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With election systems security at the forefront the notion that the third-largest city in the United States has completely unsecured voting is enough to invalidate their results
As it turns out, there is actually a second technology known as Smartmatic, backed by none other than George Soros, that was also used in some states to steal votes from President Trump.
They are preparing the world to accept the NEW ORDER. SERFDOM/Slavery is the fate of the masses, that is, those who survive the purge. They know that it is much harder to control the masses by force, so they are applying a different kind of authority. They have you convinced that they are working for the good of the planet…working to save humanity. It is so absurd that anyone falls for their lies when they come right out and tell you they are working to create a POST HUMAN world
At a press conference Friday morning, State Govt Committee Chair Seth Grove said the 1.3. million Pennsylvanians who used Dominion’s voting machines have been “hung out to dry and slapped in their faces.”
Georgia certified and then uncertified the vote yesterday. Very interesting and could be indicative of something more going down in Georgia. After the vote was uncertified, Trump attorney Sidney Powell tweeted out in the middle of the night a warning for Governor Kemp and the Georgia SOS: “Georgia is squarely in our crosshairs for massive election fraud & corruption. Take note Gov. Kemp and GA Sec of State.”
News organizations and journalists who raise legitimate concerns about Operation Warp Speed will be de-platformed to make way for the “required” saturation of pro-vaccine messaging across the English-speaking media landscape.
While not giving up hope entirely, we all have to acknowledge that without multiple courts rendering favorable judgements on the myriad of lawsuits and court challenges by the Trump campaign lawyers, Joe Biden is going to be inaugurated in January.
A global declaration titled “The Great Barrington Declaration” was made by infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists and is being circulated because of “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies” states their website, Since its publication roughly six weeks ago, nearly 700,000 signatures “from scientists, academics, doctors and citizens worldwide” have signed the statement, “with more signatories being added each day as a spate of lockdowns continues across Europe and parts of the United States” reports Just the News.
Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova and his wife Victoria Toensing were on Newsmax with Grant Stintchfield this evening. DiGenova addressed Big Media’s reaction to today’s historical event where he and the Trump Legal Team laid out the evidence of how the Democrats executed the most horrific crime in US history in stealing the 2020 Presidential election from President Trump.
The Democrats are on fire. How dare the President of the United States demand that the Constitution be adhered to! Every day that the President follows his legal options to remedy the fraudulent results in the 2020 election, the more angry the Democrats get.
Heather Mac Donald appeared on FOX News with Tucker and the story was about how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) accused the House speaker of targeting elected women of color. The left is turning on the left, as they always do. AOC and her leftist groups provided a 7-page manifesto telling Biden to use executive orders and bypass Congress to deny the Republicans any right to vote
SEN. RAND PAUL: The incidence of COVID-positive individuals has gone through the roof… The masks aren’t working, social distancing’s not working. What is my proof? The numbers. The numbers are going through the roof. So all these mask mandates have had no effect on it. The incidence of the virus has gotten worse since we’ve done lockdowns.
So true. Thanks Jody!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 19, 2020
The democrats boot heal grinds into the faces of the American people
Despite laying the blame for America’s 253,875 recorded COVID-19 deaths at Trump’s feet throughout the campaign, the actual plan Biden laid out for tackling the virus was largely indistinguishable from actions the Trump administration was already taking.
One of President Trump’s campaign lawyers in Pennsylvania was placed under official protection following threats against her, according to court papers filed Wednesday evening. Philadelphia lawyer Linda Kerns “has been the subject of threats of harm, to the point at which the involvement of police and US Marshals has been necessary to provide for her safety,” the filing says.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company SELLING THE COVID-19 TEST: “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus.
Trump Lawyer Eviscerates Media - Video
President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani aggressively made the case on Thursday for the Trump campaign's legal challenge of the 2020 election results, alleging in a fiery news conference that there was a "centralized" plan to carry out voter fraud around the country.
“I’ve got a firsthand witness. In fact I’ve just emailed you an affidavit from a witness who can now be used publicly. It’s redacted in some places but he was present for the creation of the system for this specific purpose of falsifying election results for Hugo Chavez and then Maduro. They exported this all over Latin America . It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing, for changing the results of elections…
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