« VANUNU MORDECHAI ARREST,DEC' 28-2009. | Protest at Egyptian Embassy, in D.C., re: Gaza Freedom March » |
So yesterday in Tahrir Square in Cairo there was a massive demonstration as Gaza Freedom Marchers tried to March to Gaza from Cairo, more in a symbolic fashion than anything, to show that the March would still try and carry on as much as possible.
People were quickly corralled in though by the police and when people started to sit down as a response to the aggression people were kicked, shoved, and punched.
Gaza Freedom March Wrap Up
I'm sure its going to take me some time to process everything that has happened in Cairo with the Gaza Freedom March over the past week or so but here are some of my initial thoughts and feelings. Bear in mind, these are my own opinions and reflections and they surely are not the same as the 1300 other people who were in Cairo. So for what its worth - here it goes: http://keffiyehandonions.blogspot.com/2010/01/gaza-freedom-march-wrap-up.html