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The worst is yet to come: Unemployed Americans should hunker down for more job losses

November 18th, 2009
Categories: News


Foreclosures hit record, to worsenNew York's unemployment rate hits 9%, highest since April 1983Greenman: The left's hypocritical silence on American dronesAOL to lay off third of staffRohatyn: America's very scary economic predicamentThink the worst is over? Wrong. Conditions in the U.S. labor markets are awful and worsening. While the official unemployment rate is already 10.2% and another 200,000 jobs were lost in October, when you include discouraged workers and partially employed workers the figure is a whopping 17.5%. While losing 200,000 jobs per month is better than the 700,000 jobs lost in January, current job losses still average more than the per month rate of 150,000 during the last recession.

Eminent Domain Outrage in Connecticut: Pharmaceutical Giant Pfizer to Leave New London, Site of Major Housing Battle

November 15th, 2009
Categories: News


Homeowners in New London, Connecticut took on the city’s leaders after they announced plans to condemn all of the homes in one neighborhood to make way for a private development project for pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. The city said it would bring in thousands of jobs. After a 2005 Supreme Court ruling against the homeowners, the entire neighborhood was bulldozed. This week Pfizer announced it is shutting down its research center. In 2005, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision called Kelo v. New London. It’s probably the most controversial court decision since Roe v. Wade. The difference was, this time almost everyone in America was on one side: everybody thought it was wrong. And that decision stemmed from a fight, a street fight, really, that took place in this neighborhood over a seven-year period between a small group of neighbors who fought against the city of New London, who wanted to take their neighborhood away. The decision stood for the idea that government, local government or state government, can take people’s private land or private homes and turn it over to a private developer for private development or private gain.

The Virtues of Deglobalization by Walden Bello

October 25th, 2009
Categories: News


The current global downturn, the worst since the Great Depression 70 years ago, pounded the last nail into the coffin of globalization. Already beleaguered by evidence that showed global poverty and inequality increasing, even as most poor countries experienced little or no economic growth, globalization has been terminally discredited in the last two years. As the much-heralded process of financial and trade interdependence went into reverse, it became the transmission belt not of prosperity but of economic crisis and collapse.

Wake Up Americans! Wake Up NOW And Smell the Death!

October 9th, 2009
Categories: News


“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

There comes a time in everyone’s life when the TRUTH, no matter how horrible, catastrophic or repugnant it may be, must be faced. America, your turn to awaken to the TRUTH is now at hand! For many years we, and others like us, have been shouting warning, after warning, after warning to you….but you have not listened. Not only did you fail to listen but upon our issuing some of our first warnings we were ridiculed.

Obama In Secret Russia Visit Warns Putin, “I May Not Make It”

October 5th, 2009
Categories: News


According to these reports, Obama stated to Putin that the US Government was in “total disarray” after what the American President called a “putsch” made against him by high-ranking members of the US Military during a ‘fractious’ meeting in the White House of the United States top Military, Intelligence and National Security officers over the future course of the war in Afghanistan... Obama further reported to Putin that Gates told him, “in no uncertain terms” that the President had “no power whatsoever” over US Military decisions regarding Afghanistan whereupon Gates then ‘leaked’ to the US propaganda media his intention to massively increase America’s troop levels in the Afghan war zone. Even worse for Obama, who is already struggling with a collapsing economy, Gates further undermined the President by ordering 6,600 armored war trucks at a cost estimated to be in excess of $8 billion the US Military intends to pour into Afghanistan during the coming year at the expense of his Nations people already struggling under their Nations massive war debts. When queried by Putin as to his ability to regain control of those factions opposing him Obama in these reports is quoted as saying, “I may not make it”. Further troubling evidence of the disarray the US Government now finds itself in as Obama wages this titanic battle against the right-wing fascist forces seeking to destroy him can be seen in the actions of the powerful US Senator Jim DeMint who is openly defying the White House by traveling to the Central American Nation of Honduras to give his support to the CIA backed coup leader, Roberto Micheletti, who recently overthrew that countries legitimate President Manuel Zelaya and put his Nation under martial law.

9-11 Commission Omissions

October 3rd, 2009
Categories: News


On May 30, 2001 Tom White, a former Enron executive, was appointed by the Bush administration to be Secretary of the Army, and more importantly the "executive agent for the Department of Defense". The next day on June 1st, Tom White radically altered existing DOD protocols and issued a new DOD directive placing all decision-making powers, specifically in the case of 'Derelict Airborne Objects', under the control of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Having served his purpose, White was eventually fired by Rumsfeld, allegedly for disagreeing about a weapons system.5 The 9-11 Commission has failed to ask Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and others many key questions concerning the mass murder of over 2800 Americans in New York on September 11, 2001. Perhaps the most glaring of these questions is: Why, after the FAA alerted the military concerning the grave threats posed by the hijacked airline flights, was the Air Force prevented from responding?

The Truth About Jobs That No One Wants to Tell You

October 1st, 2009
Categories: News


Unemployment will almost certainly in double-digits next year -- and may remain there for some time. And for every person who shows up as unemployed in the Bureau of Labor Statistics' household survey, you can bet there's another either too discouraged to look for work or working part time who'd rather have a full-time job or else taking home less pay than before (I'm in the last category, now that the University of California has instituted pay cuts). And there's yet another person who's more fearful that he or she will be next to lose a job. In other words, ten percent unemployment really means twenty percent underemployment or anxious employment. All of which translates directly into late payments on mortgages, credit cards, auto and student loans, and loss of health insurance. It also means sleeplessness for tens of millions of Americans. And, of course, fewer purchases (more on this in a moment).

Obama Administration Will Not Seek Indefinite Detention Legislation

September 27th, 2009
Categories: News

News reports today indicate that the Obama administration will not seek legislation or issue an executive order to institute a system of indefinite detention without charge or trial. According to the reports, the administration backed away from seeking legislation because it believes the federal government already has the power to detain terrorism suspects indefinitely under the congressional resolution passed after 9/11 authorizing the president to use force against Al Qaeda and the Taliban. The American Civil Liberties Union strongly urges the Obama administration to reject any system of detention without charge or trial. Currently, the United States government continues to hold people indefinitely at Guantánamo and Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan without charging them or bringing them to trial.

The Last Time Right-Wing Hatred Ran Wild Like This a President Was Killed

September 20th, 2009
Categories: News


I've been thinking a lot of Kennedy and Dallas as I've watched the increasingly violent rhetorical attacks on Obama be unfurled. As Americans yank their kids of class in order to save them from being exposed to the President of the United States who only wanted to urge them to excel in the classroom. And as unvarnished hate and name-calling passed for health care 'debate' this summer. The radical right, aided by a GOP Noise Machine that positively dwarfs what existed in 1963, has turned demonizing Obama--making him into a vile object of disgust--into a crusade. It's a demented national jihad, the likes of which this country has not seen in modern times.

13 Reasons for Major Gold Breakout

September 19th, 2009
Categories: News


The move to kiss $1000 gold was the foreplay, the first dance, the initial step to capture global attention and to preview the next much bigger move. Some important less visible factors are at work to push the gold price up, somewhat hidden from view. The Intl Monetary Fund and the London G-20 Meeting bear on the gold forces. The full breakout is imminent. It could be days, or a couple weeks, probably not more than a month. Ramadan ends in ten days, and Chinese anger is spilling over. Underlying structures are breaking with each passing week. Bank ripples are being felt. Insolvency is spreading like a disease, while corruption spreads like a cancer. Central bank money creation occurs like from a garden hose. Stories will be told about these days for decades. This is history in the making. They are accumulating gold bullion here. The fools are still selling gold, unaware of its 100% rise in price upcoming. Actually, what comes is a quasi-global 50% currency devaluation. China is cutting deals with the I.M.F. to secure central bank gold in huge blocks, much like geopolitical horse trading amidst grand power shifts for global control. If the West wishes to enjoy the benefits of Chinese credit supply, then China must be given much of what it demands. In short, the gold price will break out past 1100 and past 1200, toward a 1300 target, WHEN CHINA DECIDES TO GIVE THE ORDER.

Bizarre - Mystery Man Claims Baxter Flu Vax Is A BioWeapon

September 17th, 2009
Categories: News


Joseph Moshe (Moshe is the man's middle name) is a bio-scientist. He works (worked?) for a unit within Mossad. He is an Israeli citizen. The Secret Service was not the agency involved in the surveillance of Moshe at his home in California. This was done by the FBI, who had orders to detain him, or "bring him in." Moshe did not send a threat to the White House. Rather, he communicated that he intended to go public with information he had regarding the flu vaccine that is being prepared by Baxter Labs, an Austrian company (headquartered in the US - ed). The information is this: The vaccine is being manufactured in Ukraine. It is not a vaccine at all, but rather an engineered genetically mutated bio-weapon meant to cause sickness and death. Moshe informed the White House he intended to go public with this information. When he became aware that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings in his car and set out for the Israeli consulate, located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. FBI pursuit kept him from reaching his destination.

A Method to Their Madness

September 14th, 2009
Categories: News


Spare a thought, and maybe even a dime, for Kenneth Gladney. In August he and other members of the right-wing St. Louis Tea Party arrived at a town-hall meeting organized by Missouri Democrat Russ Carnahan to lobby against universal healthcare. In the spirit of this fraught summer, a fight broke out, ending in six arrests. Who threw the first punch depends on whom you ask. But who got the worst of it was fairly clear. Gladney was taken to the emergency room with injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face and ended up in a wheelchair. His troubles were just beginning. Recently laid off, this particular anti-health reform protester, it turned out, had no health insurance. Last heard, he was still accepting donations for his medical expenses.

Americans Grow Cannabis to Beat the Recession

September 13th, 2009
Categories: News


Some people cancel holidays abroad, others stage yard sales or start shopping at low-cost supermarkets. To that list must now be added a new way to get through economic hard times: grow cannabis. So far this year, police in parts of the country where cannabis is traditionally grown have chopped down plants with a street value of $12bn. The core growing area is in California, Washington and Oregon to the west, but the Appalachian states of Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia are also witnessing an explosion. More than 600,000 cannabis plants have been cut and burned in those states this summer, reversing a previous decline in production brought about by stringent law enforcement. It is not only the quantity of crop that is on the rise, the nature of the growers is also changing.

Former Gitmo Guard Tells All

September 11th, 2009
Categories: News


Army Private Brandon Neely served as a prison guard at Guantánamo in the first years the facility was in operation. With the Bush Administration, and thus the threat of retaliation against him, now gone, Neely decided to step forward and tell his story. “The stuff I did and the stuff I saw was just wrong,” he told the Associated Press. Neely describes the arrival of detainees in full sensory-deprivation garb, he details their sexual abuse by medical personnel, torture by other medical personnel, brutal beatings out of frustration, fear, and retribution, the first hunger strike and its causes, torturous shackling, positional torture, interference with religious practices and beliefs, verbal abuse, restriction of recreation, the behavior of mentally ill detainees, an isolation regime that was put in place for child-detainees, and his conversations with prisoners David Hicks and Rhuhel Ahmed. It makes for fascinating reading.

The war on drugs is immoral idiocy. We need the courage of Argentina

September 5th, 2009
Categories: News


While Latin American countries decriminalise narcotics, Britain persists in prohibition that causes vast human suffering. Simon Jenkins, Thursday 3 September 2009 20.30 BST Article historyI guess it had to happen this way. The greatest social menace of the new century is not terrorism but drugs, and it is the poor who will have to lead the revolution. The global trade in illicit narcotics ranks with that in oil and arms. Its prohibition wrecks the lives of wealthy and wretched, east and west alike. It fills jails, corrupts politicians and plagues nations. It finances wars from Afghanistan to Colombia. It is utterly mad. There is no sign of reform emanating from the self-satisfied liberal democracies of west Europe or north America. Reform is not mentioned by Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, Nicolas Sarkozy or Angela Merkel. Their countries can sustain prohibition, just, by extravagant penal repression and by sweeping the consequences underground. Politicians will smirk and say, as they did in their youth, that they can "handle" drugs.

Executives at Financial Firms Who Received Bailout Funds Get Big Salaries, Report Says

September 4th, 2009
Categories: News


Chief executives of the top 20 financial firms that received taxpayer bailout funds averaged $13.78 million in personal compensation last year, according to a report released today. The annual "Executive Excess" study, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies, this year looked at bank recipients of Troubled Asset Relief Program funds. Those 20 firms, which eliminated more than 160,000 jobs since Jan. 1, 2008, awarded a combined total of $3.2 billion- including bonuses - to their top five executives. The compensation for those 100 top executives "would bankroll 66 weeks of unemployment insurance benefits for 160,000 workers," the report said. "America's executive pay bubble remains unpopped," said Sarah Anderson, who has worked on 15 previous executive pay reports.

Protecting Trees, Protecting Our Climate - Ten Reasons to Invest in Reducing Tropical Deforestation

September 3rd, 2009
Categories: News


We already know we are putting too much heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air when we burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, fuel our cars, and heat our homes—but by cutting down and burning trees, we are also releasing an astounding amount of the same heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Tropical deforestation accounts for about 20 percent of the world's global warming pollution. About 20 percent of carbon emissions come from tropical deforestation—more than every car, truck, plane, train, and ship on the planetcombined. Deforestation is happening at an alarming rate—an acre of tropical forest every second. We cannot address global warming effectively if we ignore 20 percent of the problem.

Government Withholds Key Torture Documents In ACLU Lawsuit - CIA Defends Interrogations Tactics And Secrecy

September 2nd, 2009
Categories: News


The government has said it will continue to withhold dozens of documents related to the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody overseas. The Justice Department was facing an August 31 deadline to release the documents, including a presidential directive authorizing CIA "black sites" as well as CIA inspector general (IG) records and documents from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) regarding the CIA's use of "enhanced interrogation techniques," in response to two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union. U.S. District Court Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York ordered the government to turn over the documents by August 31 or else provide justification for continuing to withhold them. In a filing late Monday, the CIA said it will not release the documents, claiming that disclosing details about the enhanced interrogation program would harm national security.

ACLU Obtains Detailed Official Record Of CIA Torture Program

August 29th, 2009
Categories: News


Justice Department Documents Describe Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Used As Late As 2007 The government today handed over to the American Civil Liberties Union a detailed official description of the CIA's interrogation program. That document, a December 2004 CIA background paper sent to the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), provides a detailed official account of the CIA's detention, interrogation and rendition programs - from a detainee's initial apprehension, to his transfer to a CIA "black site," to his interrogation - and describes the use of abusive interrogation techniques including forced nudity, sleep deprivation, dietary manipulation and stress positions. The document was one of dozens of documents, comprising hundreds of pages, that were made public today in response to two ACLU Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits for documents related to the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody overseas. The OLC documents are available online at: and Earlier today, the ACLU released a CIA Inspector General report on the agency's "enhanced interrogation" program and related documents. Those documents are available online at:

Military coups and US bases: The threat to Latin American democracy

August 27th, 2009
Categories: News


The coup d’etat carried out by the generals and their civilian front men in Honduras on June 28 poses an immediate threat to the Venezuelan revolution and the international Bolivarian movement for unity and social change throughout Latin America. An attack on any progressive Latin American government, and in particular a member of the Bolivarian Alliance for Latin America (ALBA - the nine-nation, anti-imperialist alliance initiated by Venezuela and Cuba, which Honduras joined last year), is a danger to all people’s governments in the region. The coup, which overthrew Honduras’ democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya, was a direct attempt to undermine ALBA, pave the way for an assault on revolutionary Venezuela, and enable Honduras to once again be used (as it was in the 1980s) as a launching pad for imperialist attacks on left-wing governments and movements in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Mobilize the Workers To Defeat the Putsch! Honduras: Coup d’État in the Maquiladora Republic Yankee Imperialism, Hands Off! For a Federation of Workers Republics of Central America!

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