Cuomo has set aside 1.4 million doses of the experimental vaccine for people 75 and older. Dozens Die From Experimental COVID-19 Death Vax Side Effects in Norway. They were all in their seventies and eighties. Its obvious what will happen.
'COVID Crisis' will be coming next week
A substitute teacher at Bok Academy in Lake Wales, Florida was fired after she told her students Antifa domestic terrorists were involved in the US Capitol riots. One student recorded the exchange and the teacher was later fired. When questioned by a student the teacher told the class, “Anybody can put on a MAGA hat.” Take note Americans, this is why freedom of speech is so important, and this is what happens when it's gone. The freedom of speech that Americans enjoyed for 200 years, that we fought and died for has been taken from us. Al Qaeda didn't do it, terrorists didn't do it, a little billionaire tech nerd and a hand full of trillionares did it. They are your government now and the constitution has been cancelled. Soon will come mandatory vaccines and mass death. Get the hell off their planet worthless eaters. This world belongs to the super rich now.
The media did all it could to ignore the stolen 2020 presidential election.
Democrats and Liz Cheney lashed out at Trump voters who questioned the IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS and witnessed the numerous inconsistencies and instances of fraud. Try 100%
Although he has served as a close ally of the United States while in office, Museveni expressed dismay that the U.S. deep state appeared to be funding riots in the guise of “peaceful protests”, which were aimed at ousting him from office in a color revolution.
The rationale is that all Trump supporters are “extremists,” and if their constitutional rights are honored and protected, they might commit domestic terrorism, or something.
(Headline USA) Vice President Mike Pence has called his soon-to-be successor Kamala Harris to offer his congratulations, according to two people familiar with the conversation. Afterwords the traitor needed to clean a little bit of excrement off his nose
It should be patently obvious by now that the swamp creatures that inhabit the deep state and the bowels of government not only want to punish Donald Trump for daring to win an election and keep his promise to clear them out, they want to ruin him, his family and his businesses for good.
“We’re trying to have media, big tech, control our lives, the government control our lives and we need to not move away from God, we need to move closer to God,” he added. “They want to cancel God, they want to cancel our speech, they want to cancel our culture, our history, our liberty, they want to control us. The few controlling the many like a bunch of sheep.”
There has been abundant and over-the-top discussion about the events of this past week and the so-called “insurrection” of Trump supporters—the Deplorables—at the United States Capitol on January 6. Since that day the major news media—the media establishment, including notoriously Fox News—have kept up a constant and ranting drumbeat, with dire images of “sedition” and “treason,” and the absolute and (for them) undebatable demand to “suppress” and “cancel” anyone who disagrees with their views. Not just of Deplorables with a higher public profile, but ANY person who might in the slightest way demur or dissent from their template.
There’s nothing easy about living through a political coup. The Big Tech firms long in cahoots with our government have been pushing a false narrative of evil MAGA-Nazis trying to undermine polite society for more than four years now.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”, as fresh in 2021 as 1945..
HSBC has said it will “reserve the right” to cancel the accounts of customers who refuse to wear masks inside its UK branches.
…the WHO protocols Pfizer used to produce the mRNA [for the vaccine] do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Pfizer confirmed: ‘The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person’.”. If you don’t have the isolated virus, how can you claim you’ve sequenced it? if you’ve sequenced it by ASSUMPTION and GUESS, how can you claim the sequence—or the virus—is real?
UK will shut all of its remaining international travel corridors from 4am GMT on Monday until at least February 15, , any UK-bound arrivals will have to self-isolate for 10 days as soon as they enter the country, unless they can provide a negative test result after five days in quarantine..Passengers must also be able to provide a negative Covid-19 test 72 hours before leaving their country of origin.
Long term mask wearing hinders the body’s natural ability to detoxify wastes, creates an acidic environment, and slowly strains the organ systems throughout the body.
Reports emerging from Norway indicate that at least twenty three people have died after taking the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, yet the government regulator has said they don’t see anything alarming in the cases.
Germany to threaten violators with a stint in Covid jail, a lawmaker in New York introduced a bill that would give government power to and detain “disease carriers” in quarantine facilities..
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