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Dominion Voting Systems shares an office floor with the George Soros-funded left-wing Tides Foundation in Toronto, NATIONAL FILE has learned. Our tipster makes clear that “Soros people” are very close with Dominion, which has partnered with a voting technology company chaired by one of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ best friends and associates. Dominion was caught flipping votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, and Trump has cited data to accuse Dominion of widespread vote-flipping and vote-losing in key states. Dominion is headquartered in Toronto and has a U.S. office in Denver.
1. Votes can theoretically be ignored...
2. Network Security is very weak...
3. Digital certificates are not protected by password,..
A former Obama administration official tasked with leading governmental media agencies in Joe Biden’s shadow transition has called for criminalizing what he defines as “hate speech,” calling for “guardrails” against legally protected free speech he finds inconvenient.
Steve Mosher is urging Americans to not only pray for the president but to trust that the truth about election fraud will soon come out and that Donald Trump will be re-elected.
When the founders of our newspaper fled a communist regime to come to America, they never expected that this great nation would one day become the focal point of the battle between communism and freedom.
On Friday, Pool informed Twitter users that YouTube had pulled the episode of TimCast IRL, claiming Jones violated community guidelines.
A law firm representing the Trump campaign's efforts to challenge the Pennsylvania election results gave notice late Thursday that they are withdrawing from one of the cases. While no reason was given for the decision by Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, Bloomberg notes that it was one of two law firms targeted by the Lincoln Project - a group of 'never-Trump' Republicans devoted to removing Trump from office.
BREAKING: New @USPS Whistleblower in Philadelphia suburb Elkins Park Details Orders To Stop Delivering @realDonaldTrump And Republican Mailings
“Told that the only mail that will be delivered from now(Nov 9) on will be for that of the winner...this case @JoeBiden”
#ExposeUSPS— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 12, 2020
"Today, we honor the sacrifices of the soldiers that fought and died here nearly 160 years ago but still found the courage to raise up from the dead and vote for me last week. Your dedication to this great country will never be forgot,” Biden said holding back tears.
If you vote for tyrants, you get tyranny. This is what millions of Joe Biden supporters are about to discover if their candidate manages to steal the election and seize control of the White House. A prominent member of Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be vaccinated should be deprived of food stamps and rent assistance. And in order to convince Black Americans to take the vaccines, influencers should be hired to brainwash Blacks with special compliance messages that are scientifically tested in social engineering focus groups.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly called the 2020 US presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden, soothing employees’ minds while engaging in the sort of meddling his platform purports to fight.
Joe Biden called an early lid on Nov. 11, probably because he is starting to realize that he is not the legitimate president-elect, despite media claims to the contrary. As the lawsuits move forward, and several states announce hand recounts of their ballots, the writing is already on the wall to suggest that President Trump will soon win reelection.
As more evidence of Dominion software vote theft continues to emerge, President Trump has tweeted a bombshell news item, stemming from a data analysis of the raw vote log transaction data: “REPORT: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE. DATA ANALYSIS FINDS 221,000 PENNSYLVANIA VOTES SWITCHED FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP TO BIDEN. 941,000 TRUMP VOTES DELETED. STATES USING DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS SWITCHED 435,000 VOTES FROM TRUMP TO BIDEN.” In fact, data analysis reveals that over 2.8 million votes were deleted from President Trump, while 512,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden.
Now, shortly after the election, one of Biden’s top aides is ramping up calls for a crackdown on Facebook for allowing Facebook users to read views that he considers misleading The Democrats aren't angry with Facebook for censoring too much, they are angry because Facebook isn't censoring enough.
The Presstitutes Speak With One Voice. They are unanimous that there was no vote fraud committed by Democrats and that a record number of Americans voted for a president suffering from mental confusion whose campaign rallies went unattended. If the presstitutes are so confident that there is no evidence to back the legal challenges, why are the prostitutes working overtime to discredit the challenges in advance? All presstitutes are in denial that there is any evidence of fraud. Why not just wait for the challenges to fail? Why all the whistling in the dark?
US Federal Election Commission Chairman Says 2020 US Election Is Illegitimate Due To Widespread Fraud. During a Friday appearance on Newsmax TV’s “National Report,” Trainor said locations not granting observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be involved in voter fraud. “I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places,” he said. “Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in.”
On Saturday she was seen among the crowds celebrating Joe Biden's election win. She used a bullhorn to address the dozens of people surrounding her, sharing the footage to her Twitter page.
A prominent member of Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be vaccinated should be deprived of food stamps and rent assistance.
The Tesla boss, who has previously described lockdown measures as 'fascist,' tweeted Thursday: 'Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD.'
Pfizer copies Moderna, not just on a vaccine that alters your body with DNA / RNA, but with Wall Street pump & dump. And what’s behind the masks & loss of liberty.
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