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from: William Hughes
On Monday, Oct. 5, 2009, a spirited antiwar rally was held in front of the White House. Sixty-one protesters were arrested in a nonviolent “Civil Resistance” action. Prior to the arrests, I talked with various pro-Peace activists who shared their views on the current situation with respect to the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; the torture issue; closing Gitmo and Bagram prisons; the administration of President Barack Obama; and related Peace and Justice Movement matters.
For an overview of the Nonviolent Resistance Movement, go to: “A Conversation with Phillip Berrigan” by Father John Dear, S.J. at: http://www.fatherjohndear.org/pdfs/berrigan.pdf and to this article on Mahatma Gandhi, at:
http://www.ccsf.edu/Resources/VOICE/instructorslessonplans/individualrights/gandhi/reading.pdf and to this piece on Martin Luther King, Jr., at: http://afroamhistory.about.com/od/martinlutherking/a/mlks_philosophy.htm and http://www.jonahhouse.org/ and
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l9PEDaSyqU