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Anti-immigration rhetoric as well as confusing travel and electronic bans have dampened foreign interest in U.S. vacations, especially from Mexico. June 2016, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced visa-free travel for Mexicans. tourism to Canada has been skyrocketing, , according to ForwardKeys, a travel trend predicting firm. When visa-free travel was enacted in December, Mexican visitors increased 82%, a "dramatic response" FowardKeys attributes to changes in the law; says bookings to the U.S. down 9%, despite the dollar weakening against the Mexican peso, which usually drives tourism.
The state Senate passed the controversial Senate Bill 54 (SB54) in a 27-12 vote along party lines on Monday. If the bill becomes law, it would make California a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.
Each year, according to Dr. Steven Camarata, researcher at the Center for Immigration Studies, 500,000 foreigners from all over the world jump America’s southern border with Mexico. The Mexican government aids and abets them. (Source: Annually, estimates 30 to 40 percent of foreign visitors overstay their visas Each year, America accepts 1,000,000 legal refugee immigrants from 190 countries who cannot or will not provide for their citizens. That’s been ongoing since 1965 when US Senator Teddy Kennedy’s Immigration Reform Act opened the floodgates from the third world into America.flooded the country with 100,000,000 more people within 40 years. Annually, 350,000 pregnant women from all over the world including Mexico, China, India, South America, Africa and dozens more—visit America to birth their babies. Known as “anchor babies”, each mother enjoys US taxpayer subsidized pre-natal care, birthing and postnatal care paid for by US taxpayers. Additionally, once born in the USA, that mother and child enjoy 18 years of housing, food, medical care and education K-12.
Venezuelan security forces on Tuesday clashed with protesters on the streets of Caracas as thousands gathered to protest a decision by the country’s Supreme Court to seize power from the legislature; the court reversed the most disputed parts of its ruling on Saturday. The National Guard and the national police arrived about an hour after the demonstration began, firing tear gas, deploying trucks mounted with water cannon. At least eight were hurt.
Texas resident Bobbie Sanchez walked out in her backyard last week, a drone — hovering — watching her kids. According to Sanchez, the drone hovered there long enough for her to take multiple photos and to call the Hurst police department to inform them a drone was spying on her children, the Hurst police department said it was them.“They’re watching my children play in the backyard,, Hurst police and fire started using drones earlier this year. They said the day they were over Sanchez’s yard was a training exercise.
Governors in four states that legalized marijuana in some form have written a letter to two Trump administration officials requesting they consult with states before making any changes to regulatory and enforcement systems for the drug. The independent governor of Alaska joined the Democratic governors of Colorado, Oregon and Washington to write a letter to US Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Monday, asking them to continue the Obama administration’s hands-off policy towards enforcing federal marijuana laws in states that have okayed medicinal or recreational use.
Five-hundred fifty-eight days after targeting an ostensible headquarters of the Islamic State in Mosul, Iraq, the United States finally admitted to bombing a family home and killing a university professor and three family members, wounding at least two more.
The number of people leaving the region — which includes parts of New Jersey, Connecticut, the lower Hudson Valley and Long Island — in one year swelled from 187,034 in 2015 to 223,423 in 2016, while the number of international immigrants settling in the tristate area dwindled from 181,551 to 160,324 over the same period, records show. The nation’s economy is improving, there are more jobs in cheaper places to live, and retirees are choosing to move to warmer climates.
“With the fiscal year now halfway through, 39,098 refugees had arrived as of March 31, of whom 30,122 arrived before the end of the Obama administration and 8,967 since Trump’s inauguration,” CNS News reports. Illegal border crossing has also been on the decline since Trump took office “General Kelly is doing a great job at the border. Numbers are way down. Many are not even trying to come in anymore,” the president tweeted last month.
A suspected bomb blast inside a train in the St. Petersburg Metro killed eleven passengers and injured dozens of others. The entire Metro system was shut down as bomb squads and rescuers responded to the emergency.
What could pass for a dystopian vision of the workplace is almost routine at the Swedish startup hub Epicenter. The company offers to implant its workers and startup members with microchips the size of grains of rice that function as swipe cards: to open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.
Under pressure from both domestic and international sources, Venezuela’s Supreme Tribunal of Justice (Supreme Court), at the request of President Nicolás Maduro, on Saturday reversed its recent decision to transfer all legislative powers from the country’s congress to itself.
The oceans are slowly dying, and with them, a significant part of our food supply will disappear. Since the number of smaller marine life dramatically reduces every year, bigger predators are starving to death. The causes of the recent mass strandings and die-offs of marine life are numerous, ranging from overfishing and climate change to plastic pollution and radioactive contamination. Hundreds of millions of salmon are dying before they make it to their spawning place, record numbers of whales getting stranded on beaches. Radioactive particles can accumulate in predatory species at the top of the food chain, humans included. Especially top predators, such as the Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
The results of the current study reflect those of a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment. According to the review, capsaicin showed strong anticancer properties by targeting multiple signaling pathways and disease-related genes in various stages of tumors,
Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifah has granted the country’s military tribunals the right to try civilians, initiating yet another wave of crackdown against the opposition in the island country. According to Bahrain's official news agency, BNA, King Hamad on Monday approved a constitutional amendment, which drops a clause limiting trials to members of the armed forces and other security branches, granting courts-martial the right to try all civilians accused of “damaging public interest” or carrying out acts of terrorism.
Campus Reform reported on a story written in the California State University student paper, that claimed that milk has been linked to racism and white nationalism;. government dietary guidelines, which promote dairy consumption, benefit white people whose bodies are more adept at digesting milk, and hurt the health of black Americans animal rights organization PETA claimed milk has long been a symbol of white supremacists, and a “thinly veiled allegory for racial purity.
Bisphenol S (BPS), a substitute for the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in the plastic industry, shows the potential for increasing the aggressiveness of breast cancer through its behavior as an endocrine-disrupting chemical. BPS is found in polycarbonate hard plastics, currency bills and thermal paper receipts.
With immigration figures at 293,000 for the year, net migration for 2016 reached a positive value of 135,000 despite very high emigration (157,000), yet another new record for the recent era. Last September, the President of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) decried the exodus of Italy’s best and brightest, warning that the loss of talented Italian citizens was “depleting” the country. Italian birthrate hit a new low in its recent history, with 12,000 fewer births (474,000) than in the preceding year (486,000).
Okaloosa County, FL — In the fall of 2016, voters in Florida approved the sale of medical marijuana statewide. But if anyone thinks that Florida law enforcement is going to get soft on marijuana as a result, they might need to think again. The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office paraded their latest drug bust on their Facebook page this week. They found Kayla Martin, 26, to be in possession of four melted gummy bears and two lollipops, arrested her, and charged her, not only with possession but with intent to distribute. The six tiny pieces of THC-laced candy were photographed, along with the perpetrator, and uploaded to the...
A new law giving bitcoin and other virtual currencies official recognition as a method of payment came into force in Japan on Saturday.
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