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Link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908//vp/37266469#37266469
This Rand Paul does not represent the American people, he represents a fascist movement more right wing, more pro war, more pro corporate, and pro police state than the Neocons who left America a hollowed out shell of a country.
For any democracy, fascism is a form of corporate cancer for which, the cure must be radical and immediate or that country will quickly fall. We have but to look at Germany a democracy, which fell to fascism under Adolph Hitler. These tea party people don't give a damn about the environment or freedom except when it comes to corporate freedom. And when they say they want to turn the clock back to a time of earlier American values, they mean the time of the Robber barons when 98% of Americans lived in poverty without public education, Social Security, or a minimum wage and there were no laws to protect people in the work place. America was a Hell, it only became better because we as a people made it better.
The 'tea party' isn’t about making America better for the people. If you didn't like the Bush regime cutting social programs established to help the people, well get ready for that and much more under the tea party. Try the total privatization, elimination, of Social Security wherein it is handed over to the very banks who are presently looting our country into collapse. What, you don't like the endless wars and torture? Well, get ready for brutal heavy handed all out fascist high profit privatized war against the world. Don’t like the price of food and gasoline? Those things are provided by corporations which are very important to the tea party, therefore they must make a good profit. The cost of necessities will double and double again under the pro corporate teas.
Yes I’m afraid it's out of the frying pan and into the fire for the poor American people unless they wake up to what fascism is: the melding of state and corporate power over the people. Pro corporate nationalism, anti environmentalism, and anti civil rights, are values that are absolutely wrong for the people and the planet. Part 1 RACHEL MADDOW V RAND PAUL - (This Is Awesome!) PART 1 | Rand Paul's Crazy BP Oil Spill Comments