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An analysis of 95 arrest records from Seattle riots from May reveals that nearly half of all suspects are white are white men from other cities who traveled to Seattle to commit crimes, according to King5.
Hillary Clinton, bluntly, has already called it: Dems must re-take the White House by any and all means and under any and all circumstances. As much as Dems have made it very clear they will never accept a Trump victory, the counterpunch was vintage Trump: he told the Proud Boys to “stand back” – as in no violence, for now – but crucially to “stand by”, as in “get ready”.
A $3.8m crash bet was placed today right before the session close. The trader purchased 60000 of the November 4 $SPY $290 puts. This doesn't look like a hedge but rather an outright directional bearish bet expecting S&P500 to crash by the next Thursday close.
Without further delay, I am so honored to introduce the next president of the United States, Sen. Kamala Harris,” Acuña said. In Michigan on Tuesday, President Trump warned voters that Joe Biden would step down, if he were elected, and allow Harris to become president.
In a recent report in Emerging Infectious Diseases, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests what experts have stated all along: There is no conclusive evidence that cloth masks protects users from coronavirus, especially since most people do not use them correctly and do not keep them clean.
Had the democrats chosen Tulsy Gabbard as their candidate they may have won but they wanted a corrupt socialist and a senile puppet instead.
Speaking to Tucker Carlson during a recent bombshell interview, former Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski spilled all about his past meetings with Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, whom Bobulinski says knew full well what his son Hunter and other family members were up to in their dealings with China and other foreign entities.
Antifa’s fascist violence will return on election night. That’s why it’s important to understand their fraudulence and fascism, and reject the politics of plutocrat-contrived violence. Perhaps strangely, Marxian analysis itself is best suited to communicate this point to the radical left.
Even though we’ve known for decades that the liberals are typically hostile to anything having to do with the Christian faith, most of us never thought we’d see the day when the legality of the Bible itself was put in jeopardy. Yet in the socialist state of Commyfornia that’s exactly what appears to be happening.
Lior Gantz of Wealth Research Group recently sat down with Jake Ducey of the YouTube channel, I Love Prosperity to discuss the state of the economy and how to protect yourself from the coming debt-bubble price explosion. The world is going to soon realize that America’s debt problem is out of hand, and simply not sustainable.
One of the first things Trump did after being sworn in as president was to introduce travel bans on several countries, mainly Muslim nations, in an attempt to prevent the arrival of radicalised Islamic terrorists in the country.
Following days of looting, rioting, assaulting police, media and others, the democrat Philadelphia City Council voted on Thursday to ban the use of “less than lethal” force on “protesters. The democrat city council is proud of putting their law enforcement officers in danger. In addition, Deputy Police Commissioner Melvin Singleton ordered them to “not arrest looters just disperse them.”
Pollsters say despite Biden's lead, the race is not a foregone conclusion. Fox is CNN light and for this reason not worth watching
When journalists strike secret alliances with the very people they're supposed to be holding accountable, we are in deep trouble.
I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in 2016. And I was wrong. Here’s the Simple Truth.
Voter fraud is real. Google and FB do it every day with search manipulation. Twitter does it with narrative control.
The Trump Dance: US President’s Moves Inspire New TikTok Challenge
"Donald Trump threatens the existence of all human life & all life on the planet!" and lets not forget he has lied tens of thousands of times, he is a racist, and he has killed more people than Stalin, Hitler, and Mao combined according to MSNBC and CNN
The anti-American, anti-Western civilization (dead white men), anti-white indoctrination (systemic racism) that is the main function of an American university education is filtering down into the high schools and elementary schools. The United States is perhaps the first country to use education to destroy its own future.
This country that at one time was populated with mostly intelligent, hard working, self-responsible, and tough individuals, has become a country filled with idiots, weaklings, and fools. I do not say this lightly, nor am I attempting to berate all, but most of those that populate America today were taught to become weak and ignorant,
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