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The US Department of Justice has expanded rules governing executions to permit a wider rage of methods, including firing squads and electrocution, as five federal inmates are set to face the death penalty before Inauguration Day.
This summer, the US Justice Department has restarted the practice of federal executions after a 17-year hiatus. Since then, eight people have been put to death by federal authorities and new executions are being planned for the upcoming month.
While most Americans were eating turkey and stuffing at whatever kind of socially-distanced gathering their state government would allow, “peaceful protesters” — who never spread the coronavirus, apparently — toppled statues and spray-painted anti-Thanksgiving messages to celebrate the holiday.
In my entire lifetime, there has never been a Thanksgiving like this. 39 million Americans don’t have enough to eat right now, more than 70 million claims for unemployment benefits have been filed so far during this calendar year, and people are waiting in line for hours at food banks all over the nation just for some Thanksgiving handouts.
Since the first day I got introduced to Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset I’ve seen Kissinger’s fingerprints all over it, but I had no hard evidence. Now we have it.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published (October 2020) a so-called White Paper, entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”. This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to “execute” – because an execution (or implementation) would be – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the foundation of the WEF in 1974) and his associate Thierry Malleret.
Biden Wants to Ensure a Solid Democrat Majority for Decades to Come by Importing a New Electorate
at 4:42 am early Nov. 4th. Biden gets 143,124 votes, Trump gets 23,642 votes. The media tells you these are mail in ballots and it happened over the period of many hours, they lied, it took 1 minute and it should of taken days for Milwaukee to count 166,766 mail in ballots, the media is in on it!
Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright shouldn’t have any influence over Pentagon policy in 2020. This oughtn’t be a controversial statement. If one is to drain the swamp, the folks behind the bombing of Cambodia and permanent normalized trade relations with China, respectively, probably aren’t the people you want advising the Department of Defense.
Newt Gingrich believes the 2020 election may be the “biggest presidential theft” since 1824 and is urging state legislatures to “demand recounts.”
A video was released on Friday in Mandarin Chinese of a phone call request for fake ballots customized by Chinese factory. The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.
In what is definitely some type of Karmic payback for social media companies now appending some type of label to what seems like every other post nowadays, Facebook just found out that its super-duper censoring algorithm also banned advertisements from some struggling businesses, mistaking them as hate speech.
Alex Jones breaks down the latest key legal victories in Georgia and Pennsylvania unfolding as President Trump’s legal team and allies lay out the systemic election fraud evidence to the courts and state legislators.
President Donald Trump assured supporters that his fight to challenge Joe Biden’s victory in swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin is not over, as he claims his team has “massive proof” of voter fraud.
A shocking video of French police beating up a man who wasn’t wearing a mask showed the authorities’ iron-fist approach to enforcing regulations and suppressing protests. Will this be the new norm when the pandemic has passed?
Over 60 protesters were arrested in anti-lockdown demonstrations on Saturday, as activists clashed with police who sought to break it up.
Violent clashes and arson have erupted in Paris amid mass protests against police brutality and a draft law that would ban filming officers “in certain circumstances,” after a video emerged of cops beating a black music producer.
Thousands of people rallied against the controversial bill in more than 70 French cities on Saturday, authorities estimating the number at around 150,000. The daytime rallies went rather peacefully, but by early evening clashes erupted in multiple cities.
After months of carnage in US cities, tensions are rising between the two main perpetrators, Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Given their different ethnic make-ups and agendas, it’s a shock this unholy alliance lasted so long.
If there are two organizations that can be held most responsible for the riots that have scarred America throughout 2020, it is Black Lives Matter and Antifa. These groups have caused millions upon millions of dollars’ worth of damage and committed hundreds of crimes in the pursuit of what they consider ‘justice’.
Two years ago, a computer scientist who works for The New York Times successfully hacked a mock election by breaking into the very same Dominion Voting Systems machines that the Times today claims cannot be hacked.
April 2018, the Times‘ Alex Halderman announced that he had very easily broken into the same voting machines still used today and changed votes, exposing serious vulnerabilities in the software.
A group of so-called ‘sovereign citizens’ who say they own most of the land in the Western Hemisphere have been knocking on the doors of wealthy homeowners in the Seattle area and showing fake documents alleging that their properties belong to them.
Moorish Sovereign Citizens has been labeled an extremist group of squatters who do not recognize the authority of the United States government or its laws.
According to detectives in Snohomish County, Washington State, members of the sect knocked on doors of waterfront homes in Woodway and Edmonds and informed the residents there that they were moving .
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