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Bryan Casler is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran of both the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. He is the Northeast Regional Coordinator for the Iraq Veterans Against the War. Speaking at a “Winter Soldier” rally in Baltimore City, on Oct. 18, 2008, he said: We were trained, intensely, to “kill without thought”...and then to “think about it later.” The military’s objective is to make its soldiers “into a killing machine.” In basic training and in boot camp, they “broke people down. You weren’t a person anymore. You were a killing machine.” Mr. Casler added this may be why so many veterans are coming back home “so messed up.” His comments came during the Q&A period of the proceedings. To view the comments of all seven speakers at the event, please go to Google, at: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3474511407340891416 The prime sponsor for the rally was the Fort Meade Chapter of the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), see: http://ivaw.org/; supported by the “Military Families Speak Out,” go to: http://www.mfso.org; and “Veterans for Peace,” at