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The 12 Most Pesticide Polluted Fruit and Veggies

May 13th, 2013
Categories: News


Pesticides have been linked to cancer, neurological problems and possibly ADHD. Protect your family by eating chemical-free produce and avoid these pesticide polluted fruits and vegetables. According to the United States Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the following fruits and vegetables are the most commonly eaten -- and most commonly full of chemical. Use these tips to limit your risk of ingesting pesticides, too.

Report: Ohio Is Illegally Throwing Poor People In Jail For Owing Money

May 8th, 2013
Categories: News


The Americans Civil Liberties Union on Friday revealed that courts in Ohio are illegally throwing poor people in jail for being unable to pay off a debt. In a report titled, “The Outskirts of Hope,” the ACLU shines a light on a harrowing “debtors’ prison” system in Ohio — one that violates both the United States’ and the Ohio constitution. Ohioans are being jailed for “as small as a few hundred dollars,” despite the constitutional violation, and the economic evidence that it costs the state more to pay for their jail sentence than the amount of the debt.

Final Step to Fascism? National Defense Authorization Act Passes

December 29th, 2012
Categories: News


" the new law will give the right to have the U.S. military basically make any American citizen “disappear” for offenses that are never even made public. Also, if a friend or family publicizes your disappearance, they also will be detained. Radio host Ralph Schoenman says “if anybody helps you with a taxi ride or attempts to give assistance to your family in the circumstances of your disappearance, they too can be detained. THIS is the architecture of the fascist state.” Say goodbye to your civil liberties, folks. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will be put into law this week in Washington, D.C.

We have breached the first tipping point

October 19th, 2012
Categories: News


Two critical tipping points have been breached. This is the critical moment in an evolving system when feedback becomes strong enough to continue on its own without any further input. The tipping point is that moment when a gradual increase becomes unstoppable because the feedback maintains its own momentum. There is nowhere to go under these circumstances, and nothing can be done to prevent it continuing. It is the point when an everyday infection turns epidemic.

On massacres, atrocities and holocausts: Sabra and Shatila...

October 18th, 2012
Categories: News


■ People tortured. Blackened bodies smelling of roasted flesh from the power shocks that had convulsed their bodies before their hearts gave out – the electric wires still tied around their lifeless limbs.
■ People with gouged out eye sockets. Faces unrecognisable with the gaping holes that had plunged them into darkness before their lives were thankfully ended.
■ Women raped. Not once – but two, three, four times – horribly violated, their legs shamelessly ripped apart with not even the cover of clothing to preserve their dignity at the moment of death.
■ Children dynamited alive. So many body parts ripped from their tiny torsos, so hard to know to whom they belonged – just mounds of bloodied limbs amongst the tousled heads of children in pools of blood.
■ Families executed. Blood, blood and more blood sprayed on the walls of homes where whole families had been axed to death in a frenzy or lined up for a more orderly execution.

If You Want Grandchildren, Don't Feed Your Kids Commercial Corn

October 5th, 2012
Categories: News


And you should avoid it, too, for that matter! If you don't choose carefully, your food could be sterilizing you. This isn't new news, but I feel it bears rehashing, especially for those not "in the know." In 2001, Epicyte, a CA bio-engineering company, revealed that it had created spermicidal GM corn. So how do you know if you have consumed this fertility-destroying corn? You don't...because products containing GM corn aren't labeled with a warning, nor is this franken-food being sold at the pharmacy as a birth control method (which would be best avoided for multitudinous reasons). It's just another wave of GM corn in the food supply somewhere in the world. The ultimate buyer beware sneak. GMOs are not foods, they are weapons! Trusting the government and the food industry is a dangerous business.

La longue durée

September 21st, 2012
Categories: News


La longue durée is an expression used by the Annales School of French historians to indicate an approach that gives priority to long-term historical structures over short-term events... The “arc” of capitalism, according to WSA, is about 600 years long, from 1500 to 2100. It is our particular (mis)fortune to be living through the beginning of the end, the disintegration of capitalism as a world system. It was mostly commercial capital in the sixteenth century, evolving into industrial capital in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and then moving on to financial capital—money created by money itself, and by speculation in currency—in the twentieth and twenty-first. In dialectical fashion, it will be the very success of the system that eventually does it in.

Genetically Modified Soy in Russia – Is Any Food Safe?

September 17th, 2012
Categories: News


MOSCOW - On October 10, during the symposium over genetic modification, organized by the National Association for Genetic Security (NAGS), Doctor of Biology Irina Ermakova made public the results of the research led by her at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). This is the first research that determined clear dependence between eating genetically modified soy and the posterity of living creatures. [1] [2]

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

September 6th, 2012
Categories: News


Mitt Romney, it turns out, is the perfect frontman for Wall Street's greed revolution. He's not a two-bit, shifty-eyed huckster like Lloyd Blankfein. He's not a sighing, eye-rolling, arrogant jerkwad like Jamie Dimon. But Mitt believes the same things those guys believe: He's been right with them on the front lines of the financialization revolution, a decades-long campaign in which the old, simple, let's-make-stuff-and-sell-it manufacturing economy was replaced with a new, highly complex, let's-take-stuff-and-trash-it financial economy. Instead of cars and airplanes, we built swaps, CDOs and other toxic financial products. Instead of building new companies from the ground up, we took out massive bank loans and used them to acquire existing firms, liquidating every asset in sight and leaving the target companies holding the note. The new borrow-and-conquer economy was morally sanctified by an almost religious faith in the grossly euphemistic concept of "creative destruction," and amounted to a total abdication of collective responsibility by America's rich, whose new thing was making assloads of money in ever-shorter campaigns of economic conquest, sending the proceeds offshore, and shrugging as the great towns and factories their parents and grandparents built were shuttered and boarded up, crushed by a true prairie fire of debt.

U.S. Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable

July 10th, 2012
Categories: News


You may have entertained the idea of an improbable civilization ending events such as a ‘global killer’ asteroid, earth crust displacement or massive solar storms, but what if there existed a situation right now that was so serious that it literally threatened our very existence? According to a host of scientists, nuclear experts and researchers, were are facing exactly such a scenario – and current efforts may not be able to stop it. When the Fukushima nuclear plants sustained structural damage and a catastrophic failure of their spent fuel cooling systems in the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, it left the government of Japan, Tokyo Power and nuclear regulatory agencies around the world powerless to contain the release of deadly radiation. A year on, the battle for control of Fukushima continues to no avail.

The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia

June 29th, 2012
Categories: News


How America's biggest banks took part in a nationwide bid-rigging conspiracy - until they were caught on tape. Someday, it will go down in history as the first trial of the modern American mafia. Of course, you won't hear the recent financial corruption case, United States of America v. Carollo, Goldberg and Grimm, called anything like that. If you heard about it at all, you're probably either in the municipal bond business or married to an antitrust lawyer. Even then, all you probably heard was that a threesome of bit players on Wall Street got convicted of obscure antitrust violations in one of the most inscrutable, jargon-packed legal snoozefests since the government's massive case against Microsoft in the Nineties – not exactly the thrilling courtroom drama offered by the famed trials of old-school mobsters like Al Capone or Anthony "Tony Ducks" Corallo.

Poison is Treatment: The Campaign to Fluoridate America

June 26th, 2012
Categories: News


The refrain is familiar throughout a corporate-controlled media that unquestioningly amplifies the pronouncements of government agencies concerning fluoride's alleged safety and value for dental health. Having been seemingly vetted and upheld by the newspaper of record and its counterparts, such sweeping declarations are seldom interrogated further by readers, much less the broader public. In fact, sodium fluoride is a dangerous poison and has been a primary active ingredient in a wide variety of insecticides and fungicides.[2] The substance bioaccumulates in mammals, has been linked to dulled intellect in children [3] and is a cause of increased bone fractures and osteosarcoma. Further, recent studies indicate that fluoride's role in preventing cavities through ingestion [4] or even topically [5] is close to non-existent. Historical evidence indicates how the many concerns over water fluoridation were wholly warranted. Indeed, fluoridating the nation’s water supply one locality at a time appears to have been a carefully coordinated plan that sought to shield major aluminum and steel producers from the countless liabilities caused by the substantial fluorine pollution their plants generated.

'Rebuilding America's Defenses' and the Project for the New American Century

June 14th, 2012
Categories: News


"Rebuilding America's Defenses (RAD)" is a policy document published by a neoconservative Washington think tank called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Its pages have been compared to Hitler's Mein Kampf in that they outline an aggressive military plan for U.S. world domination during the coming century. And just as Hitler's book was not taken seriously until after his catastrophic rise to power, so it seems that relatively few Americans are expressing alarm at this published document that is a blueprint for many of the present actions of the Bush administration, actions which have begun to destabilize the balance of power between the nations of the world. Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century - A Report of the Project for the New American Century
September 2000. | Project for the New American Century

Pole Shift Fears Grow After Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers

June 10th, 2012
Categories: News


A new report by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) circulating in the Kremlin today on this past weeks violent shaking of the Norwegian Sea floor after it was hit by a powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake at the shallow depth of 8.8 km (5.5 miles) states that this event also caused an “unexpected and rapid”shifting of the magnetic North Pole by nearly 1,000 km (621 miles) Nostradamus Prophesies Famine, Supervolcanos, Magnetic Pole Shift

The Pacific Ocean Is Dying - A Special Report On the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

May 16th, 2012
Categories: News


Just prior to the Supermoon of March 18th, 2011, the world witnessed a natural and manmade disaster of epic proportions. What transpired off the coast of Honshu Island, Japan on March 11 has forever altered the planet and irremediably affected the global environment. Whereas the earthquake and tsunami proved to be truly apocalyptic events for the people of Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima is proving to be cataclysmic for the entire world.

DNA-Destroying Chip Being Embedded Into Mobile Phones

May 12th, 2012
Categories: News


According to Dr. Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, terahertz (THz) waves destroy human DNA. The waves literally unzip the helix strand. Now a team of technologists at UT Dallas are planning to take chips broadcasting THz waves and embed them into mobile phones for use as an imaging system for consumers, law enforcement and medical personnel… a potentially deadly technology that could eventually kill or sicken millions of people. The controversial THz scanner technology used by the TSA at many of the nation’s airports is being adapted for cell phone use. Studies of terahertz radiation have caused experts to raise alarms over the significant health risks to humans. Recently major media touted a new chip that permits the adaption of a THz generating device to be embedded into cellular phones.

U.S. Military Developing Spy Chips For Troops

May 7th, 2012
Categories: News


U.S. military wants to plant nanosensors in soldiers to monitor health on future battlefields,immediately respond to needs.Implants could be used not just to monitor health but to keep track of and possibly control people.The devices also would report data to doctors,would diagnose, monitor vital states and “even deliver medicine into the bloodstream.”Already being researched is the concept of nanosensors diagnosing disease.Second effort focused on treatment later.Proposal,supported by Department of Homeland Security,would embed radio chips in driver’s licenses.

America's Top Prison Corporation: A Study in Predatory Capitalism and Cronyism

May 5th, 2012
Categories: News


Prisoners in paper(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)Last week I wrote about the private prison company The GEO Group and how allowing private businesses to operate prisons can affect our justice system, our laws and the fate of our prison population. This week, I will tackle the largest private prison company, the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and its unprecedented proposal to buy prisons from money-strapped states, as well as how CCA has gamed the system with trips through the revolving door, self-dealing and influence peddling. Just to set the stage as to how large the prison population is in the United States: our prison population is the highest in the world; one out of 100 US residents are in prison. This number has grown dramatically since 1990, due to tighter crime laws and longer sentences. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), "Between 1970 and 2005, the number of people incarcerated in the United States grew by 700 percent. Today, the United States incarcerates approximately 2.3 million people."

The Top Five Special Interest Groups Lobbying to Keep Marijuana Illegal

May 5th, 2012
Categories: News


Marijuana plant(Photo: Bob Doran) Last year, over 850,000 people in America were arrested for marijuana-related crimes. Despite public opinion, the medical community, and human rights experts all moving in favor of relaxing marijuana prohibition laws, little has changed in terms of policy. There have been many great books and articles detailing the history of the drug war. Part of America’s fixation with keeping the leafy green plant illegal is rooted in cultural and political clashes from the past. However, we at Republic Report think it’s worth showing that there are entrenched interest groups that are spending large sums of money to keep our broken drug laws on the books:

The future of the USA - 2012-2016: An insolvent and ungovernable United States (first part)

March 31st, 2012
Categories: News


In this issue, our team gives its anticipations regarding the future of the United States for the 2012-2016 period. We recall that since 2006 and the first GEAB issues, LEAP/E2020 described the global systemic crisis as a phenomenon characterizing the end of the world as we know it since 1945, marking the collapse of the American pillar on which this world order has rested for nearly seven decades. Since 2006, we had identified the period 2011-2013 as that during which the “Dollar Wall” on which the power of the United States sits would fall apart. Summer 2011, with the cut in the United States’ credit rating by S & P, marked an historic turning point and confirmed that the “impossible” (1) was indeed in the process of coming true. Therefore today, it seems essential to provide our subscribers with a clear anticipatory vision of what awaits the “pillar” of the world before the crisis at the point when the crisis moved into “top gear” in summer 2011 (2). The future of the USA - 2012-2016 (Part 3) - The breakdown of the US socio-political fabric

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