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Imagine women in prison for no reason at all, or because their husbands are accused of fighting for their country, which America calls 'terrorism'. Now imagine their infants and children in prison with them. There are such places in Iraq. America the great hypocrite country speaks to the world of democracy and freedom while imprisoning innocent women and children and practicing rape and torture on them. Their only crime is simply being alive and having the misfortune to be born in Iraq. Clearly these are innocent victims of the war criminal Bush regime and American government and yet there is no justice for them, no end to their persecution.
Let us contemplate the day in the near future when the consequences of financial chicanery finally outpace the ability of the governments, central banks and big media to cover up and obfuscate the truth. Many respected voices have now gone on record that September 30 or thereabouts will be that day. Bob Chapman [] revealed that the US State Dept has advised embassies worldwide to stock up on a year's worth of the local currency in anticipation of collapse of the US dollar. Look for a temporary banking shutdown timed for around September 2009. As under Roosevelt, some banks won't reopen. 96% of bank reserves are currently held with the Federal Reserve who tells the banks not to loan the money, but rather to save it for further banking acquisition and consolidation. Chapman foresees a bank holiday lasting 4-5 days. Chapman thinks this first bank holiday presages a much more significant bank holiday months to years later which will involve simultaneous devaluations of multiple currencies as well as other significant changes in the banking system.
Cynthia McKinney and 20 other humanitarians on the ship "Spirit of Humanity" were stopped in International waters Monday by the Israeli Navy. This is a pretty big deal. An aid ship captured by the armed forces of another country in International waters is an act of piracy…I think. At least it was when Soma li pirates captured an American ship recently. It appears that the U.S. Mainstream media is going to ignore this story even though Cynthia McKinney was once a Congresswoman from Georgia and a Presidential candidate. How odd. What does this say about the news we receive daily from the mainstream media. The New York Times Boasts "All the News that’s fit to Print". Apparently this act of piracy and cowardly behavior isn’t fit to print. I condemn the New York Times for failing to print this news that they are fully aware of.
A stunning FSB report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the largest theft in World history has been engineered by the Israel Security Agency (ISA) under the direction of current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Australian media oligarch Rupert Murdoch and the US investment bank giant Goldman Sachs that has stolen from American mutual and pension fund account holders over $18 Trillion through a device known as “the Doomsday box”. According to these reports, Israeli opposition leader, and former Mossad agent, Tzipi Livni has turned over to the Obama administration the “complete dossier” of the ISA’s crimes against the American government and people after having the leadership of Israel “stolen” from her by Netanyahu, who through the ISA’s use of intimidation and massive bribes forced upon the Israelis the most right-wing government they have ever known.
It is the Facebook for the fascist set, and the typical online profiles of its members reveal expected tastes. Favorite book: “Mein Kampf”. Favorite movie: the Nazi propaganda film “Triumph of the Will”. Interests: “white women”. Dislikes: “anyone who opposes the master race”. But there’s one other thing that dozens of members of, a white supremacist social networking website, have in common: They proudly identify themselves as active-duty members of the U.S. armed forces.
Paris - Thousands of books drenched in cooking oil – that is the latest exploit of the Zionist fanatics who regularly attack property and people in Paris and get away with it. In the early afternoon of Friday, July 3, five men, mostly masked, stormed into the “Resistances” bookstore located in a quiet residential neighborhood of the 17th arrondissement in northwest Paris. To the startled women working in the shop, as well as two customers, they announcing that they were from the Jewish Defense League and began ripping books off shelves and tables, dousing them heavily with cooking oil, and then smashing four computers before leaving rapidly in a waiting vehicle
This week marks the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency. It marks the start of a terrible period of economic and political decline in the United States. And it signals the last gasp of the American imperium. That’s over. It is not coming back. And what is to come will be very, very painful. Barack Obama, and the criminal class on Wall Street, aided by a corporate media that continues to peddle fatuous gossip and trash talk as news while we endure the greatest economic crisis in our history, may have fooled us, but the rest of the world knows we are bankrupt. And these nations are damned if they are going to continue to prop up an inflated dollar and sustain the massive federal budget deficits, swollen to over $2 trillion, which fund America’s imperial expansion in Eurasia and our system of casino capitalism. They have us by the throat. They are about to squeeze. There are meetings being held Monday and Tuesday in Yekaterinburg, Russia, (formerly Sverdlovsk) among Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and other top officials of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The United States, which asked to attend, was denied admittance. Watch what happens there carefully. The gathering is, in the words of economist Michael Hudson, “the most important meeting of the 21st century so far.”
In a move that didn’t receive much attention, the Senate on Wednesday passed by unanimous consent the Graham-Lieberman bill, which seeks to make it illegal to make public any images of US prisoner abuse and torture from the Bush era. Specifically, the bill bans the release of images “taken between September 11, 2001 and January 22, 2009 relating to the treatment of individuals engaged, captured, or detained after September 11, 2001, by the Armed Forces of the United States in operations outside of the United States.” The Obama White House supports this outrageous legislation whose sole purpose is to make it illegal to reveal the truth about US torture.
Surrounded by barbwire fencing, the anonymous yet massive building on West Military Drive near San Antonio’s Loop 410 freeway looms mysteriously with no identifying signs of any kind. Surveillance is tight, with security cameras surrounding the under-construction building. Readers are advised not to take any photos unless you care to be detained for at least a 45-minute interrogation by the National Security Agency, as this reporter was. There’s a strangely blurry line during such an interrogation. After viewing the five photos I’d taken of the NSA’s new Texas Cryptology Center, the NSA officer asked if I would delete them. When I asked if he was ordering me to do so, he said no; he was asking as a personal favor. I declined and was eventually released. America’s top spy agency has taken over the former Sony microchip plant and is transforming it into a new data-mining headquarters — oddly positioned directly across the street from a 24-hour Walmart — where billions of electronic communications will be sifted in the agency’s mission to identify terrorist threats.
Democrats are on the verge of a fundamental shift in the regional balance of political power. If that old adage still holds true, then the nation may soon see a gradual backpedaling from the criminal justice policies that have led to wholesale incarceration in recent decades. Now, as California's politicians contemplate emergency cuts to deal with a $24 billion hole in the state budget, old certainties are crumbling. The state with the toughest three-strikes law in the land and a prison population of more than 150,000 is facing the real possibility of having to release tens of thousands of inmates early in order to pare its $10 billion annual correctional budget. At the same time, an increasing number of the state's political figures are challenging the basic tenets of the "war on drugs," the culprit most responsible for the spike in prison populations over the past thirty years; they argue that the country's harsh drug policies are not financially viable and no longer command majority support among the voting public.
General Motors did not fall due to natural forces. Like the twin towers on 9-11, GM was taken down. Like 9-11, GM was sabotaged from the inside. The corporate raiders who took down GM are part of the same network of Jewish Zionists who brought down the World Trade Center. The bankruptcy of General Motors (GM) is very similar to the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Both catastrophic events are described in the controlled media as having occurred due to natural forces, while actually they are both the results of sabotage carried out by insiders. In both cases, the people who brought down the operation were Trojan Horses, people who had bought their way into positions of control in order to destroy them. The people behind the destruction of GM and the WTC are corporate raiders of the worst kind. General Motors did not simply collapse as a result of market forces; it was bankrupted by corporate raiders who had infiltrated the company and taken control of its finances. Likewise, the evidence indicates that the twin towers of the World Trade Center did not collapse due to the stresses associated with the plane crashes; they were prepared in advance to be demolished using extremely powerful explosives, including tons of nano-thermite, or super-thermite. This was facilitated by the people who had obtained control of the towers shortly before 9-11, namely Larry Silverstein and the former Israeli commando Frank Lowy.
It was kosher chaos. A riot erupted at a Brooklyn restaurant last week when Orthodox Jewish patrons discovered the "kosher" hot dogs on the menu were chicken franks that didn't answer to a higher authority. What ensued was as unholy as the hot dogs. The eatery's frightened manager was punched in the face and fended off the angry mob with an electric carving knife until cops finally broke up the frankfurter fracas. "They were yelling at the guy behind the counter," one witness told The Post. "They started spitting and throwing things at him. They were shaking the counter and trying to jump over to search the fridge." Members of Shomrim, the local volunteer crime patrol, was at the scene before police. "There were at least 100 people there. We sent everybody out to the street," a member said. The Torah tussle began when a longtime patron noticed the unusually plump wiener he bought Monday night at Cheskel's Shawarma King in Borough Park didn't fit into a challah roll as usual. Suspicious, he asked for proof of where the hot dogs were bought. The server brought him the package, which confirmed the Bar S brand jumbo chicken frank was not certified kosher. Earlier in the night, a non-Jewish restaurant employee was sent out to buy frankfurters from a nearby kosher market. Instead, the worker went to a Golden Apple Farm grocery across the street and loaded up on goy wieners that just didn't cut the mustard.
The biggest most traitorous rip off scam ever perpetrated against America and humanity was carried out by Federal Reserve banking henchmen Henry Paulson. Wake up lemming Americans, you are being robbed blind and your country is being purposely looted into destruction. Senator James Inhofe has revealed that Henry Paulson was behind the threats of martial law and a new great depression prior to the passage of the bailout bill, having made such warnings during a conference call on September 19th, around two weeks before the legislation was eventually approved by both the Senate and Congress. Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman gave a stunning speech on the House floor during which he decried the fact that, Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day, another couple of thousand the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no. A few days before, Rep. Michael Burgess also told the House, Mr. Speaker I understand we are under Martial Law as declared by the speaker last night, referring to a temporary suspension of the rules and procedures of Congress by its leaders so that a bill can be passed quickly. But the origin of the most dire warnings about physical martial law in America, to which Sherman was likely referring, has now been exposed.
Hydrogen is hitting hard times, and the Obama Administration has lost faith in fuel cells (if it ever had any). Energy Secretary Steven Chu has put the brakes on hydrogen research, cutting more than $100 million for it in the 2010 budget (leaving only $68 million specifically for fuel cells).This has big ramifications for carmakers with heavy investments in fuel cells, including General Motors, Honda, and Toyota. GM, in particular, has dug deep into the technology, fielding a fleet of more than 100 Chevrolet Equinox-based fuel-cell cars around the country and, at least until recently, talking about having production-feasible technology by 2010. The crisis at the company has quieted the talk. The Obama and Bush administrations destroyed GM to put a stop to their Hydrogen car program, which threatened the oil companies and the wars fought for oil, which benefit the Federal Reserve banks and the military industrial complex. GM was no longer a corporate team player. They wanted to bring freedom to all of humanity from the oil companies, dirty coal, and dangerous nuclear power. They wanted to end atmospheric pollution caused by the combustion engine, and restore our earth, ushering in a golden age of hope peace and prosperity for humanity. For this reason GM had to be eliminated.
Who are the leading experts on third world banana republics?Probably those at the International Monetary Fund with years of experience lending money to corrupt regimes after their excess became so out of hand that they needed emergency assistance. Today, two top IMF officials said that the U.S. has become a third world banana republic. First, Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the IMF, says recovery will fail unless we break the financial oligarchy that is blocking essential reform, and calls the U.S. a banana republic. In his essay "The Quiet Coup" (which includes sections like "Becoming a Banana Republic"), Johnson writes:
Several of the nation's leading human rights and civil liberties organizations sent a letter to President Obama today urging him to release photos depicting the abuse of detainees by U.S. personnel overseas. The letter, signed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and dozens of other groups, calls on the president to reconsider his decision to block the release of the photos. It states, "The hallmark of an open society is that we do not conceal information that reflects poorly on us – we expose it to the light of day, so that wrongdoers can be held accountable and future abuses prevented."
The health care industry has spent $134 million on lobbying this year to keep its profits high and public health in the shadows. In 2003, a young Illinois state senator named Barack Obama told a local AFL-CIO meeting, "I am a proponent of a single-payer universal health care program." Single payer. Universal. That's health coverage, like Medicare, but for everyone who wants it. Single payer eliminates insurance companies as pricey middlemen. The government pays care providers directly. It's a system that polls consistently have shown the American people favoring by as much as two-to-one. There was only one thing standing in the way, Obama said six years ago: "All of you know we might not get there immediately because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate and we have to take back the House."
British human rights campaigners Reprieve have urged the Spanish authorities to board and search US torture ship USS Bataan after it moored at the Palma de Mallorca holiday resort. USS Bataan is one of the US government's most infamous "floating prisons" and will remain at the island until Saturday. At least nine prisoners including John Walker Lindh, David Hicks and Ibn Al-Sheikh Al-Libi, who recently died in mysterious circumstances in Libyan custody, are confirmed to have been held aboard the USS Bataan. 15 ships have been used to hold prisoners beyond the rule of law since 2001. Prisoners are interrogated aboard the vessels and then rendered to other, often undisclosed, locations. "One of my fellow prisoners in Guantanamo was at sea on an American ship before coming to Guantanamo. He was in the cage next to me. He told me that there were about 50 other prisoners on the ship. "They were all closed off in the bottom of the ship. The prisoner commented to me that it was like something you see on TV. The people held on the ship were beaten even more severely than in Guantanamo."
The US dollar is not Russia’s basic reserve currency anymore. The euro-based share of reserve assets of Russia’s Central Bank increased to the level of 47.5 percent as of January 1, 2009 and exceeded the investments in dollar assets, which made up 41.5 percent, The Vedomosti newspaper wrote. The dollar has thus lost the status of the basic reserve currency for the Russian Central Bank, the annual report, which the bank provided to the State Duma, said. In accordance with the report, about 47.5 percent of the currency assets of the Russian Central Bank were based on the euro, whereas the dollar-based assets made up 41.5 percent as of the beginning of the current year. The situation was totally different at the beginning of the previous year: 47 percent of investments were made in US dollars, while the euro investments were evaluated at 42 percent.
Despite receiving the majority of middle class votes, George Bush was one of the worst presidents for the middle class. Bush promoted free trade deals that sent our jobs overseas, promoted amnesty for illegal immigrants, and greater guest worker programs while our borders remain unsecured. Bush continued to spend to the point of breaking Lyndon Johnson's record by increasing the size of government. He borrowed from nations that are not the friendliest such as China and Saudi Arabia contributing to the current financial crisis, while the federal reserve printed money out of thin air devaluing our currency. Bush passed massive tax cuts that favored the wealthy and did nothing to address the budget deficit.