« Gazans Starving as President Bush Pardons Two Turkeys | 'End the Fed' Rally in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 22, 2008 - 30 Minutes » |
from: William Hughes
On Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008, an “End the Fed” rally was held in Washington, D.C., across the street from the Federal Reserve, at 20th St. and Constitution Ave. Kevin Zeese was one of the speakers at the event. He is an attorney and the Executive Director, and co-founder of the Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics, whose projects include the Prosperity Agenda, VotersforPeace, Climate Security and TrueVote. For background, please see: http://breakthebailout.com/ and http://freshaircleanpolitics.net/ Mr. Zeese is also a leader in the Break the Bailout Coalition. He said: “The Fed is not a government agency. It’s a disguise...The Fed is not of, by and for the people. It is of, by and for the banksters...End the Fed!”
“End the Fed” rallies were also being held in 39 other cities around the country. Adam Kokesh, a former U.S. Marine and Iraq War veteran, served as the Master of Ceremonies for the lively event. For background, and more details on the sponsoring group, speakers and its endorsing parties, please go to: http://endthefed.us/.