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"Donald Trump threatens the existence of all human life & all life on the planet!" and lets not forget he has lied tens of thousands of times, he is a racist, and he has killed more people than Stalin, Hitler, and Mao combined according to MSNBC and CNN
The anti-American, anti-Western civilization (dead white men), anti-white indoctrination (systemic racism) that is the main function of an American university education is filtering down into the high schools and elementary schools. The United States is perhaps the first country to use education to destroy its own future.
This country that at one time was populated with mostly intelligent, hard working, self-responsible, and tough individuals, has become a country filled with idiots, weaklings, and fools. I do not say this lightly, nor am I attempting to berate all, but most of those that populate America today were taught to become weak and ignorant,
France’s minister of solidarity and health, Olivier Veran, has said he cannot rule out a third wave of the coronavirus, as the country enters a second national lockdown. Of course it will not end until the French people have been made to suffer so much that they willingly take Bill Gates vaccines.
Antifa, the organization that Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said was more an “idea” than anything else, has a structure that resembles that of a sophisticated Islamofascist terror cell one national law enforcement organization has declared.
Roger Stone joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the differences between pro-American Trump supporters and Biden voters who are simply anti-Trump.
There have been some horrendous, despicable killings by Muslim extremists in France. Such killings must be condemned.
The reality as we learn in this episode, is that some of these guys are very dangerous. Others do not recognize property rights and therefore feel justified in literally stealing people’s homes right out from under them.
What gives? Does the CDC fear that there will be more cases of the flu rather than COVID-19? That more people will die this coming flu season from the flu rather than COVID-19?
At first, the digital certificate will be used to verify that each individual has surrendered their body to unreliable covid-19 nasal probes or DNA swabs. If an individual is not cleared “covid-19 negative” from a doctor, they are not allowed to travel. WARNING if you intend to leave America before the forced GATES vaccinations now would be a good time before the window of escape slams shut.
The FEC notified ALIPAC today that the official complaint filed on Oct. 21, 2020, is now officially a Matter Under Review (MUR 7834), and the FEC is notifying Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of the complaint giving them 15 days to respond to ALIPAC's allegation of violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971.
Washington despises Trump because he's an outsider – a third-party gatecrasher – who has upset the duopoly that has had a stranglehold on American politics, and they're doing everything they can to stop him doing it again.
Days before the Nov. 03 presidential election, more problems emerge as some mail-in ballots are unreadable by scanning machines, increasing fears of election uncertainty.
Social media were supposed to democratize speech, liberating the people of the world from the tyranny of gatekeepers. They failed. Seduced by vanity and ideology, they’ve become censors themselves, a Soviet-style thought police.
An organization of attorneys, calling themselves The Orders Project, is effectively encouraging military personnel to refuse orders to keep peace in the streets following the election if left-wing ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter terrorists lay waste to cities.
But the point is, the package never arrived. Proprietary reporting documents sent between journalists by supposedly secure overnight mail disappeared. They vanished on the same day we were conducting a heavily-publicized interview based in part on documents from the Biden family. UPS recently lost a one pound package sent to me a distance of 200 miles. After nearly two weeks it never arrived and I paid them $25. UPS can no longer be trusted. The US mail is more dependable, cheaper and in some cases faster.
She also claimed the president lacks patriotism and said he’s undermining our elections. Huh? This is trash talk from a woman who has refused to speak to President Trump for a year. She’s made it no secret that she is not going to work across the aisle with Republicans.
President Trump is a very patriotic American who loves this country. He left a great life to run for president and, once elected, decided to donate his entire salary.
Critically, the more deeply Democrats realize they can’t win this election, the more likely they are to launch “nuclear option” false flag attacks and terrorism events to try to plunge the nation into chaos.
I am posting here the most recent draft of my article about Joe and Hunter Biden — the last one seen by Intercept editors before telling me that they refuse to publish it absent major structural changes involving the removal of all sections critical of Joe Biden
(Gasp!) What? How did that make it on MSNBC? How did that get past the bleepers? Did you hear that, folks? Vaughn Hillyard. He’s reporting from Goodyear, Arizona. He says he “went to one early voting location, and one, only one person out of 50 said they were voting for Joe Biden!”
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